• 装饰物浸入中的新鲜水果

    Garnish: Fresh fruit slices dipped into the drink.


  • 满满冰块或者最喜欢水果床上

    Bring a bowl full of ice cubes to bed or slices of her favorite fruit.


  • 脱脂希腊酸奶、脱脂干酪或者奶酪的时候加点水果

    Nonfat Greek yogurt, nonfat ricotta or lowfat cottage cheese with sliced fruit


  • 最近的某个下午,学习的项目是自制橙色冰糕热带水果摆盘。

    On a recent afternoon, homemade orange sorbet and slices of tropical fruit lined the table.


  • 试试胡萝卜条,水果自己在家而不是去吃那些饼干薯条含高脂肪的加工食品

    Try carrot sticks, a piece of fruit, or your own homemade trail mix instead of cookies, chips, or processed foods that tend to be loaded with fat and calories.


  • 然而牛奶蔬菜还有水果(不是果汁)中的糖分,包括水果,没有太大的损害

    However the sugars in milk, vegetables and pieces of fruit (as opposed to fruit juice), including dried fruit, do not wreak as much havoc.


  • 地上到处吃剩快餐掉出来水果撕裂玩具以及大堆亚历克斯兴致勃勃毁掉的硬纸盒

    Strewn about are pieces of fruit from discarded snacks, mangled toys, and a huge mound of cardboard cartons demolished with great relish by Alex.


  • 开始是以几何图形排列的水果随后便是自家花园里摘鲜花——有时候只是一朵,开在一半葡萄柚当中。

    First it was fruit slices placed in geometric pattern; then came flowers from our garden me times just one blossom sprouting from a grapefruit half.


  • 开始时是以几何图形排列的水果片随后便是自家花园里摘鲜花——有时候只是一朵,开在一半葡萄柚当中

    First it was fruitslices placed in geometric pattern; then came flowers from ourgarden metimes just one blossom sprouting from a grapefruit half.


  • 开始是以几何图形排列的水果随后便是自家花园里摘鲜花花——有时候只是一朵,开在一半葡萄柚当中。

    First it was fruit slices placed in geometric pattern; then came flowers from our garden sometimes just one blossom sprouting from a grapefruit half.


  • 购买便宜的一次性储存容器零食版本苹果酱水果鸡尾酒其他零食

    Purchase inexpensive, disposable storage containers and create small snack size versions of applesauce, fruit cocktail, chips and other snacks.


  • 生们在一约 4000㎡ 的土地上种植水果和蔬菜。

    Students plant fruit and vegetables on an area of land about 4,000㎡ in size.


  • 如果真是饥饿的话,那么选择合理食物譬如水果不是一块巧克力,就可以奏效

    If it's actually hunger, eating something reasonable such as a piece of fruit rather than a chocolate bar might do the trick.


  • 例如每天早上汽水热量,相当于一个水果的热量加一面包的热量之和,150卡路里。

    Forexample, that can of soda you drink each morning is the calorieequivalent of a piece of fruit and a slice of toast, about 150calories.


  • 虽然冰雪皇后孩子提供免费冰激凌但有些连锁店——包括温迪索尼克——给菜单添加了水果和蔬菜,苹果柑橘汁等。

    While Dairy Queen gives kids free ice cream with their meal, some chains - including Wendy's and Sonic - have added fruits and vegetables like sliced apples and Mandarin orange cups to their menus.


  • 各种各样蔬菜的同时,偶尔需要1、2水果别的了。

    Eat all the vegetables you want and the occasional 1-2 pieces of fruit. Nothing more.


  • 所以看过水果沙拉之后再牛排,则牛排热量估值会增加;但是看到蛋糕,则牛排热量预估值会下降

    So estimates of the cheese-steak calorie content went up when it followed fruit salad, but went down when subjects first considered a slice of cake.


  • 例如每天早上罐装可乐所含的热量水果或一面包一样多150

    For example, that can of soda you drink each morning is the calorie equivalent of a piece of fruit and a slice of toast, about 150 calories.


  • 每天早上都可以抓起水果吃。

    Every morning you could grab an extra piece of fruit for your desk.


  • 水果沙拉一般也是提前制作的,在苹果上撒柠檬,苹果果肉不会变色

    Make the fruit salad hours in advance too. Just squeeze some lemon juice onto the apple slices, and they'll stay snowy white.


  • 分之一杯果脯2 - 3水果苹果橙子补充糖原存储

    A quarter cup of dried fruit or 2-3 pieces of fruit such as apples or oranges will help replace glycogen stores.


  • 橘子产生水果最好

    It is best when served with a slice of orange to bring out the fruit flavour.


  • 还有碳水化合物比较时候,同样水果帮助更久我们维持血糖水平

    And when combined with carbohydrates, such as a piece of fruit, it helps to sustain our blood sugar levels longer. "She also offered up several simple ideas."


  • 你会发现一个简单替换就可以减少多少卡路里,比如以脱脂牛奶替换全脂牛奶,低碳饮料苏打水替代速溶咖啡,晚餐多吃蔬菜替代吃肉零食新鲜水果不是

    Have an extra serving of vegetables at dinner instead of an extra serving of meat. Or snack on sliced fresh fruit instead of chips.


  • 活动开始麻烦来临时处理麻烦的方案(“如果特别想吃零食我会新鲜水果干果。”)

    Start with just one activity, and make a plan for how you will deal with troubles when they occur (" If I have a craving for a snack, I will eat one piece of fresh or three pieces of dried fruit. ").


  • 项活动开始,遇到麻烦时你处理方式做个计划(比如“如果想吃零食我会新鲜水果或者干果”)也许刚开始时候有些困难但是会变得越来越容易,这就是整个关键

    "If I have a craving for a snack, I will eat one piece of fresh or three pieces of dried fruit." it will be hard in the beginning, but it will get easier, and that's the whole point.


  • 只能12水果原因水果碳水化合物含量高,包含许多维生素营养因此有必要下这1、2

    The reason you only eat 1-2 pieces of fruits is because fruits have high carb count(fructose). But they contain so many vitamins and nutrients that it's worth eating 1 or 2.


  • 只能12水果原因水果碳水化合物含量高,包含许多维生素营养因此有必要下这1、2

    The reason you only eat 1-2 pieces of fruits is because fruits have high carb count(fructose). But they contain so many vitamins and nutrients that it's worth eating 1 or 2.


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