• 洛布还有更多这种现象例子现在发现了

    Loeb says that many more examples of the phenomenon are now likely to be found.


  • 洛布一次证明正手回击反手扣球威力强大无比。

    Once again, Jacob proved that his fore-hand returns and backhand strokes are just too powerful.


  • 那生聂尔·匹金亲眼目睹事实,证明关于洛布斯的财宝谣言没有言过其实

    Nathaniel Pipkin had ocular demonstration of the fact that the rumours of old Lobbs treasures were NOT exaggerated.


  • 洛布·斯坦博士:“儿童食品市场价值数十亿英镑获得市场份额竟争像是食品行业的内战。”

    Dr Lobstein said: 'the children's food market is worth billions and the struggle for access is tantamount to civil war in the food industry.


  • 报告作者蒂姆洛布斯坦博士说:“食品企业现在使用新的技术鼓励孩子们互相推销,不受家长控制。”

    Companies can now use new technologies to encourage children to market to each other and by-pass any parental controls, ’ said report author Dr Tim Lobstein.


  • 穿越萨克斯隘道,追随荒野英雄洛布沃尔特·斯科特足迹、饱览斯科特笔下的“梦幻仙境美景”。

    Or follow in the footsteps of Rob Roy and Walter Scott through the Trossachs to soak up "the scenery of a fairy dream", as Scott described it.


  • 激进投资者往往波动不定环境中风生水起,迹象表明由于发起了其他攻势针对苏富比管理层攻击搁置一边。

    Activist investors tend to thrive in volatile environments, but there are signs that Mr. Loeb's campaign against Sotheby's management has been put on the back burner as he launches other fights.


  • 安德鲁·尔斯合著了《透过核废料国际政治》。

    He is coauthor, with Andrew Blowers, of "The International Politics of Nuclear Waste."


  • 姆菲尔德争辩说目前持续性事件正是杉矶警察损失控制方面的一次演习

    But Broomfield argues that the long-running case is now an exercise in damage limitation for the Los Angeles police.


  • 印第安人预留从1848优先于其他公民的水权,这一年普村落必须视为保留地

    The reserved water rights of Pueblo Indians have priority over other citizens' water rights as of 1848, the year in which pueblos must be considered to have become reservations.


  • 因此,到1848年,普印第安保留用水优先其他公民的用水权,一年,普必须被视为保留地

    Therefore, the reserved water rights of Pueblo Indians have priority over other citizens' water rights as of 1848, the year in which pueblos must be considered to have become reservations.


  • 我们预计将分钟离开福克斯通,前往大约需要两个小时

    We are due to leave Folkestone in about five minutes and a journey to Boulogne will take approximately two hours.


  • 与此同时展览正在筹备中,准备于2012年7月滨海内的城堡博物馆开幕

    Meanwhile, the exhibition was being prepared ready for opening in July 2012 at the Castle Museum in Boulogne-sur-Mer.


  • 女士们先生们你们好欢迎乘坐福克斯顿环海渡轮你们旅途愉快

    Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard your sea-link ferry from Folkestone to Boulogne and wish you a pleasant trip with us.


  • 14世纪15世纪许多位于现在美国西南部西部普韦定居点可能拥有明显等级组织结构

    In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, many Western Pueblo settlements in what is now the southwestern United States may have possessed distinctly hierarchical organizational structures.


  • 尽管当时他们成为美国一部分普韦人的土地从未正式成为联邦公共土地的一部分。

    Although they at that time became part of the United States, the pueblo lands never formally constituted a part of federal public lands.


  • 什么美洲印第安人保留区一个实践问题而不是法律定义问题,村落一直美国视为保留区

    What constitutes an American Indian reservation is a question of practice, not of legal definition, and the pueblos have always been treated as reservations by the United States.


  • 例如做过股票交易所价格实验曼德指出尽管结果可变的,但实际上存在一定一致性

    Mandelbrot, who did the experiment with stock exchanges prices, for example, noted that although the outcomes were variable, there were, in fact, certain constancy.


  • 即使是那些居住独立性分散这个地区的独户住宅中的人们来说,分享合作早期生活中几乎必需一部分

    Sharing and cooperation were almost certainly part of early Puebloan life, even for people living in largely independent single-household residences scattered across the landscape.


  • 一事实以及将(普埃印第安人庆祝)地下礼堂小心翼翼单独放置在传教士建筑群庭院中心表明突出这个地下礼堂的重要性,而不是贬低意图

    This fact, and the careful, solitary placement of the kiva in the center of the mission complex courtyards, suggests an intention to highlight the importance of the kiva rather than to diminish it.


  • 机场暑期工的17岁高中生杰克·格里森紧随舒姆赶到现场。波切帮助下,他抬起铁丝网围栏,从下面带了出去。

    Jack Gleeson, 17, a high school student working a summer job at the airport, caught up to Schum and, with Bochter's help, hoisted the chain-link fence and brought Brillo underneath it.


  • 罗索衡量罪犯时,位名叫路易斯·比利时古生物学家正在研究化石记录得出相反结论

    While Lombroso was measuring criminals, a Belgian palaeontologist called Louis Dollo was studying fossil records and coming to the opposite conclusion.


  • 希尔决定从事快递业务

    Hillblom decided to go into the courier business.


  • 已故维克·冯·别名里奥特,嘲弄德国人的自负僵硬感来使精英感到高兴

    The late Vicco von Bülow, alias Loriot, delighted the elite with his mockery of German pretension and stiffness.


  • 辛达·里奇十四行诗第四首中惊人地表达了这种强烈的感情。

    There is real intensity as Lucinda Broadbridge strikingly conveys in the fourth of the Casos Sonnets.


  • 同胞兄弟西亚,拿起了一罐顶软木塞的东西

    His twin, Ambrosia, took a jug of something with a cork in the top.


  • 减少老师评估计划负担将会减少学校职员工作压力,说到

    Reducing the burden of planning and assessment on teachers would help reduce the workload of school staff, Blower said.


  • 保罗·卡于1861年,发现了一例经典病例

    The classic case was discovered by Paul Broca in 1861.


  • 第一只直立行走猴子编纂汤姆·和亚伯拉罕·林肯年鉴

    The first monkey to walk upright, and who then worked on the yearbook with Tom Brokaw and Abraham Lincoln.


  • 第一只直立行走猴子编纂汤姆·和亚伯拉罕·林肯年鉴

    The first monkey to walk upright, and who then worked on the yearbook with Tom Brokaw and Abraham Lincoln.


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