• 他们开始贮藏食物汽油

    They've begun to hoard food and petrol and save their money.


  • 大约每个星期加满汽油

    I fill up the tank with gasoline about once a week.


  • 他们边往受害者身上汽油

    They hurled abuse at their victim as they doused him with petrol.


  • 无铅汽油加仑涨了一个多便士

    Unleaded petrol rose more than a penny a gallon.


  • 这辆汽车浇上汽油点燃了。

    The car was doused in petrol and set alight.


  • 所有汽车都加无铅汽油

    All new cars take unleaded petrol.


  • 我们开车去那里来回油箱汽油

    We drove there and back on one tank of petrol.


  • 阿科20%西岸司机含铅汽油

    Arco says 20% of West Coast drivers want leaded petrol.


  • 虹吸管汽车汽油桶里。

    I siphoned the gasoline out of the car into a can.


  • 自己丰田车普通无铅汽油

    He filled up his Toyota with regular unleaded petrol.


  • 那些数量汽油10英里可不容易。

    It would not be easy to cover ten miles on that amount of petrol.


  • 汽油挥发物质

    Petrol is a volatile substance.


  • 柴油代替汽油灌入油箱造成发动机失灵

    She put diesel fuel, instead of petrol, into the tank causing the motor to seize up.


  • 耗尽汽油缺水所有可能后果都考虑到了。

    Every eventuality is covered, from running out of gas to needing water.


  • 告诉警察有人试图吸管吸出汽车里汽油

    He told police someone had tried to siphon gas from his car.


  • 食物汽油这些补给品减少时会发生什么情况呢?

    What happens when food and petrol supplies run low?


  • 汽油易燃

    Gas ignites very easily.


  • 油泵所有等级汽油平均价格1加仑3.49美元。

    The average price for all grades of petrol at the pump was $3.49 a gallon.


  • 汽油价格使得小车车主不敢卖掉小车购买运动型多用途汽车。

    Gas prices are discouraging small car owners from trading up to SUV's.


  • 如果闻到了异味(例如汽油燃烧味),就车带修理工

    If you smell something unusual (gas fumes or burning, for instance), take the car to your mechanic.


  • 汽油仍然含有人体剧毒

    Gasoline still contains lead, which is extremely poisonous to humans.


  • 横穿沙漠在这里停车加足汽油

    Stop here to gas up before crossing the desert.


  • 显然汽油发动机没有发展前途

    It's clear that petrol-driven engines have no future.


  • 现在汽油价格是多少?

    What is the price of petrol these days?


  • 油箱汽油往外漏。

    The petrol in the tank is leaking out.


  • 美国目前汽油均价每加仑1.71美元。

    The current average gas price in the U. S. is $1.71 per gallon.


  • 美国目前汽油均价加仑1.71美元。

    The current average gas price in the US is $1.71 per gallon.


  • 每加仑汽油四十英里

    My car does forty miles to the gallon.


  • 政府坚持否认使用了凝固汽油

    The government has consistently denied using napalm.


  • 这种轮胎原料汽油提炼副产品

    The raw material for the tyre is a byproduct of oil refining.


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