• 攻击活动包括列出每个应用程序中的模块

    The attack activity can include listing of modules within each application.


  • 如果企业知道他们自己安全漏洞安全社区交流,那么它们抵挡住apt攻击,并最终击败黑客的网络犯罪活动

    If companies are on top of knowing their security weaknesses and communicate with the security community, APT attacks can be withstood and ultimately turned against the criminals perpetrating them.


  • 攻击成为了帕卡尔及其后来国王从事营造活动开端抑或催化剂,”卡拉斯可说道

    "This attack was the beginning of or perhaps catalyst for the building campaigns of Pakal and later Kings," says Carrasco.


  • CCS监测网络活动支持针对网络攻击事件防卫行动

    CCS will monitor network activity and support defense operations in the event of an attack on Air Force networks.


  • 因此攻击活动源于美国重要原因许多美国电脑感染恶意病毒,并因此成为了僵尸网络一部分

    The important thing about the attacks coming from the U.S. is that a lot of American's computers are infected with malware, thus part of some botnet.


  • 另一个研究揭示了当游戏者第一人称射击游戏大脑活动模式攻击行为发生时是一致的。

    Another study revealed that gamers had patterns of brain activity consistent with aggression while playing first — person shooter games.


  • 进行攻击时,设备蓝牙功能必须处于被激活状态的,而基于蓝牙服务文件共享也必须是活动的。

    Devices must have Bluetooth enabled and File Sharing over Bluetooth service active when the attack is performed.


  • IaaS提供商可能允许基于网络漏洞扫描因为他们无法区分善意网络扫描攻击活动

    IaaS providers may not allow network-based vulnerability scanning because they have no way of distinguishing friendly network scans from attack activity.


  • 此外标准的技术,基于网络漏洞扫描通常IaaS提供商禁止原因之一是无法友好的扫描攻击者的活动区别开来。

    Also, standard tech-niques such as network-based vulnerability scanning are usually forbidden by IaaS providers because, for example, friendly scans can't be distinguished from at-tacker activity.


  • 由于食盐因为全国人民健康不良影响受到攻击食品业巨头嘉吉公司(Cargill)去年11月开始了一项营销活动传播自己的广告词

    With salt under attack for its ill effects on the nation's health, the food giant Cargill kicked off a campaign last November to spread its own message.


  • 黑客进入虚拟之后,可以使用黑客工具启动恶意网络扫描攻击活动,并把这些活动伪装善意的网络扫描

    Once he is inside a virtual machine, he can use a hacker's tool to launch malicious network scanning attack activity in the guise of friendly network scans.


  • 攻击可以安装一个特洛伊木马程序不请自来的电子邮件发送软件目的是金融活动造成损害品牌名称修改公司资源

    Or an attacker might be able to install a Trojan horse program or unsolicited E-mail sending software, aim at financial enrichment or cause brand name damage by modifying company resources.


  • 竞选活动许多电视广播广告攻击奥巴马艾尔斯的协作关系。

    His campaign is running a number of TV and radio ads attacking Obama for working on foundations with Ayers.


  • 只有通过研究得出高楼大厦中的居民有可能成为犯罪活动受害者因为高处的住户更易成为周边街道穷困监视攻击的对象。

    Only thorough research could discern that residents of high-rise buildings are more likely to be victims of crime, because stacked tenants make for poor monitors of the surrounding streets.


  • 早期活动往往攻击科学家,指责他们竭力防止艾滋病疫情的蔓延而非治疗艾滋病患者。

    In the early days scientists were often attacked by activists for being more concerned with trying to prevent the epidemic spreading than treating the affected.


  • 听起来很方便只可惜攻击可能系统特别繁忙,使活动文件成为文件。

    That sounds convenientexcept that attackers may be able to keep a system so busy that active files become old.


  • 反式脂肪如今富裕国家那些健康活动攻击猛烈目标

    Trans fats are the latest target of health activists in rich countries today.


  • 大量攻击活动来源于僵尸网络的自动化攻击

    The large number of attacks stems from botnet automation.


  • 奥巴马指责麦凯恩最后几天选战活动除了加强攻击之外玩不别的花样。

    Obama also accused McCain of offering little more than attacks in the final days of the campaign.


  • 竞选活动其它失策已经被包装成受到了人身攻击

    Her campaign's other error has been to make personal attacks.


  • 如果能够出来鲨鱼攻击活动基地可以指导你在哪里可以避免鲨鱼袭击的发生,表示

    But if you could figure out the base of operations for the great whites, it would give you a good idea of places to avoid if you were worried about shark attacks, he said.


  • Imperva公司,这些攻击活动一定规律,首先是小时高达几千次的密集攻击接着攻击频率就大大降低。

    Imperva said that it sees patterns where applications will be attacked with heavy bursts of many thousands of attacks per hour followed by lighter periods of activity.


  • reflectedXSS攻击利用Web应用程序安全性低的弱点,该应用程序在浏览器中显示输入参数不对其中是否存在活动内容进行检查

    A reflected XSS attack exploits vulnerable Web applications that display input parameters back to the browser without checking for the presence of active content in them.


  • 美国儿科研究院(AAP)专家近日表示,孩子长时间看电视导致他们产生攻击行为参加那些既高度危险又不利于身体健康活动

    Too much time in front of the TV can lead to aggressive behavior and a tendency to engage in risky, unhealthy activities, the American Academy of Pediatrics says.


  • 由于不知道此次攻击活动的操作者,Harrison这次攻击目标——大型普及型的服务而不是价值的网站——不是敲诈者所攻击的典型对象。

    Without knowing who is behind the activity, Harrison said that the targets - large, popular services rather than high-value ones - were not typical for a blackmailer.


  • 实际上极端分子的反对活动的影响远远游行本身之外:一些5月份在布拉迪斯拉发第一次自豪游行的参加者活动结束很久遭到攻击

    Indeed, the counter-reaction can linger far beyond the march itself: some participants in Bratislava's first pride march in May were reportedly attacked long after the event had finished.


  • 2008年2月SophosBBC竞争者ITV网站上确认了一起“恶毒网络广告活动”,WindowsMac受到了攻击

    In February 2008, Sophos confirmed a 'poisoned web advertising campaign' on BBC competitor ITV's website that affected both Windows and MAC machines.


  • 2008年2月SophosBBC竞争者ITV网站上确认了一起“恶毒网络广告活动”,WindowsMac受到了攻击

    In February 2008, Sophos confirmed a 'poisoned web advertising campaign' on BBC competitor ITV's website that affected both Windows and MAC machines.


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