• 最后乔恩·法夫2006年4月成为本片的导演

    Finally, Jon Favreau was hired as director in April 2006.


  • 目的考察载体正十六烷法夫酵母发酵产虾青素的影响。

    Objective To investigate the influences of oxygen vector n-hexadecane on Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous growth and astaxanthin production in the shake-flask culture.


  • 意义手工制作法夫莱尔包括蒂凡尼邮票法夫莱尔第一

    Meaning "handcrafted, the Favrile category includes the first lamps that Tiffany made with the Favrile stamp."


  • 因想得到这些财宝,于是锻造了一把宝剑西格德法夫纳杀死

    Regin wished to secure the treasure for himself, and forged a sword for Sigurd to slay the worm with.


  • 1796年,瑞士钟表匠安托万·法夫尔为“没有锤子”申请到了专利

    In 1796 the Swiss watchmaker Antoine Favre takes out the patent on "the carillon without bells or hammers".


  • 现在妻子子女郡,安德鲁大学教授创意写作”、“文学生态学”等课程

    He now lives in Fife with his wife and children and teaches Creative Writing, Literature and Ecology courses at the University of St Andrews.


  • 本周一苏格兰法夫郡的科学家们公布,海豚人类一样通过称呼对方的“名字”进行交流

    Dolphins communicate like humans by calling each other by name, scientists in Fife reported on Monday.


  • 1979年第一次参与议会选举失利后,1983年当上了法夫行政区邓弗姆林东区下院议员。

    He first stood for parliament in 1979 and lost, but then became MP for Dunfermline East in Fife in 1983.


  • 米利班德得到的另外一个潜在好处更多机会的隆加尼特(Longannet)发电站进行CCS试点

    Another potential bonus for Miliband is that he has more opportunity to offer a CCS trial to Longannet power station in Fife.


  • 乔恩·法夫建议作曲人莱明·加瓦迪音乐保持重金属吉他配乐为核心认为符合铁人的风格的。

    Jon Favreau advised composer Ramin Djawadi to keep the core of the music on heavy guitar, which he felt suited Iron Man best.


  • 邮票其后改为凡尼的缩写能够收藏家确定蒂凡尼的法夫莱尔其他玻璃项目大约日期的方

    The stamp was later replaced by Tiffany's initials, which is one way collectors are able to determine the approximate date that a Tiffany Favrile lamp or other glass item was made.


  • 法夫地图我们现在地方就是法夫),大概十五年前有这张地图了,我们现在居然住在这里,真是不可思议。

    The map is an old map of the Kingdom of Fife (where we now live) that my husband has had for 15 or odd years, so amazing that we are now there!)


  • 洛利·威尔妇即将星期天赶赴夏威夷其他美军家属一起迎接阿富汗归来第552宪兵三排的军人。

    On Sunday, Jeff and Lori Wilfahrt will travel to Hawaii to join other US military families welcoming back the third platoon of the 552nd military police company from Afghanistan.


  • ·威尔特仍记得儿子告诉他们入伍决定那天晚上。

    Jeff Wilfahrt remembers the night his son told them of his decision to join the military.


  • 这些研究是否有助于帮助幸存下来的那个双胞胎还是有争议的。认知问题解决问题先决所在,博士似乎已经做到了。

    Whether this knowledge can be used to help surviving twins is moot. But identifying a problem is the first step to remedying it. Dr Pharoah seems to have done that.


  • 1986年,马,惠普计算机实验工作证明这些观点

    These ideas have been shown to work in computer experiments in 1986, by Farmer, Packard and Kauffman.


  • 根据格林,贝尔财团执行总裁,一个开发商,的说,公园220英尺,占地68英亩

    The hill will be 220 feet tall, covering 68 acres, according to Jeff Green, the chief executive of Bearfire Group, a developer.


  • 如果明尼苏达成为第一驳回歧视性婚姻那么我们将会为此而感到无比自豪,”·威尔周三晚上的采访中说道

    "We would be so proud if Minnesota became the first state to reject a law defining marriage in terms of bigotry," added Jeff Wilfahrt on Wednesday night.


  • 宽松继承,再加上多妻制,使得财富迅速消融于无数索债人中。

    The combination of generous inheritance laws and the practice of polygamy meant that wealth was dispersed among numerous claimants.


  • 的确保拉拉德克利独特的大步幅跑创下世界马拉松记录

    Sure, Paula Radcliffe set the world marathon record with her distinct loping gait.


  • ·雅各比是市场万能论者,波士顿环球报撰稿人。出于同样理由,他反对价格欺诈:“并非市场狮子大开口。”

    Jeff Jacoby, a pro-market commentator writing in the Boston Globe, argued against price-gouging laws on similar grounds: "it isn't going to charge what the market will bear."


  • 目前还不清楚梅德韦杰是否真的有此打算。也可能评论仅仅在普京的认可之下,用来增强投资者信心的障眼

    It is so far unclear whether Medvedev means any of what he says - or whether his comments are merely a Putin-approved ploy to reassure investors spooked by the current President's west-bashing.


  • 硅谷大腕甲骨文公司(Oracle)拉里.埃里森激将对于SAP老总孔翰宁来说实在没有什么意义,SAP巨型软件公司位于德国沃尔多(Walldorf),是甲骨文的强硬对手。

    TAUNTS from Larry Ellison of Oracle, a big Silicon Valley software firm, cut no ice with Henning Kagermann , the boss of SAP, a rival software giant based in Walldorf, Germany.


  • 继续柯克沃尔维多利亚医院工作

    Coronary care nurse Karen Shand, 40, will carry on working at the Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy, Fife, despite winning the jackpot on ITV1's The Vault.


  • 他们大声喊道,“想像最终会有一个熔化了"阿布"(AbuShafshufa,卡扎菲的绰号,意为“卷毛(oldfuzzyhead)”)做成的皇冠臼齿上。”

    "Imagine ending up having a crown on your molar made of melted Abu Shafshufa (old fuzzyhead), " they cried.


  • 衡量单词之间关系就是马科分析这一就是:给定的单词序列,分析一个跟着另一个词后面出现的概率

    One way to measure these kinds of relationships is Markov analysis, which characterizes, for a given sequence of words, the probability of the words that might come next.


  • 本文探讨了马尔柯高校绩效评估中的应用,对原理步骤进行了分析,作了简要评价

    This article discusses the application of Markov Chains in universities and colleges' performance evaluation, including its principle and the steps, and makes a brief appraisal to this method.


  • 可变参数内插”,一种是用契比雪多项式卫星直角坐标进行

    One of them is "the interpolation of variable parameters" and the other is the higher order interpolation of rectangular coordinates of satellites by means of Chebyshev polynomial.


  • 可变参数内插”,一种是用契比雪多项式卫星直角坐标进行

    One of them is "the interpolation of variable parameters" and the other is the higher order interpolation of rectangular coordinates of satellites by means of Chebyshev polynomial.


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