• 动物是否活跃取决于太阳月亮方位

    Animals tend to be active or inactive depending on the position of the sun or moon.


  • 脑中想象的正是活跃太阳数千新生针状体之一。

    You are envisioning just one of thousands of young spicules on the active Sun.


  • 承认现在主题的研究很活跃但是他说寻找太阳兄弟姐妹这一工作没有把握。

    Although he acknowledges the lively interest in the topic, he says the whole search for solar siblings is dubious.


  • 太阳活跃程度按照一个11年代周期涨落

    Solar activity rises and falls on a regular cycle of about 11 years.


  • 好像城市下午烈阳晒筋疲力尽了只有太阳落山时候,才活跃起来。

    It was as if the city, in the heat of the afternoon, had exhausted itself, only to lighten with the setting sun.


  • 而且如果人们将中世纪化归结于一些外在因素比如一个活动稍微活跃太阳表示气候的确十分敏感的。

    And if the medieval warmth were due to some external factor, such as a slightly brighter sun, that would suggest that the climate was indeed quite sensitive.


  • 我们恒星走完最近一次太阳黑子活跃周期后,将有可能进入冬眠,科学家今天宣布。

    When our star drops out of its latest sunspotactivity cycle, the sun is most likely going into hibernation, scientistsannounced today.


  • 指出,那次冰冻时期太阳活动活跃起来了冰山依然欧洲保留。

    He points out that the ice remained in Europe long after solar activity picked up from the Maunder minimum.


  • 因为目前太阳正逐渐接近活动峰年”,也就是周期为11年地磁活跃高峰期

    The sun is currently approaching what's known as solar maximum, the peak of our star's roughly 11-year cycle of magnetic activity.


  • 太阳特别活跃区域两个标出

    Two particularly active areas of the Sun are marked by dark plages.


  • 随着2012年的迫近,维奇实际上担心2013年,预计那年的太阳活动异常活跃

    Now, as 2012 approaches, Vicino says he is actually more worried about 2013, when solar activity is expected to increase significantly.


  • 比较目前平静时期太阳走向峰年几年看上去特别活跃

    In contrast to recent quiet times, our Sun is moving toward Solar Maximum, and for years will likely appear much more active.


  • 由于太阳逐渐进入活跃时期太阳黑子的活动周期1112年。

    The chances of a disruption from space are getting stronger because the sun is entering the most active period of its 11 to 12-year natural cycle.


  • 这个黑子磁场活动首先卫星发现,编号活跃1339 (AR 1339)。当时刚开始沿太阳西北边缘移动。

    Dubbed Active Region 1339, the cluster of magnetic activity was first spotted by satellites as it started making its way around the sun's northwestern edge.


  • 9月8正当太阳黑子开始远离地球的时候,活跃区域又发生爆发,同时出现一个明显的突起。

    Just as a sunspot was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8, the active region erupted, producing a solar flare and a fantastic prominence.


  • 普罗金已故导师雅各布·伊沙(Jacob Ishay)经过观察发现太阳强烈这种昆虫活跃——黄蜂来说比较罕见的现象。

    Plotkin's late mentor Jacob Ishay made the discovery after observing that the insect is active when the sun is most intenseunusual for hornets.


  • 地球上,曾2005年观测到太阳最大活跃,现已旋转到了其表面中心位置。这意味着所引起的任何喷发直接指向地球。

    The largest active region seen on the sun since 2005 has rotated to the center of the sun's face, as seen from earth-which means any eruptions it produces will be aimed right at us.


  • 哈雷2彗星最近接近太阳因阳光照射而变暖,从而变得非常活跃

    Comet Hartley 2 became active recently as it neared the sun and sunlight warmed the comet.


  • 这些针状上个月穿过太阳太阳活跃区域11092号中形成一条条线不过聚集在左下角太阳黑子的针状体特别明显

    Spicules line the above frame of solar active region 11092 that crossed the sun last month, but are particularly evident converging on the sunspot on the lower left.


  • 如果太阳活跃变得异常直接影响全球气候

    If the sun's activity were to change remarkably, it would have an influence on global climate.


  • 除非太阳表现特别异常,否则,接下来12个月,它活跃起来

    Unless it is behaving particularly strangely, it should, over the next 12 months, begin to brighten.


  • 美国科学家日前表示,新的电脑模型显示太阳活动周期先前一个太阳活动周期更加活跃,它所引发的磁暴对地球通讯系统的破坏也将大。

    A new computer model suggests the next solar cycle will be more active than the previous one, potentially spawning magnetic storms that will be more disruptive to communication systems on Earth.


  • 此次耀斑是从太阳南半球活跃1158区延伸开来,此前太阳南半球的耀斑活跃落后北半球,此后几天又发生了小规模的耀斑活动

    The flare spread from Active Region 1158 in the sun's southern hemisphere, which had so far lagged behind the northern hemisphere in flash activity. It followed several smaller flares in recent days.


  • 天气凉爽清晨太阳傍晚鸟的有效时间因为大部分鸟儿此时活跃和喂食,这样就容易观察它们了。

    Early mornings when the air is still cool and late evenings as the sun is setting are the most effective times to go birding because more birds will be active and feeding, making them easier to see.


  • 地下气象的马斯被在太阳活动如此活跃的年份竟然出现如此极端天气的状况惊呆了。

    For instance, Weather Underground's Masters was struck by how such extreme temperatures persisted despite weak solar activity.


  • 根据本·特奥里斯的说法,“这一新的研究结果表明有关的活跃复杂化学反应过程可能整个太阳乃至整个宇宙非常普遍。”

    According to Teolis, "the new results suggest that active, complex chemistry involving oxygen may be quite common throughout the solar system and even our universe".


  • 恐龙并不是一种身体笨重、行动迟缓、太阳增加身体活力动物,相反,恐龙可能非常敏捷活跃

    Far from being lumbering slow beasts that boosted their energy levels by basking in the sun, they were likely to have been agile and active.


  • 以前,1718世纪太阳活动持续活跃时期所早期模型也体现了类似模式。但如今的气候模型却体现出来。

    Earlier modelling of a period of prolonged low solar activity in the 17th and 18th centuries showed similar patterns.


  • 欧罗巴(Europa),恩西拉达斯(Enceladus,土卫二)特里同(Triton,海卫一)表面看起来都凄凉冰冷,但实际上它们太阳活跃的地点。

    The seemingly bleak icy surfaces of Europa, Enceladus and Triton are in fact among the most active landscapes in the solar system.


  • 欧罗巴(Europa),恩西拉达斯(Enceladus,土卫二)特里同(Triton,海卫一)表面看起来都凄凉冰冷,但实际上它们太阳活跃的地点。

    The seemingly bleak icy surfaces of Europa, Enceladus and Triton are in fact among the most active landscapes in the solar system.


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