• 一采油流传美国的宾夕法尼亚科罗拉多一直北部纽约州

    The practice has spread from Pennsylvania and Colorado to upstate New York.


  • 架飞机未能遂愿。坠毁法尼亚州的西部戴娜证实丈夫此有关。

    The plane never reached it's target. It crashed in Western Pennsylvania and Dina Bernet is convinced her husband is one reason why.


  • 宾夕法尼亚州立大学芭拉·罗尔斯博士带领的一组研究人员这种喝汤减肥进行了测试。

    The soup regime was tested by researchers at Pennsylvania State University, led by Dr Barbara Rolls.


  • 考古学家已经希腊群岛中的凯利·尼亚扎金索斯岛上发掘到100,000年前安得特人工具

    Archaeologists have found Neanderthal tools dating from around 100,000 years ago on the Greek islands of Kefalonia and Zakynthos.


  • 马拉维面积宾西·法尼亚差不多,闭塞陆地国家缺乏上述这些东西将会发生什么情形,正是这样一个极端例子

    Malawi, an overwhelmingly rural nation about the size of Pennsylvania, is an extreme example of what happens when those things are missing.


  • 气球驾驶员约翰·斯坦纳宾夕法尼亚伊利自己热气球充气。 图为古老的飞行器照片,摄于1857年,采用的是四分之一感光底片旧式照相

    Aeronaut John Steiner inflates his hot air balloon at Erie, Pennsylvania, as seen in the oldest known photograph of an aircraft, a quarter-plate ambrotype taken in June 1857.


  • 第一晚宴时就敦促阿拉内塔尼亚考虑如何相互帮助解决他们国内反对声音

    At the first dinner I urged Arafat and Netanyahu to think about how they could help each other cope with their domestic opposition.


  • 在凌晨3点,终于内塔尼亚阿拉囚犯问题达成一致意见;直到有结果我们一直辛勤耕耘

    Finally, at about 3 a.m., I worked out a deal on the prisoners with Netanyahu and Arafat, and we just kept plowing ahead until we finished.


  • 弗吉尼亚费尔克斯郡乔治·马松大学研究幸福感心理学副教授托德凯士丹这些发现意义重大,虽然没有看到这项研究。

    Although he has not read the study, Todd Kashdan, an associate professor of psychology at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., who studies well-being, says these findings make perfect sense.


  • 下面阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚尔加拉灯光岸边闪耀

    Below, the lights of el Calafate, Patagonia, Argentina, shine by the lake shore.


  • 弗吉尼亚费尔克斯警察局位女发言人表示目前没有迹象显示凯勒曼的与谋杀有关。

    A spokeswoman for the Fairfax County Police Department in Virginia said there were no signs of foul play in Mr. Kellermann's death.


  • 尽管乌克兰坚持称这些武器遵循国际已经出售给了尼亚而一些外国外交家称这些武器实际上提供苏丹的。

    Although Ukraine insisted the hardware had been sold to Kenya "in accordance with international law", some foreign diplomats claimed the weapons were really bound for south Sudan.


  • 内塔尼亚胡先生建议美国欧洲观察家员加入到以色列精通国际专家组成调查委员会中。

    Mr Netanyahu has suggested that an inquiry commission comprising Israeli experts in international law could be joined by American and European observers.


  • 莱恩·豪尔,审计员最近报告加利福尼亚人满为患的监狱中,171,500名囚犯中的四分之一(43,500人)是因为三振出局

    Elaine Howle, the state auditor, recently reported that of the 171,500 inmates in California's overcrowded prisons last year, a quarter (43,500) were sentenced under the three-strikes law.


  • 比如密西西比州霍尔摩斯男子的平均寿命65.9巴基斯坦男子相当,比弗吉尼亚费尔克斯郡男子的平均寿命少了15.2岁。

    Men in Holmes County, Mississippi, for example, have a life expectancy of 65.9 years, the same as men in Pakistan and 15.2 years behind men in Fairfax, Virginia.


  • 然后内塔尼亚阿拉签署协议恰好日落和犹太教安息日开始之前。

    Then Netanyahu and Arafat signed the agreement, just before the sun went down and Shabbat began.


  • 本意阻止美国猎杀尼亚大象

    The original intent was to prevent Americans from, say, poaching elephants in Kenya.


  • 1995年,ACORN起诉加利福尼亚要求免除劳工的义务,不用支付最低工资它的雇员

    ACORN sued the state of California in 1995 for exemption from state labor laws, in order to avoid having to pay the minimum wage to its own employees.


  • 六月份纽约通过了婚姻平等想起了那个长长的队伍男女同性恋为了结婚排到了尼亚加拉大瀑布。

    I thought of this line after New York passed its marriage-equality law in June. Since then, gay men and lesbians have been lining up from Fire Island to Niagara Falls in order to tie the knot.


  • 世行支持孟加拉国尼加拉瓜塞内加尔、布基拉尼亚牙买加马拉维等国实施天气指数保险项目

    The World Bank also supports weather index insurance initiatives in Bangladesh, Nicaragua, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Jamaica, and Malawi.


  • 几个地点出发的急救小组已经前往海地的途中,其中包括华盛顿特区郊外弗吉尼亚费尔克斯的急救小组。

    Already, emergency response teams are en route to Haiti from several locations, including Fairfax County, Virginia, just outside Washington.


  • 粮农组织正在领导最后完成布基纳所、吉布提埃塞俄比亚毛里塔尼亚乌干达加纳尼日利亚马里所有其他受灾国开展的损失评估

    FAO is leading and finalizing damage assessments in Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Mauritania, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Mali and all other affected countries.


  • 内塔尼亚阿拉意识到解决问题的最后机会。

    Netanyahu and Arafat also knew it was now or never.


  • 然后内塔尼亚阿拉发表了有礼积极讲话

    Then Netanyahu and Arafat made gracious and upbeat remarks.


  • 飞往加利福尼亚圣何塞参加一次美亚混血儿地区宴会之前打电话给众议员鲍伯·穆雷查克,如何看待返乡订立二十周年

    Before flying to San Jose, California, for an Amerasian regional banquet, I called former Representative Bob Mrazek to ask how he viewed the Homecoming Act on its 20th anniversary.


  • 10月内塔尼亚阿拉侯赛因国王一起,侯赛因同意我们一起努力和平进程重返轨道

    I spent the first two days of October with Netanyahu, Arafat, and King Hussein, who had agreed to join us to try to get the peace process back on track.


  • 比如说汽车制造商院撤销一项加利福尼亚,这项州《联邦空气清洁案》的一些条款,它要求这些汽车厂商降低他们汽车二氧化碳排放

    Carmakers, for example, are trying to get the courts to strike down a Californian state law based on certain provisions of the Clean Air Act that require them to reduce their vehicles' CO2 emissions.


  • 比如说汽车制造商院撤销一项加利福尼亚,这项州《联邦空气清洁案》的一些条款,它要求这些汽车厂商降低他们汽车二氧化碳排放

    Carmakers, for example, are trying to get the courts to strike down a Californian state law based on certain provisions of the Clean Air Act that require them to reduce their vehicles' CO2 emissions.


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