• 直到活动终止后(即执照退回吊销),球员经纪人才可以取消职业责任险

    The players’ agent may not cancel hisprofessional liability insurance policy until he has terminated his activities(the licence has either been returned or withdrawn).


  • 意外的紧急事项可以瞬间让所有商业活动终止甚至更为糟糕是,停业好几个星期,迫使客户另投别处不复返

    Unexpected emergencies can momentarily shut down operations, or even worse, put you out of business for weeks and force your customers to go elsewhere — and stay there.


  • 它们涉及如何建立数据流模型如何表示事件触发器如何正确终止流程以及如何分层流程模型重用活动

    They address modeling of data flow, representation of events and triggers, correct termination of a process, and reuse of activities in hierarchical process models.


  • 状态可能活动已经失败开始停止或是终止已过渡其他活动

    This status might be that the activity has failed, started, stopped or ended and transitioned to another activity.


  • 往常一样,他们观点还是终止商业活动,但现在看来观点像要终结我们所熟知金融世界

    Their idea of ending business as usual was starting to look like ending the financial world as we know it.


  • 摩根没有意识到,英国西班牙之间签订和平条约实际上终止来自这两个国家海盗活动

    Morgan was unaware that England and Spain signed a peace treaty which ended the privateering of the ships from both countries.


  • 尼日利亚部分地区,2003年期间在终止脊髓灰质炎免疫活动之后病例开始增加

    Cases began to rise during 2003 following a suspension of polio immunization activities in parts of Nigeria.


  • 然而,最基本要求仍然是伊朗必须真正终止浓缩铀活动浓缩铀可用发电可用来制造核武器

    The bottom line demand remains, however that Iran must actually suspend the enrichment of uranium, the nuclear fuel source that can be used for generating energy, but also for making nuclear weapons.


  • 流程边界发生错误时,流程状态就会变为失败(failing)(“流程失败”事件,42010),一直保持到全部有效长期运行活动有效范围终止

    When a fault reaches the process boundary the process state changes to failing (" process failing "event, 42010) until all of the active and long-running activities and active scopes are terminated.


  • 承兑人或者付款人依法宣告破产或者违法被责令终止业务活动的。

    The acceptor or the drawee is declared bankrupt according to law or is ordered to stop business activities for violation of law.


  • 中断允许一个取消活动清理正在进行工作恢复不变量通知其他活动它要被取消然后终止

    Interruption allows a cancelable activity to clean up any work in progress, restore invariants, notify other activities of the cancellation, and then terminate.


  • 如果错误通过多级错误处理程序传播导致终止所有其他活动终止流程实例本身无法修复

    If the fault is propagated through several levels of fault handlers, causing the termination of all other activities, and finally the process instance itself, there is no way to repair it.


  • 如果迁移”迁移(迁移过程中服务终止活动下线),可以使用OCCI的终止重启虚拟网络资源特性

    If the migration is a ‘cold’ migration (service is passivised and offline during migration), OCCI’s features to stop and restart the virtual machines, network resources, etc. can be used.


  • 本周继续开展旨在终止不安全注射的大型公众信息宣传活动

    Massive public information campaigns aimed at ending unsafe injections have continued this week.


  • 所以这项计划也许可以减缓活动稳步增长的态势,但是不能终止甚至不能减少目前捕杀量。

    So the plan might slow the steady creep up in whaling. But it wouldn't halt, or even curtail, the current hunt.


  • 夜幕降临时,我们可以看到山顶亮光,肯定是火山内部活动没有终止

    As darkness fell, we could see that the summit was glowing, a sure sign of the unfinished business within.


  • 健康倡议活动(WHI)一终止接受HRT妇女数量便陡然下降

    After the WHI was initially halted, the number of women taking HRT dropped precipitously.


  • 5日前纽约州州长戴维·彼得森在针对滥用职权的指控要求辞职的巨大压力终止了其竞选活动

    Five days earlier David Paterson, New York's governor, ended his election campaign amid allegations that he had abused his position, and intense pressure for his resignation.


  • 一天前,国际原子能机构报告说,伊朗没有遵照安理会要求终止浓缩铀活动

    N. nuclear agency reported that Iran has failed to stop enriching uranium as demanded by the Security Council.


  • 算法针对活动恢复策略进行层次式向上规约处理动态确定补偿终止,可有效减小补偿

    The algorithm determines the end compensation point dynamically in a hierarchical bottom up manner, so the compensation sphere is confined and compensation costs are reduced.


  • 智力能够看到自己活动这些活动导致退化,但是完全没有能力终止自身衰退因为本质上只是一个局部

    The intellect can perceive its own activities which bring about degeneration but it is utterly incapable of putting an end to its own decline because essentially it is only a part.


  • 终止运转行为活动关掉

    To stop the operation, activity, or flow of; shut off.


  • 此外,还可以隐藏活动窗口当然终止程序运行这样可以使一个整洁任务栏

    In addition, non-active window can be hidden, of course, do not stop the program running, this could make you have a clean tray.


  • 报名单位不足五家报名单位条件不符要求终止本次竞赛活动

    If the number of registration groups less than five or the condition of registration groups can not satisfy the requirements, this design competition will be terminated.


  • 法人终止,应当依法进行清算,停止清算外的活动

    In accordance with the law and discontInue all other activities.


  • 在对算法的活动分析中得出的结论:允许故障的条件下出现接收进程终止状态s0的情况。

    For liveness analysis, it is found that some receiver process may stay at initial state s' 0 forever, that is, system may has deadlock, if process fault occurs arbitrarily.


  • 在对算法的活动分析中得出的结论:允许故障的条件下出现接收进程终止状态s0的情况。

    For liveness analysis, it is found that some receiver process may stay at initial state s' 0 forever, that is, system may has deadlock, if process fault occurs arbitrarily.


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