• 现如今大多数坐落水库下游努比亚人家园被称为尼采

    Most of the Nubian homeland now sits under the reservoir called Lake Nasser.


  • 本文通过实例计算验证模型的可行性,分析了水库下游防洪标准水库发电效益的矛盾关系。

    The model has boon successfully implemented on a real world multipurpose reservoir and the trade-off between flood control and power energy is obtained.


  • 针对官厅水库下游三家店水库水源进行生物滤池预处理现场试验,研究低温条件下生物陶粒滤池的微生物学特性

    The microbiological characteristics of the bio-film in a bio-ceramisite filter treating slightly polluted source water from Guanting Reservoir in Beijing at low temperature are researched.


  • 水库正常运转以后因为冬季2008年春天早期时候下游放水,水库水位一直下降汶川地震发生的时候,水库正处在一个水位上。

    Following normal operation, the reservoir's level dropped as water was released downstream during the winter and early spring 2008 and was at a low level when the Wenchuan earthquake occurred.


  • 水库正常运转以后,因为在冬季2008年春 天早期时候下游放水水库水位一直下降。 而汶川地震发生的时候,水库正处在一个水位上。

    Following normal operation, the reservoir's level dropped aswater was released downstream during the winter and early spring2008 and was at a low level when the Wenchuan earthquake occurred.


  • 这个城市至少一半建筑物受到损坏,需要重建附近水库存在在隐患一旦决堤,在下游河边的黑熊救护中心也可能洪水淹没

    At least half of the buildings in Dujiangyiang will need rebuilding and the dam there is a big potential problem too - if it bursts, our sanctuary down river will be flooded within minutes.


  • 水库防洪抢险事关下游人民生命财产安全

    Reservoir flood prevention emergency critical time downstream people life and property security.


  • 山东省地处黄河下游水资源供需矛盾日益突出为此建设了大量平原水库

    Shandong Province, located downstream of Yellow River, has built large amounts of plain reservoirs to solve the unbalance between supply and demand for water resources.


  • 本文对沂沭河流域大型水库下游控制河道流量演算方案进行了系统研究

    This paper introduced the research results on river flow routing scheme for the reaches from large-scale reservoirs to downstream control stations in the Yishuhe river Basin.


  • 东平湖水库处理黄河下游洪水重要工程,建于1958年。

    Dongpinghu reservoir was constructed in 1958 and is one of important project for dealing with floods in the lower Yellow River.


  • 龙滩水库在下闸蓄水开始阶段断流,下游供水一定影响

    In the initial impoundment of Longtan Reservoir, it has certain influences to the downstream water supply since there is no runoff below the dam.


  • 上游建成具有一定调节能力水库时,为减少下游拟建水库施工导流流量,要求上游水库控制泄量满足施工要求。

    If a regulated reservoir was built on upstream, we always reduce construction flood to meet the requirement of the hydropower project downstream through controlling the outflow of reservoir upstream.


  • 主要原因丹江口水库调节作用汉江中下游径流量影响枯水期远远大于汛期

    The main reason was that the operation effect of Danjiangkou reservoir for runoff was more in the low water period than in the flood period.


  • 水库下泄水流挟带沙质含沙量减少,坝下游河床出现冲刷

    The released flow from reservoirs carries less sediment load of bed material than pre? dam periods.


  • 结果表明小浪底水库建成清水下泄期间,下游不会发生改变

    There is an indication that the channel patterns in the Lower Yellow River will not be changed utterly when Xiaolangdi Reservoir discharges its clean water after It will have been built.


  • 坝基开挖发现坝基面倾向下游软弱夹层存在,采取处理措施水库蓄水后有泥化的安全隐患

    The softening jiont was found at the downstream of dam foundation after its excavated. So the project was dangerous if it was carried out with the orignal program.


  • 减少黄河下游河道淤积小浪底水库主要开发任务之一

    To reduce deposition in the Lower Yellow River is one of main development tasks in Xiaolangdi Reservoir.


  • 泾河上修建东庄水库,必须充分考虑水库运用给渭河下游河道带来冲淤影响。

    Jinghe River is a grade II tributary of the Yellow River and its downstream converges into the downstream of the Weihe River, which lies within the Sanmenxia Reservoir area.


  • 黄壁大型水库全国重点病险之一安危直接牵动着下游几十个市县安全关系重大。

    Huangbizhuang reservoir is one of the most dangerous reservoirs in the whole country, its safety and danger is directly related to the people's safety in the lower reaches.


  • 三峡水库蓄水运用以后,由于库区泥沙淤积,清水下泄,下游河道必然受到影响

    After impoundment of Three Gorges reservoir, the sediment silting in the reservoir and clear water discharge significantly impact the downstream rive channel.


  • 上游水库防洪标准低于下游水库时,下游水库必须考虑上游水库溃坝洪水的影响。

    When there exists reservoir upstream, whose standard for flood control is lower then that in downriver, the dam-break flood upstream must be considered.


  • 同时文章还结合三门峡水库运用实测资料预估了小浪底水库下游河道作用。

    Meanwhile, prediction of deposition reduction in the lower Huanghe River due to Xiaolangdi Reservoir by employing the measured data in Sanmenxia Reservoir is presented in this paper, too.


  • 一旦出现溃坝,必将威胁下游水库的安全。

    Once the upstream reservoir breaks dam, the downriver dam will be threatened.


  • 同时采集太湖“引江济太”工程长江调水口——望河口水样、千岛湖水样千岛湖下游河流型水库富春江水样进行分析。

    The EHPs from Wangyu River, a large water channel connected Lake Taihu with Yangtze River, and from Lake Qiandao and Fuchun River were also studied.


  • 水库实施防洪预报调度方式是解决我国防洪和兴利之间矛盾的有效途径,其水库下游的防洪风险率大小是决定其能否实施的关键。

    The present article aims to introduce the authors research on the method of flood control forecast operation a reservoir can actualize in a flood season.


  • 了解,界牌的宽也只有上游连接将军水库下游连接陂堰水库

    It is understood that the Silver Creek community card is not long, only a few meters wide, general reservoir connected upstream and downstream connection Pei oblique weir reservoir.


  • 了解,界牌的宽也只有上游连接将军水库下游连接陂堰水库

    It is understood that the Silver Creek community card is not long, only a few meters wide, general reservoir connected upstream and downstream connection Pei oblique weir reservoir.


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