• 录像浅显易懂的语言解释了税法运作方式

    The video explains in simple terms how the new tax works.


  • 帮助浅显易懂英语说明法律术语吗?

    Can you help me translate this legal jargon into plain English?


  • 两个人都他们对于普通读者浅显易懂文学书籍

    Both say they want to write literary books that are accessible to a general audience.


  • 用户更青睐浅显易懂文本清晰图片

    Web users prefer simple text and clear photos.


  • 浅显易懂道理完全归纳法适用…

    Easy to understand The reason is the "Complete Induction, " only


  • 比赛期间,喜欢一些浅显易懂的读物。

    During tournaments, I like to read something that is easy and quick.


  • 空闲时间也针对大众写些浅显易懂科学论文,她还说自己下一步目标是研究洗发水

    In her spare time she writes accessible scientific studies for the general public and said her next work will focus on shampoo.


  • 侵入那些知道重要的东西把它们摸透,然后浅显易懂方式呈献给每一个人

    I want to hack into these things I know are important and lay the code out for everyone to see.


  • 俄语初学者希望有人能提供一些浅显易懂俄语学习资料,有mp 3文件视频文件更好

    I'm a beginner in Russian, so I need some easy materials for learning. Mp3 documents or videos better. Thank you!


  • 一个非常浅显易懂的说明但是可以监视入站以及出站流量根据实时数据动态做出路由决策

    This is an overly simplistic description, but it monitors incoming as well as outgoing traffic and makes routing decisions dynamically based on real-time data.


  • 商标专利发明(设计)指南》一书浅显易懂语言写作,以使不同年龄读者从中获益。

    The Inventor's Guide to Trademarks and Patents is written in easy-to-understand language and allows for readers of all ages to be able to learn from the information provided.


  • 此外,还有名称浅显易懂分量抽取函数只要一个操作日期时间时期数据中抽取一个字段

    Also, a set of component extraction functions allows one operation, with a readable name, to get one field out of a date, time, or duration. For example, compare.


  • 葡萄酒知识包含很多看似艰涩难懂专业术语本文浅显易懂的话语为你介绍二氧化碳、酒泥单宁

    There are a lot of terms and concepts in the wine industry that inspire confusion. This article uses simple words to introducce the sulfite, lees and tannin.


  • 由于本书相当需求量来自外行人,对不熟悉眼科学的,本书努力采用使其感到浅显易懂方式介绍话题

    As there has been a considerable demand for the book from the laity, an effort has been made to present the subject in such a way as to be intelligible to persons unfamiliar with phthalmology.


  • 世界各国孩子们每晚上床睡觉都会听听童话故事。这些故事通常很简单,以浅显易懂的语言来讲述。

    Every night, in countries all around the world, children listen to fairy tales before they go to bed.


  • 人们一般都这么,如果是沙滩上,那么就读一些浅显易懂的书籍,如果是在火车上,就读一些不一样书。

    People often think that, you know, traditionally you take a light easy read for the beachand on the train, um, you maybe read something very different.


  • 这个政策一种浅显易懂的解决方案这种方法也多年以来受到经济学家们许多纸上谈兵的学者们的拥护

    This is a pretty straightforward policy solution, and it's one that's been embraced by economists and various other wonks for years.


  • 摘要葡萄酒知识包含很多看似艰涩难懂专业术语本文浅显易懂的话语为你介绍二氧化碳、酒泥单宁

    ABSTRACT: There are a lot of terms and concepts in the wine industry that inspire confusion. This article uses simple words to introducce the sulfite, lees and tannin.


  • 提到儿童文学翻译,一般情况下,人们轻易地认为译者浅显易懂词语、短句将原文意思表达出来就可以了。

    And when the translation of children's literature is mentioned, it is believed easy enough for the translators to translate the meaning of the original work in simple words.


  • 佩服和喜欢的易炎老师,这位漂亮恬静、温文尔雅的年轻女老师把《语言应用语言学》门我们都惧怕课程讲得深入浅出,浅显易懂

    The teacher I love best is Ms. Yi Yan. This beautiful, elegant and young teacher explains the profound course oflanguage and linguistics” in a simple way.


  • 希望这个虚拟化系列的开篇写的浅显易懂并且读者们有所帮助。

    I hope that this opening to my Virtualization series was understandable, and that some of you will find it useful.


  • 显然挑战来自病人最佳医疗手段仍明确的状况,不是治疗方案浅显易懂

    The challenges appear to arise not when the medical choices are obvious, but when the best option for a patient is uncertain.


  • 这个道理浅显易懂不过确实最低价格买到顶货品最大秘密城里地方东西打折卖。

    This may seem obvious, but it's the biggest secret to getting top-notch goods at bargain-basement prices: the more expensive parts of town will have better items for sale.


  • 可以存储任何有用的东西,但是应该尽量使富有意义浅显易懂

    You can store anything here that seems useful, although you should endeavor to make it meaningful and obvious to humans.


  • 创设问题情境使课堂生动活泼知识浅显易懂强烈的实践指向性极其明显的。【关键词】问题情境;创设;

    The establishment question situation, can spiritedly cause the classroom, the knowledge simple to be easy to understand, its intense practice directivity is extremely obvious.


  • 教材讲解做到浅显易懂,以实例演示为主并且预留大量练习一对一指导时间以便因材施教

    Prepare a textbook and use teaching methods that are easy to understand, consist mostly of real case demos, with abundant time reserved for exercises and one-on-one tutoring.


  • 下面一个简短不可或缺的清单,清单中的各项浅显易懂可以帮助下一次现场指导做好准备,以使顾问能够立即投入工作

    Here's a small but essential checklist of deceptively obvious items to help you prepare for your next site visit so the consultants can hit the ground running.


  • 下面一个简短不可或缺的清单,清单中的各项浅显易懂可以帮助下一次现场指导做好准备,以使顾问能够立即投入工作

    Here's a small but essential checklist of deceptively obvious items to help you prepare for your next site visit so the consultants can hit the ground running.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定