• 美元外汇市场汇率预期将走贬。

    The dollar is expected to fall in the foreign exchange markets.


  • 人民币汇率预期形成机制人民币汇率变动全球关注的热点问题之一

    The expectation of CNY exchange rate and its volatility is one of market focus in global FX market.


  • 许多因素都会影响通胀包括产能利用率不足、通胀预期汇率以及石油其他商品价格

    Many factors affect inflation, including slack in resource utilization, inflation expectations, exchange rates, and the prices of oil and other commodities.


  • 先生预期通缩丝毫没有减退迹象,这多得数因素包括联系汇率大陆相对的成本港府减免措施

    The deflation Mr Ma predicted has shown no signs of abating, thanks to a number of factors that include the currency peg, cheaper costs on the mainland and government relief measures.


  • 由于葡萄牙牙国债拍卖好于预期有助于推动欧元汇率走高,欧洲各大股指急剧上扬。

    That, along with a better-than-expected bond auction by Portugal, helped send the euro and European stock indexes sharply higher.


  • 市场预期显示1年后人民币汇率可能当前1美元6.8871人民币贬值为1美元兑7.30人民币。

    Market expectations for the renminbi a year from now indicate it could weaken to Rmb7.30 against the dollar from its current level of Rmb6.8871.


  • 美联储同样认为保持长期汇率不变地承诺是有条件的,并不是许多人认为的那样,一定要是6个月而是失业率低通货膨胀率(两者皆实际存在已被预期)为前提的,如果有前提改变的话,利率自然也会跟着改变。

    It does not mean six months, as many seem to think, but only as long as unemployment remains high and inflation (both actual and expected) stays low. If those things change, so will interest rates.


  • 可以预见今年央行进行更多预期管理保持汇率稳定

    It is foreseeable that PBC will carry out more expectation management this year to maintain the stability of exchange rate.


  • 正如市场普遍预期的那样,澳洲联储维持现金利率目标2.50%不变,同时重申审慎的做法稳定汇率澳元因此保持历史高位

    As widely expected, the RBA kept its cash rate target unchanged at 2.50%, reiterating that the prudent course is stable rates and that AUD remains high by historical standards.


  • 汇率失衡及其调整通过流动性效应预期效应、财富效应、溢出效应以及信贷扩张收缩效应等影响房地产价格

    Exchange rate disequilibrium and adjustment will affect the price of real estate by liquidity effect, expectation effect, wealth effect, spill-over effect, and credit expansion or depression effect.


  • 最近由于来自国外人民币升值压力升值预期,人民币汇率问题成为人们关注焦点

    The subject of the Renminbi exchange become focus of people's concern recently because of pressure of Renmibi revaluation abroad and its anticipation.


  • 要素集聚人民币升值预期外贸政策汇率制度导向等我国外汇储备过剩深层次因素

    The main factor collection, the renminbi appreciation expectation, the foreign trade policy and foreign exchange system, etc. are the sources for China's foreign exchange reserve excess.


  • 主要先进国家经验表明通过国际投机资本预期渠道,资本项目管制能深刻影响浮动汇率运行

    Experience of advanced countries shows, capital control influences operation of floating exchange rate regime through the expectation of speculative capital.


  • 霍尔预期今年加元美元的汇率保持于平算,2012年稍有放松

    Hall expects the Canadian dollar to remain slightly above parity this year, with a slight easing in 2012.


  • 传统汇率理论是构建有效市场理性预期假设基础近年来,理论不断遭受人们质疑挑战

    The traditional exchange rate theory basing on the hypotheses of efficient market and rational expectations has in recent years been the victim of people's doubts and challenges.


  • 现汇汇率期汇汇率差异反应了人们对于未来汇率变化的不同预期

    Differences between spot and forward rates reflect expectations of future changes in foreign exchange rates.


  • 随著外币资产累积升值预期也将提高,甚至使货币汇率压低的成本更高

    As the stock of foreign currency accumulates, speculation on an appreciation rises, making it ever more costly to hold the currency down.


  • 通过所选择经济变量进行实证浅析浅析,研究检验了心理预期在影响人民币汇率众多经济因素中的重要作用

    Through empirical analysis of the selected economic variables, the important role of psychological impact of the RMB exchange rate are investigated and tested among the numerous economic factors.


  • 周一美元日圆汇率前不久的战后低点升至1美元兑78.18日圆,升幅达3%,但没有达到日本主要汽车生产商建立本财年业绩预期汇率水平

    The dollar rose from recent postwar lows against the yen on Monday up 3% at 78.18 yen, but still shy of the level that major Japanese car makers have based their forecasts for the year.


  • 通货膨胀目标制已经一些实行浮动汇率国家所采用,并以此所作为通货膨胀预期“刹车”的一种方式

    Inflation targeting has been adopted by several countries with floating exchange rate systems, as a way to anchor inflation expectations.


  • 通货膨胀目标制已经一些实行浮动汇率国家所采用,并以此所作为通货膨胀预期“刹车”的一种方式

    Inflation targeting has been adopted by several countries with floating exchange rate systems, as a way to anchor inflation expectations.


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