• 印度环境部门下令拆除孟买中部奢华地区公寓因为建筑违反了海岸保护

    India's environment ministry has ordered the demolition of an apartment building in an exclusive part of central Mumbai because it violates coastal protection laws.


  • 项目一旦成功远在俄国荷兰英国海岸保护专家们也会跟进,赞巴蒂女士表示

    The success of the scheme is being keenly followed by coastal-defense experts as far afield as Russia, the Netherlands, and Britain, Ms. Zambardi says.


  • 飓风卡特里娜已经我们展示出,我们对提供海岸保护健康性自然海岸生态系统依赖程度有多高

    Hurricane Katrina showed us how much we depend on healthy natural coastal ecosystems for shoreline protection.


  • 海洋状态实时信息海浪波方向周期对于海岸保护、离岸海上活动,象钻井平台船只具有重要的意义。

    Real time informations of Marine conditions, such as wave height, direction and period to beach protection and the actions on the sea, drilling platform or ship, are very important.


  • 现行自然保育政策透过地作郊野公园特别地区海岸公园及海岸保护区等,为具有保育价值陆地海洋地区提供保护

    Under the existing nature conservation policy, we protect terrestrial and Marine areas of conservation value through designating them as country parks, special areas, Marine parks or Marine reserve.


  • 不会改善澳大利亚海岸海洋保护

    It will not improve the marine reserves along Australia's coast.


  • 珊瑚保护面积99万平方公里海岸向外延伸达1100公里。

    The Coral Sea reserve would cover almost 990,000 square kilometres and stretch as far as 1,100 kilometres from the coast.


  • 年1月,海洋保护协会(MCS)——一个致力于保护英国海洋和海岸的组织——请求当地学生提出建议。

    In January this year, the Marine Conservation Society (MCS)—a group of people who work to protect the UK's seas and coast—asked local schoolchildren to come up with suggestions.


  • 公司设想着为海军海岸警卫队渔业保护配备此系统

    The company envisions outfitting naval, coast guard and fishery protection vessels with the system.


  • 阿桑女士周前健康方面的原因前往阳光海岸,她认为朱利安出于保护家人的考虑刻意与他们保持距离。

    Ms Assange, who moved to the Sunshine Coast five weeks ago for health reasons, said Julian was distancing himself from the family for their own safety.


  • 沿着海岸线有很多高大的棕榈树人工海岛海底的海沙填成,并有防波堤保护

    Gigantic palm trees also sprouted along the coast-artificial islands made from sea-floor sand protected by rock breakwaters.


  • 海胆长长的可以活动棘突可以保护他们夏威夷海岸捕食者捕食。

    A sea urchin's long, moveable spines protect it from predators in the waters off Hawaii.


  • 这个男的过了保护栏杆,距离海岸边缘英尺追求这种最终叫醒他的方式并且庆幸能够生存下来因为片区域已经吞没了

    The man had climbed over protective bars several feet further back from the edge in his pursuit of the ultimate wake-up call and was fortunate to survive as the area was engulfed by water.


  • 保护海湾靠近海岸线小岛不受石油侵害。

    ThreatenedAn oil boom guards a small island in the Gulf near the coastline.


  • 同时美国陆军工程师们没有拿出增高堤坝海岸线的合理方案,计划曾被国会称为第五类”的保护措施

    The Corps of Engineers, meanwhile, has failed to produce plans for higher levees and coastal restoration that would provide so-calledCategory 5protection, as Congress has demanded.


  • 大堡礁世界保护遗产,澳大利亚东部海岸绵延超过了13.3万平方英里,太空看到

    The World Heritage-protected Great Barrier Reef sprawls for more than 133, 000 sq miles off Australia's east coast and can be seen from space.


  • 澳大利亚黄金海岸11月20日举行2005年全球青少年夜间冲浪比赛中,主办方首次在比赛海域内铺设了防护网保护参赛者免遭鲨鱼的袭击。

    Organizers of an Australian night surfing competition used an electronic shield for the first time to protect surfers from sharks, which might otherwise have thought competitors were an easy meal.


  • 某种程度上,由于那次地震,日本北部海岸可能全世界抵御海啸保护地区

    In part because of that event, Japan's northern coastline is perhaps the best protected area in the world against tsunamis.


  • 因为漏油井距离海岸线40英里并且气候相对温和所以有时间检验消散浮油技术的效果做好保护海岸的准备。

    Since the well is 40 miles offshore and the weather has been relatively clement, there has been time to test dispersal techniques and prepare coastal defences.


  • 科学家们似乎唯恐人们认为适用于虚拟世界,因此他们在2008年甚至制定一项计划,打算利用这种技术保护海岸线免受潮汐冲击。

    And lest you think that cloaking applies only to the intangible world, 2008 even brought a plan for using cloaking techniques to protect shorelines from giant incoming waves.


  • 世界自然基金会保护司司长吉利·埃林污染水域进行考察后如果漏油接近海岸引起全球性危害

    WWF director of conservation Dr Gilly Llewellyn, who conducted a three day expedition through the polluted waters, said if the spill were closer to shore there would be global outrage.


  • 美国官员正紧锣密鼓地布置计划保护海岸线野生动物,打算开阔水域漏油进行有计划的点燃处理。

    US officials are also planning a controlled burn of oil in open water in an effort to protect shoreline and wildlife.


  • 顺着日本海岸线,到处可见海啸警告标志高耸海堤标记明显的逃生路线为人们巨大到临时提供一定保护

    And all along the Japanese coast, tsunami warning signs, towering seawalls and well-marked escape routes offer some protection from walls of water.


  • 澳大利亚宣布计划建立世界最大海洋生物保护保护东北部海岸珊瑚巨大区域以及二战期间海战遗址。

    Australia has announced plans for the world's biggest Marine park, intended to protect vast areas of the Coral Sea off the North-East coast and the site of naval battles during the second world war.


  • 加拿大广播公司报道,位于加拿大西海岸的“冲浪之”托菲诺,为了保护独特的慢节奏氛围年以来从未开设快餐连锁专卖店。

    Tofino, a West Coast surf town in Canada, has been banning fast-food franchises and retail chains for years in order to preserve its uniquely laid-back character, CBC News reported.


  • 珊瑚礁鱼类赖以维生栖息地,它可以暴风雨侵袭时保护海岸线地区支撑着当地蓬勃发展的浮水肺潜水产业继续运转。

    Coral reefs provide vital habitats for fish, help protect shoreline areas during storms, and support a thriving snorkeling and scuba diving industry.


  • 珊瑚礁鱼类赖以维生栖息地,它可以暴风雨侵袭时保护海岸线地区支撑着当地蓬勃发展的浮水肺潜水产业继续运转。

    Coral reefs provide vital habitats for fish, help protect shoreline areas during storms, and support a thriving snorkeling and scuba diving industry.


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