• 信托法英国人法学领域作出最大贡献

    The law of trust is the most brilliant contribution that British make to the legal history in the world.


  • 经济分析法学世纪法学领域一道耀眼光芒

    The Economic Analysis of Law is a shinning ray in the field of law in this century.


  • 之前学者对于权利冲突研究基本局限于法学领域

    Before the conflict scholars for the study of fundamental rights law confined to the field.


  • 同时作为一种权利又是法学领域关注重点。

    As a basic human right it is also a hot topic in the legal principle research.


  • 设计进程设计法学领域重要研究课题之一

    The study about design procedure is one of the important topics in the field ot Design Methodology.


  • 陪审制度中外法学领域经久不衰一个研究课题

    The jury system has remained a subject of unfailing charm for Chinese and foreign legal research.


  • 现代性实质传统形而上学法学领域中的延伸

    "The law modemity" the essence is traditional metaphysics in legal science domain extending.


  • 不足是,法学领域语言权利问题的研究仅仅刚刚开始。

    Insufficient, the research about linguistic human rights just startes in the legal science domain.


  • 中心还有名年富力强、跃中国诉讼法学领域教授、士。

    The center also has over ten young and energetic professors and doctors who are active in the area of procedural laws in China.


  • 合作,有助澳门与上海在法学领域的多方面交流

    The new collaboration between the two universities will help multi-faceted exchanges in the law field in both cities.


  • 司法解释法学领域一个具有重要理论价值实践意义命题

    The judicial interpretation is a proposition with important theories value and practical meaning in realm of jurisprudence.


  • 虚拟财产这一产生于网络名词已经成为法学领域新的研究方向

    The term Virtual property which arises from network has become the new field of law research.


  • 目前环境公益诉讼制度逐渐成为我国环境法学领域理论研究热点

    Now, the system of environmental public interest action gradually becomes a heat topic on the theory study in the science environmental law in China.


  • 国际上近几年来面向对象软件法学领域取得远多于几年成果

    Much more achievements have made than ever in the field of Object Oriented software methodology during the most recent years.


  • 虽然学界民间规范研究限于法学领域,但研究方法相对局限

    Although the study of folk norms has been not limited to legal field, research method is still relatively narrow.


  • 危害结果作为犯罪构成一个要素法学领域诸多理论问题关系甚密。

    The harmful consequence is an element of constitution of crime, and it has close relationship with many theoretical problems in criminal law. However, there are a lot of controversies on this issue.


  • 如何做好该项工作,提高法学领域教学科研水平,我们应深入研讨的。

    But how to make it better and raise the education and scientific research of the law field is the quest


  • 证明标准诉讼证明基本问题也是当前我国证据法学领域研讨十分热烈的问题。

    Witness standard is the most basic element of procedural witness, and it is an extremely hot issue being discussed in current data science of law field as well.


  • 法学领域按照理论思维工程思维分野,则可以形成法律理学与法律工学的并立。

    In the field of law, according to the theory thinking and engineering thinking, the pattern of law science and law technology can be formed.


  • 网络法新兴法学领域,网络法中的重要分支就是网络游戏产业相关研究

    The network law is an emerging family rules and regulations study domain, in a network law important branch is to the network game industry correlation research.


  • 本文论题是一个民法物权婚姻家庭为核心,兼多个法学领域和多个学科综合性题目

    The topic of the thesis focusing on real rights of civil law and marriage (family) law stretches across several legal fields and several social science subjects.


  • 婚姻财产制度婚姻法学领域一项十分重要制度,是婚姻中夫妻权利义务关系的重要组成部分

    Marriage contract is an important part in the sector of Marriage Law, stipulating the right and responsibility of husband and wife.


  • 基因技术作为科学技术重大突破,将其震撼力社会每一个角落法学领域也不例外。

    As a great Progress of science and technology, genetic technology has touched every corner of Society, Jjicluding the field of law.


  • 行政诉讼法学领域,对行政诉讼类型研究一个长期被忽视问题,类型理论运用更为少见。

    In the field of law science of administrative litigation, the study on the administrative litigation type is a question ignored for a long time, and the application of the type theory is rarer.


  • 司法会计学法学领域新兴重要边缘学科,司法会计教育法学教育不可或缺的重要组成部分

    Judicial accounting is a newly-emerging, important borderline subject in the field of law, and the education of judicial accounting is an indispensable part of the education of law.


  • 人力资本出资我国法学领域争论日渐升温,对人力资本出资本身可行性及其相关利益制衡无法形成定论。

    The debate heats up about human capital contribution; with a large number of talents and development of market economy, we cannot give any legal basis for the human capital owners either.


  • 法学领域,学者过多地关注于法律权利研究法律义务的探讨或是隐含于或是附着于法律权利的研究。

    In the field of law, much attention has been paid to the study of legal right while the topic on legal duty remains unnoticed.


  • 大规模侵权不是一个传统法学领域概念而是社会变迁作为背景,对大量案件的事实情形进行概括提炼法学概念。

    "Massive torts" is not a traditional concept of the field of law, but a concept based on the summarizing of a large number of cases with the social change as a background.


  • 正当行为法学领域十分重要问题正当防卫作为正当行为整体中的一个不可或缺的课题,历来受到人们的普遍重视

    Proper conduct is key problem in the science of criminal law, and justifiable defense, as an indispensable part of proper conduct, has been gaining the attention of law circles.


  • 正当行为法学领域十分重要问题正当防卫作为正当行为整体中的一个不可或缺的课题,历来受到人们的普遍重视

    Proper conduct is key problem in the science of criminal law, and justifiable defense, as an indispensable part of proper conduct, has been gaining the attention of law circles.


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