• 前,海洋状况十分糟糕,令人担忧,斯莱特想付诸行动来改变现状。

    The present situation of the oceans is bad and worrying and Slat wanted to do something to change it.


  • 全球天气形势、海洋状况海洋渔业有着重大影响

    It has a significant influence on global weather, ocean conditions and Marine fisheries.


  • 工作刚刚起步,才刚刚剥开可能揭开海洋状况很重要外衣

    My work is just beginning to peel away the outer layer of what might be important to the state of our oceans.


  • 航路设计图给出主要港口之间航线航程以及一年中每个预计气象海洋状况

    The charts include routes and distance between major ports with expected meteorological and oceanographic conditions for each month of the year.


  • 关于世界海洋状况新的报告警告称海洋生命可能正在人类历史上前所未有的速度灭绝

    A new report on the state of the world's oceans warns Marine life is likely to go extinct at a rate unprecedented in human history.


  • 浮标所携带传感器可以测量35种以上的参数风力化学成分(对于预测报告天气非常重要)、海洋状况水质

    The buoys carry sensor arrays that measure over 35 different parameters, from wind to water chemistry, that are vital for reporting and predicting weather, sea conditions, and water quality.


  • 相比南边搜索区域搜索区域的天气比较宜人海洋状况更好,同时也更多不相关碎片需要搜索人员进行调查

    The new zone has more hospitable weather and ocean conditions than the one to the south, but also a lot more unrelated debris for searchers to investigate.


  • 因此因特网种“网络网络”一样,GEONET Cast也力图成为一种涵盖农业林业空气质量水质、海洋状况信息的“系统的系统”。

    So, just as the Internet is a "network of networks", GEONETCast aims to be a "system of systems" that includes data on agriculture, forestry, air and water quality, and ocean conditions.


  • 过研究海洋,可以了解很多我们所生活的地表的状况

    By studying the oceans, a great deal can be learned about the surface we live on.


  • 到塑料是如何伤害野生动物和污染海洋的让我们感到十分难过,我们想改变这种状况

    It made us very sad to see how plastic harms wildlife and pollutes the ocean, and we want to change this.


  • 许多专家欣然承认北极一个非常复杂系统冰雪状况由冰、气流空气温度海洋温度所决定的。

    Many readily acknowledge that the Arctic is an extraordinarily complicated system in which ice conditions are determined by winds, currents and both air and sea temperature.


  • 他们到,既然秘鲁北部海水状况如此接近加拉帕戈斯群岛,那将会有更多的海狮以及其他海洋生物开始迁徙

    Now that the conditions of the sea around northern Peru are so similar to the Galapagos, they say, even more fur seals and other new Marine species could start arriving.


  • 沉积物岩心主要记录沉淀海底沉积物,又一层,记录它们沉淀海洋系统状况

    Sediment cores are essentially a record of sediments that settled at the sea floor, layer by layer, and they record the conditions of the ocean system during the time they settled.


  • 科学家们希望得到地球表面含量数据这些数据了解碳分布状况更好认识海洋森林吸收二氧碳的能力。

    Scientists had hoped the new data, covering the planet, would help them improve climate models and better understand the "carbon sinks" like oceans and forests that absorb much of the gas.


  • 所有模型预测出海洋变暖如果这些模型与云层大气循环之间没有正确联系的话,那无法反映云层的实时状况

    All models predict a warming ocean, but if they don't have the correct relationship between clouds and atmospheric circulation, they won't produce a realistic cloud response.


  • 作为地球负责任管理者我们应当进一步大气层海洋状况做出更深入研究但是仅仅停留于研究不够的。

    To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must press forward on deeper atmospheric and oceanic research. But research alone is inadequate.


  • 个发表气候志》(TheJournalof Climate),根据一种不同海洋气候模型预测风向规律变化如何影响过去未来海平面上升状况

    The other, in press at The Journal of Climate, used a different ocean and climate model to look at how changing wind patterns have influenced past and future sea-level rise.


  • 首次接触海洋划艇,她认为唤起人们关注世界上仍有11亿无法获得安全饮用水状况的完美方式

    When she learned about ocean rowing, she thought it would be the perfect way to raise awareness about the 1.1 billion people who lack access to safe drinking water.


  • Lingenfelser上周五将它放归海洋时,它的状况不错兽医它进行过抽血测试

    Lingenfelser said that Castaway appeared to be in good condition Friday, but that veterinarians had drawn blood for testing.


  • 同时气候学家不祥地预言状况还会陆续美国国家海洋大气管理局预计2010年的秋天有史以来最热的。

    Meanwhile, climate scientists ominously predicted more to come: The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration projected this fall that 2010 could be the hottest on record.


  • TC4工程研究出关于的各种资料这种云层大气上层通过受热量驱使对流暴风雨变化过程中形成的,而暴风雨也是与热带海洋上空的状况密切相关。

    The TC4 project will generate new data on the icy cirrus clouds that are formed in the upper atmosphere by heat-driven, or convective, storm systems that coalesce over warm waters in the tropics.


  • 这些研究可以了解盐场水体盐度变化后海洋生长演替状况有助于盐场海水养殖。

    When the water salinity changes, the growth and succession of Marine micro algae would be known from those studies, and those results would help to make success of aquaculture.


  • 维生素丰富海洋植物精华帮助改善皮肤状况

    Vitamin enriched and with Marine plant extracts to help improve the condition of the skin.


  • 试验结果表明,热带海洋状况影响亚洲季风环流降水一个重要因素

    The result shows that the thermal condition of the tropical seas is an important factor in affecting the variability of the Asian monsoon circulation and precipitation.


  • 首次对中国海洋药用生物濒危珍稀物种及其资源状况进行了调查评价

    The states of endangered and rare species of marine medicinal organisms in China were investigated and evaluated for the first time by field survey and data analysis together with literature data.


  • 这些重要物理过程决定了中国海海洋环境状况,关系着东中国海能量物质运。

    These processes control the distributions of oceanography factors and the transports of mass and energy in the East China Sea (ECS).


  • 、黄、东海海面热量平衡状况对该海域海洋水文中国气候有着重要影响

    There are very important effects of the heat balance at the Bohai, Huanghai and Dong-hai sea surface on the ocean hydrology and the climate of China.


  • 目的了解海洋石油企业离退休人员健康状况影响因素

    Objective To investigate the health condition and its influencing factors among the retired workers of offshore oil enterprise.


  • 目的了解海洋石油企业离退休人员健康状况影响因素

    Objective To investigate the health condition and its influencing factors among the retired workers of offshore oil enterprise.


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