• 怀疑秘密法西斯分子。

    I suspect he's a closet fascist.


  • 德国政府宣布一些法西斯团体为非法。

    The German government has outlawed some fascist groups.


  • 祖父曾经西班牙法西斯分子作战

    My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain.


  • 他们听见抗议者高呼:“打倒法西斯主义!”

    They heard the protesters shout: "No more fascism!"


  • 坚定马克思主义者曾相信法西斯主义资产阶级的“最后阵地”。

    Devout Marxists believed fascism was the "last stand of the bourgeoisie."


  • 法西斯发动侵略战争人类带来了浩劫,教育了世界人民

    War of aggression launched by fascists has brought scourges to mankind but also enlightened people throughout the world.


  • 由于马可尼与当权者长期联系无法意大利法西斯政权断绝关系。

    Because of his long time connection with people in power, Marconi was unable to cut himself off from the fascist regime in Italy.


  • 今年世界法西斯战争胜利70周年也是中国人民抗日战争胜利70周年。

    It is the 70th anniversary of both the world's anti-fascism war and the victory of China's Resistance War against Japanese Aggression this year.


  • 运动意识形态法西斯主义超保守主义的融合。

    The ideology of the movement was a blend of fascism and ultraconservatism.


  • 编辑了《法西斯主义的道德假期》一书。

    He has also edited the volume La vacanza morale del fascismo.


  • 中国战场抗击日本法西斯主要战场,一直抗击牵制着日本大部分陆军大量海空军。

    Chinese battlefield was the main battlefield against Japanese fascists have been fought and pinned down most of the army and a large number of the Japanese air force and navy.


  • 有种观点认为某种法西斯主义,其实这是确保人们不会因为生病破产是错误的判断。“。”

    "The suggestion that somehow that's fascist, that you want to make sure people don't go bankrupt when they get sick, somehow misreads the situation," he said.


  • 在战场上并肩抗击日本法西斯,涌现了无数可歌可泣英雄事迹,共同谱写许多感人肺腑的友谊篇章

    I have heard a lot of touching stories about men and women from both China and Britain, who jointly fought the Japanese fascist forces and forged a profound friendship.


  • 柏林1936年奥林匹克体育场维尔纳3月施加环石柱象征着反法西斯绝对不顾个人

    There is Berlin's 1936 Olympic Stadium, by Werner March, with its imposing ring of stone columns, a symbol of fascism's absolute disregard for the individual.


  • 因为没有哪个美国独自满足当今世界需求,就美国士兵无法独自迎战拥有枪弹民兵法西斯主义

    For the American people can no more meet the demands of today's world by acting alone than American soldiers could have met the forces of fascism or communism with muskets and militias.


  • 吴先生,下任首相,是日本内政但是“不论是我们希望回到世界反法西斯共同立场。”

    Wu said that the question of who becomes the next premier is Japan's internal affair. But "whoever it will be, we hope that the person will return to the common values of anti-fascism," he said.


  • 他们嘴唇没有但是画外音却诠释了他们的困境 ——他们如何被沉闷的老板、环境法西斯主义女性逼到只能沉默

    Their lips do not move, but a voice-over explains their predicamenthow they’ve been beaten silent by the demands of tedious employers and enviro-fascists and women.


  • 提出引起关注数十亿人死亡琐碎问题不是为了要看起来无情的法西斯而是因为一个你拒绝审视的现实

    I draw the trifling issue of a few billion fatalities to your attention not to make you look like a heartless fascist but because it's a reality with which you refuse to engage.


  • 最终出版一月,约拿戈德堡的《自由法西斯主义》一书曾历经延期副标题变更一大批提前到来的恐吓信

    JONAH GOLDBERG's "Liberal Fascism" enjoyed four postponements, a change of subtitle and a lorry load of advance hate-mail before it was finally published a month ago.


  • 看来电影带来震惊效果使人们对于真实世界保持一种清醒批判态度,可以当作对抗法西斯统治的武器

    According to him, the shock effects brought about by film can make people be critical of the real world. It serves as the weapon for fighting against fascism.


  • 国家电视台不断地播放一系列刻画欧盟唯恐天下不乱者的纪录片,片中展示出欧盟法西斯主义控制,受严重的失业问题困扰的形象。

    State television has broadcast a series of alarmist documentaries portraying Europe as a region governed by fascists and blighted by mass unemployment.


  • 所谓休闲概念金融货币体系发明出来的概念,其根源在于雇佣机制本身,是建立法西斯主义式的压迫基础上

    The notion of "leisure" is a monetary invention, created because of the oppressive, fascist basis of the employment institution itself. Laziness is, in fact, a form of rejection of the system.


  • 还有许多共和党人曾经被斥为花言巧语种族主义者早期法西斯,但其中有些人是适用于这类指控的,有些人则没那么适用。

    Plenty of other Republicans have confronted charges of florid racism and incipient fascism that apply to some of them infinitely better than to others.


  • 特别是位于希腊土耳其殖民地看到雅利安人控制乌托邦亚特兰提斯而成为军事法西斯阶段的变化,就试图挣脱控制。

    The colonies, particularly those in Greece and Turkey, saw the change from the utopian Atlantis to the military-fascist state controlled by Aryan and sought to break away.


  • 特别是位于希腊土耳其殖民地看到雅利安人控制乌托邦亚特兰提斯而成为军事法西斯阶段的变化,就试图挣脱控制。

    The colonies, particularly those in Greece and Turkey, saw the change from the utopian Atlantis to the military-fascist state controlled by Aryan and sought to break away.


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