• 程序模拟基于PC机激光运动控制平台,是为技能测试而编写的。

    Program is one PC-based simulation of the laser motion control platform, is to test the skills of Hanko prepared.


  • 广州市建材有限公司创立于2003年,一家专业生产、销售铝合金阳极氧化染料表面助剂公司。

    Guangzhou Hanke Architectural Materials Technology Co. , Ltd. , founded in 2003, is a professional supplier of aluminum dyes and surface treatment additives of aluminum and aluminum alloy.


  • 先生灵巧地处理了他素材,将贝尔作为一个有疾病症候行业描写,即相信自己大肆宣传看不到实际上内在地多么的不稳固。

    Mr Cohan handles his material deftly, portraying Bear as symptomatic of an industry that had come to believe its own hype and had lost sight of how inherently unstable it really was.


  • 战争之前大家来自外界文化一无所知不过现在那么多人喜欢西方文化”,巴格达大学社会学教授卡瓦布·萨拉·哈米德认为。

    "Before the war, no one knew about the cultures from outside, but now so many people know about Western culture," says Kawakeb Salah Hamed, a sociology professor at Baghdad University.


  • 这时,开始琢磨是否会认为奥德赛》是很有趣的书,所以继《奥德赛》之后,我把接下来朗读施尼茨勒的小说也录制了下来

    Then I began to wonder if Hanna would find the Odyssey sufficiently interesting, so I recorded what I read next after the Odyssey, stories by Schnitzler and Chekhov.


  • 人们很多奇特设计,很多方法存在问题实际载药量太低,”,“明白以前为什么没有这么,好像我们发明了三明治”

    People had done all kinds of fancy things, but the problem with a lot of the methods was that the actual drug loading was very low, ” Kohane said. “It’s not clear why no one did this before.


  • 表达的具体一点行!(2010)最近一项研究这样告诉我们。

    Just going more concrete can be enough according to a recent study by Hansen and Wanke (2010).


  • 一个甚至穆雷防守型球员大满贯比赛上输给了李娜,娃,齐布尔娃,小

    A more defensive player than even Murray, she was out-powered by li, Daniela Hantuchova, Dominika Cibulkova and Serena Williams at the majors.


  • 本大学研究者确凿证实一句古话:精打细算。妮丽莎报道说他们水果副产品转成身体健康的充足来源——抗氧剂

    Melbourne researchers have truly applied the old adage ‘waste not want not’, turning fruit by-products into a rich source of antioxidants for human health. Nerissa Hannink reports.


  • 博士威斯·顿接着会使用不同形状——三角形圆柱形平板形以及波浪形——尾流亨利进行测试

    Dr Hanke and Mr Wieskotten then tested Henry with the wakes of paddles of different shapes: triangular, cylindrical, flat and undulating.


  • 解释我们得到药物释放远远超过我们熟知其他药物释放镜片

    "The rates of drug efflux that we got from these are vastly more than any other drug-eluting lens that we are familiar with," Kohane said.


  • 布瑞克回应道:“大卫·布鲁克斯马尔·葛拉威尔彻头彻尾地错了。”

    Hambrick's response: "David Brooks and Malcolm Gladwell are simply wrong."


  • 有数个“11”的结婚起来很幸运未必数字命理学家表示一天也许没有很多预想的那么幸运。

    It sounds lucky to marry on a day with multiple elevens, but not necessarily, according to numerologist Hans Decoz, who says the date may not be as lucky as some people are presuming.


  • 最近例子就是加拿大亚历山大•利特(Alexander Litvinenko)案子被捕保罗·威廉普尔(Paul WilliamHampel ')(2006年11月)。

    The last known case was in Canada when 'Paul William Hampel' was arrested in the middle of the Alexander Litvinenko case (November 2006).


  • 瑞亚称为尼斯克(Nishank)(“没有疑问的。”),计划是要北阿坎德邦变成一个对投资者和生态环境都友好的山脉天堂

    Pokhriyal, known as Nishank (" he who is without doubt "), has a plan to turn Uttarakhand into an investor-friendly, eco-friendly mountain paradise.


  • 克利夫兰工业产品制造商派克尼汾公司(Parker Hannifin Corp.)首席执行长唐纳德•沃什维茨(DonaldWashkewicz)审视了公司定价策略

    Donald Washkewicz, CEO of Parker Hannifin, an industrial-products manufacturer in Cleveland, has overhauled his company's pricing strategy.


  • 海莲·寄给“马克思与恩”书店一封信写到:“‘古旧书商’的字眼着实跳,的印象里,‘古旧’昂贵没什么区别。” 随信,寄去了自己想要的书目。

    In her first letter to Marks &Co., Helene Hanff encloses a wish list, but warns, "The phrase 'antiquarian booksellers' scares me somewhat, as I equate 'antique' with expensive."


  • 关于具体性真实性的关系,给出3个理由

    Hansen and Wanke give three reasons why concreteness suggests truth.


  • 双胞胎姐姐杰娜娅·奥加纳·索洛子女,于索龙危机末期出生洛桑

    He and his twin sister, Jaina, were born to Leia Organa and Han Solo on Coruscant during the end of the Thrawn crisis.


  • 这里第一次飞越了舍尔航道

    It was here that Solo had his first Kessel Run.


  • 本大学研究者确凿证实一句古话:精打细算。妮丽莎报道说他们水果副产品转成身体健康的充足来源——抗氧剂

    Melbourne researchers have truly applied the old adage 'waste not want not', turning fruit by-products into a rich source of antioxidants for human health. Nerissa Hannink reports.


  • 这个雷利亚人是个飞行摩托赛车手,直到一个·索洛竞争对手终结职业生涯为止。

    The Corellian was once a daring swoop-racer until a competitive rival named Han Solo cut his career short.


  • 如果每天洗头,油都给你洗没了。”(纽约市的)哥伦比亚大学皮肤医生佳力如是说。

    "If you wash your hair every day, you're removing the sebum," explains Michelle Hanjani, a dermatologist at Columbia University.


  • 在对战疯人最后一战期间家人回到洛桑绝地武士盟军渗透小组一起行动,除掉了最高霸主希姆拉。

    Han returned to Coruscant with his family during the final battle against the Yuuzhan Vong, working with the Jedi Knights and an Alliance infiltration team to eliminate Supreme Overlord Shimrra.


  • 弥尔顿教授像本活的全书,似乎没有什么事知道

    Professor Hamilton is like a walking encyclopedia. It seems there's nothing he doesn't understand.


  • 小姑娅·奥加纳·索洛小姑父·索洛带到洛桑抚养。

    Ben was taken in by his aunt and uncle, Leia Organa Solo and her husband, Han, and brought up on Coruscant.


  • 小姑娅·奥加纳·索洛小姑父·索洛带到洛桑抚养。

    Ben was taken in by his aunt and uncle, Leia Organa Solo and her husband, Han, and brought up on Coruscant.


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