• 每年感染者人数之多,超过了我们扩大治疗范围能力

    The yearly number of new infections outpaces our ability to expand access to treatment.


  • 在这里笼统平均价格资料美国常见治疗范围

    Here is very general average pricing information in the US for commonly treated areas.


  • 泌尿外科主要治疗范围各种尿结石复杂性肾结石

    The uropoiesis surgical department, mainly treats the scope to include: Each kind of urinary concretion and complex kidney stone;


  • 肿瘤治疗范围可以通过改变不同治疗药物而适用任何肿瘤。

    The range of tumor treatment is applicable to any tumor through changing different treatment medicines.


  • 目的扩大外科治疗食管癌治疗范围减少合并症提高手术效果

    Objective to extent the range of surgical therapy for esophageal carcinoma to decrease the complication of operation and to improve the effect of operation.


  • 越来越多这种类型治疗表明治疗范围癫痫抑郁症慢性腿部背部疼痛

    This type of therapy increasingly shows promise for diseases ranging from epilepsy to depression to chronic leg and back pain.


  • 2003年艾滋病结核病疟疾全球基金注入资金大大扩大治疗范围

    But an infusion of funding from the Global fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, starting in 2003, helped substantially expand treatment coverage.


  • 治疗范围脊椎相关疾病颈椎腰椎错位突出肩周炎风湿病

    Second, treatment area; Spinal related diseases, cervical bosom only lumbar dislocation outstanding disease, periarthritis of shoulder, rheumatism, etc.


  • 锌盐微量元素常用制剂治疗范围广疗效确切,生物学功能作用独特

    Zinc is a trace element used commonly in preparation. It has an extensive use in curing with effective results and unique biological function.


  • 疼痛治疗基本属于普通医生治疗范围,但他们中的大部分疼痛知之甚少

    Pain treatment Belongs primarily in the hands of ordinary physicians, most of whom know little about it.


  • 家庭医生治疗范围广泛(包括急性慢性疾病),有着深厚的专科的知识。

    Family doctors areable to treat a wide range of conditions (acute and chronic) and have abreadth of knowledge that spans across all specialties.


  • 家庭医生治疗范围广泛(包括急性慢性疾病),有着深厚的专科知识

    Family doctors are able to treat a wide range of conditions (acute and chronic) and have a breadth of knowledge that spans across all specialties.


  • 治疗范围主要皮肤肌肉骨骼创伤疾病先天性后天性组织器官缺陷畸形

    The treatment scope is mainly wounds, disease and so on skin, muscle and skeleton, congenital either the acquired organization or organ's flaw and abnormal.


  • 这种技术看起来前途无量,不过我们必须耐心等待来自临床试验结果而且治疗范围可能仅限于牙面积比较区域

    It looks promising, but we will have to wait for the results to come back from clinical trials and its use will be restricted to treating small areas of dental decay.


  • 经过治疗后,手臂明显改善而且疼痛范围也是原来的一小部分。

    After five treatments, there has been dramatic improvement in my arm, and the pain is a fraction of what it was.


  • 但是妇女健康涉及范围远远超出生殖内容许多疾病妇女中的表现治疗都有所不同

    But the health of women involves much more than reproduction and many diseases manifest themselves and are treated differently in women.


  • 该规划重点抗击疟疾同时将寻求改善妇女儿童健康营养状况、加强艾滋病毒预防项目以及扩大艾滋病保健治疗范围

    A key focus of that will be combating malaria, but it will also seek improve maternal and child health and nutrition, strengthen HIV prevention programs, and expand access to AIDS care and treatment.


  • 由于这两种药物获准用于治疗糖尿病,所以它们保险范围内的可能性其他减肥药高

    Since both drugs are approved to treat diabetes, they're more likely than the other diet pills to be covered by insurance.


  • 虽然糖尿病可以治疗的,即使血糖水平控制范围内,也大大增加心脏病中风风险

    Diabetes is treatable, but even when glucose levels are under control it greatly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.


  • 研究家庭范围治疗头虱症可以有效预防头虱病(头虱症)贫穷社区传染证据

    To generate evidence on the effectiveness of household-wide treatment for preventing the transmission of pediculosis capitis (head lice) in resource-poor communities.


  • 症状范围十分分散因此治疗只能因人而异

    The range of symptoms is quite diverse, so therapy has to be tailored to the individual.


  • 意味着健康护理专家应抓住机遇护理治疗确定选择范围

    This misses a valuable opportunity for healthcare professionals to outline alternative options in care and treatment.


  • 而且这种治疗不在保险支付范围绝大多数的牙齿美容医师可以帮助你安排资金问题

    Typically, these treatments are not covered by insurance, but most cosmetic dentists can help arrange financing.


  • 近几年中的迅速进展主要是因为扩大麻风病服务覆盖范围,而且将麻风病治疗纳入一般卫生系统

    The rapid progress in recent years is largely due to improved coverage of leprosy services, with the integration of leprosy treatment into the general health system.


  • 这项实验治疗一系列人类遗传性眼病铺平了道路其中包括一些世界范围造成上百万完全部分失明眼病。

    The experiment paves the way for the treatment of a range of genetic eye disorders in humans, including some that cause full or partial blindness in millions of people worldwide.


  • 教练姿态将其比喻心理治疗中的“姿态”,主要是教练团队之间关系,涵盖的范围也超越了互动介入方式模型等这些方面的细节

    Coaching Stance - I liken this to the psychotherapeutic notion of “stance”: it’s fundamentally about how a coach relates to the team above and beyond details of interactions, interventions and models.


  • 目的,世卫组织正在制定一项卫生部门加强实现普及治疗的“一揽子基本计划”,于2006年秋天发表世卫组织范围的“全面获得五年计划

    To this end, WHO is developing an "essential package" for scaling up towards universal access in the health sector and will publish a five-year WHO-wide "universal access" plan in autumn 2006.


  • 意味着就算这种病毒全球范围内泛滥,不会具有致命性:因为提前治疗可能会击退该病毒。

    That suggests even if this virus becomes a pandemic, it need not be a deadly one-early intervention may well quash the bug.


  • 意味着就算这种病毒全球范围内泛滥,不会具有致命性:因为提前治疗可能会击退该病毒。

    That suggests even if this virus becomes a pandemic, it need not be a deadly one-early intervention may well quash the bug.


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