• 梭鱼主要生活江河湖泊

    The pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes.


  • 晨曦显露出远处一连串江河湖泊

    Daylight disclosed a chain of lakes and rivers in the distance.


  • 主要江河湖泊开发整治成效显著

    Notable successes have been attained in the harnessing of main rivers and lakes.


  • 江河湖泊的水干枯了。花草树木庄稼也被晒死了。

    Rivers and lakes dried up. Plants and crops withered.


  • 主要分布中国长江闽江珠江流域海南岛江河湖泊中。

    Mainly distributes in the Chinese Yangtze river, Minjiang river, the Pearl river basin, Hainan Island and in the rivers and streams lake.


  • 虽然很难世界各地最差江河湖泊个名次,但几个江河湖泊却是极其明显脏。

    While it is hard to rank rivers and lakes around the world in terms of who is the worst, there are a few that stand out in the crowd.


  • 适用与沿海遮蔽江河湖泊水域,特别适用与边防海关海事渔政、水政部门。

    HY780 fast boat is suitable for sheltered sea areas, rivers and lakes, especially for Coast Guard, Customs, Marine Corps, Fishery and Watery Service etc.


  • 人类真正能够利用淡水资源江河湖泊地下水中的一部分地球水量的0.26%。

    Humans really able to take advantage of the freshwater resources is part of the rivers and lakes, and groundwater, accounts for about 0.26% of the earth's water.


  • 广布于我国江河湖泊种习见小型经济鱼类,生活水流底层。其头骨共有126块;

    Pelteobagrus Fulvibraco is a species of small economic catfish dis- tributing all over the rivers and lakes of our country.


  • 近年来,我国江河湖泊淤积十分严重水域环境日益恶化,大力进行机械化疏浚清淤势在必行。

    In recent years, the rivers and lakes are silted up seriously, the water environment is getting worse and worse, so the dredge mechanism is very necessary.


  • 这些微型植物常见形态江河湖泊石头表面的褐色地衣海洋中的浮游物,在他们的细胞中通常含有

    These microscopic plants, commonly observed as a brown skin coating submerged stones in rivers and lakes and as phytoplankton in seas and oceans, typically contain oil droplets inside their cells.


  • 由于42%城市面积江河湖泊所覆盖其中包括众多池塘溪流苏州誉为“东方威尼斯”。

    Since 42% area of the city is covered by water, including a vast number of ponds and streams, Suzhou is praised as the "Oriental Venice".


  • 报告强调说恢复江河湖泊自然供水改善农业土壤状况治理气候变化增加自然资本三大要素。

    The report highlights restoring water flows to rivers and lakes, improving the condition of soil for agriculture and fighting climate change as three ways to enhance natural capital.


  • 测量分析维护江河湖泊雨水污水中的质量流动调查绘制海洋河流的地图。

    Measures, analyses and maintains the flow and quality of water in rivers, lakes, stormwater and sewage, and surveys and maps oceans, seas and rivers.


  • 美国广袤平原、高大的山脉数以千计形状各异江河湖泊凉爽森林炎热沙漠以及长达数千英里海岸线

    In the United States, there are wide plains and high mountains, thousands of lakes and rivers of all sizes, cool forests and hot deserts, and a coastline several thousand miles long.


  • 虽然时候我们很多方面困难,但作为孩子我们仍然幸福因为干净空气江河湖泊里有很多螃蟹黄鳝

    Poor as we were in many ways at that time, we were still quite happy as children, for there was clean air, clean water, a lot of fish, crabs and eels in the rivers, lakes, and ponds;


  • 虽然时候我们很多方面困难,但作为孩子我们仍然幸福因为干净空气江河湖泊里有很多螃蟹黄鳝

    Poor as we were in many ways at that time, we were still quite happy as children, for there was clean air, clean water, a lot of fish, crabs and eels in the rivers, lakes, and ponds;


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