• 尽管如此,中国太空探险计划能否或多或少美国的航天计划一样,技术物质上为民用经济带来商业利益呢?

    Might China's new space adventure nonetheless provide other commercial spin-offs in technologies and materials for its civilian economy, rather as America's space programme has done?


  • 预计此次会谈内容将涉及双边事务各个方面,包括援助巴基斯坦脆弱经济巴方大胆开出的愿望清单上,甚至还包括对民用核技术提供帮助

    The dialogue is supposed to cover the gamut of bilateral issues, including help for Pakistan’s fragile economy, and even, on its ambitious wish-list, civil nuclear technology.


  • GPSIII项目维护GPS星座最低风险解决方案,也是满足全球军事商业民用用户需求经济路径

    The GPS III program is the lowest risk solution to constellation sustainment and the most affordable path to meet the needs of military, commercial and civilian users worldwide.


  • 随着印度获得全球商业的批准后,萨科奇想利用法国民用核技术方面的优势讨好印度,从而获得有利的经济战略关系

    With India getting the all-clear for global nuclear commerce, Sarkozy wants to leverage France's civilian nuclear expertise to marry economic and strategic relations with India.


  • 到底有没有真正实用经济方便的、没有弊病民用炉子呢?

    In the end there is not really practical, economic and convenient, without the drawbacks of this civilian stove?


  • 随着我国经济飞速发展塑料制品民用工程领域应用日趋广泛。

    With the rapid growth of China's economy, plastics products are being used widely ranging from civil area to industrial area.


  • 民用航空运输中,运输服务交换经济内容,而航空运输合同则是其必然要采取法律形式

    In civil aviation transportation, the exchange of transportation service is the economic content and the contract for aviation transportation is the necessary form of law.


  • 老年满桶现金购买豪华轿车,这样故事似乎很难说明消费经济处于健康状态。

    Tales of elderly villagers purchasing luxury cars with buckets of cash hardly seem signs of a healthy consumer economy.


  • 应用于一般民用建筑工业建筑,可以节约楼层净高降低工程综合造价,具有良好使用功能经济效益

    It can economize the storey height; reduce the total cost of the project. So it is a type of floor with good application function and economy benefit.


  • 这些措施保障根据地军需民用活跃繁荣了根据地经济

    These measures guaranteed the need for army and people and made the economy of the base areas active and prosperous.


  • 本文根据近年来国内各项经济指标,运用线性回归方法建立民用汽车需求计量经济模型对模型进行评价预测

    According to the economic indices of recent years, this paper constructs an econometric model of civil automobile by linear regression method and does some estimating and forecasting.


  • 经济飞速发展,使得结构技术越来越多地应用各种民用建筑工业建筑中。

    With the rapid development of the economy, the technology of steel frames is widely used in various civil and industrial buildings.


  • 机场民用航空业重要基础性行业国民经济发展以及国家安全具有重要影响

    Airport industry is an important fundamental industry of civil aviation, and it has significant influence on the development of national economy and the safety of the state.


  • 他们强烈要求经济困难的降低电力煤气价格。

    They urged reduced utility rates for hard-pressed residential users.


  • 本文介绍了一些国内民用工业使用合成润滑脂而取得较大经济效益典型实例

    This paper describes typical examples of greater economic benefit obtained by using synthetic lubricating grease in some industry.


  • 柴油主机民用船舶中价值最高配套设备可靠性直接影响船舶运行的经济

    The main diesel engine is the most valuable and necessary equipment integrated into a civil ship, and its reliability has a direct and economical impact on a ship operation.


  • 考虑几个主要经济因素电量影响,并用历史数据拟合出用电量多元线性回归模型。

    This paper considers the effects of some economic factors to residential electricity consumption, and builds the multiple liner regressive equations MLRE using historical data.


  • 本文重点探讨聚酯民用长丝生产合理规模经济

    In this paper the reasonable scale economy of PET textile filament yarn production is explored emphatically.


  • 20世纪20年代,美国经济证券市场再度空前繁荣民用商用房产建设高歌猛进。

    In the 1920 ', America's economy turned up, with an unprecedented roaring stock market back and a surge in building on residential and commercial properties.


  • 本文介绍了集中供暖民用建筑热量计费发展趋势发达国家供热计量收费经验以及所产生经济效果。

    The paper introduces the experience with charging for heating and its advantages, and the tendency of charging per heat quantity for central heating of civil architecture.


  • 如果减少开支于消费的会减少,那样伤害经济

    But if cuts spending, the people that he's spending money on would complain that they don't have money to spend and that he was hurting the economy.


  • 产品广泛适用于冶金能源石化建材轻纺农牧环保国民经济各部门民用建筑等领域。

    Our products are widely used in fields like metallurgy, energy, petrochemistry, building materials, textile industry, farming, environmental protection and civil construction, etc.


  • 民机产业市场经济最典型市场否决制产品因此营销策略运用我国民用飞机产业的发展非常重要

    Civil aircraft industry is a typical products which only depends on market in the market economy, thus the use of marketing strategy in the civil aircraft industry development is very important.


  • 20世纪20年代美国经济好,证券市场再度空前繁荣民用商用房产建设高歌猛进。

    In 1920s, American economy was experiencing an upturn. The securities markets were feasting on an unprecedented prosperity. Construction of residential and commercial properties was in full steam.


  • 经济水平高低、供水时间收取水费是影响水量重要因素

    The economic level, time of water supply and charge were the important influencing factors for water consumption of rural residents.


  • 经济水平高低、供水时间收取水费是影响水量重要因素

    The economic level, time of water supply and charge were the important influencing factors for water consumption of rural residents.


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