• 而且即便是民意测验者担心11月份中期选举期间个人赛中公开的许多民意调查准确性

    But even pollsters are worried that many of the political polls in individual RACES unveiled in the run-up to the mid-term elections in November may be inaccurate.


  • 58%受访中——包括21%自己的支持另一民意测验中表示,他们希望2012年再次当选。

    Some 58% of respondents, including 21% of his own supporters, told another poll that they did not want him to stand again in 2012.


  • 民意测验结果可能反映新斯科舍省啤酒消费总体对于啤酒品牌偏好真正差别

    It is more likely that your poll results reflect a real difference in brand preference among the population of Nova Scotia beer drinkers.


  • 最近次的民意测验中,85%被测支持这个想法

    In one recent poll 85% of respondents said they supported the idea.


  • 然而消费越来越怀疑公司是否在履行不要作恶座右铭——一个国内随意民意测验证明了这个日益严重问题

    Consumers, however, are becoming sceptical about whether the company is living up to its Don't be Evil motto - a straw poll anywhere in the country will provide evidence of that growing problem.


  • 我们不能排除这样虚假设,即自从上一次民意测验以来,新斯科舍省啤酒消费偏好已经发生了变化

    We cannot reject the null hypothesis that the preferences of Nova Scotia beer drinkers have changed since your last poll.


  • 民意测验显示,备受尊敬国际货币基金组织总裁斯特劳斯·卡恩领先其他所有竞争

    Polls showed Mr Strauss-Kahn, the highly-regarded head of the International Monetary Fund, ahead of all other competitors.


  • 她召集了一批出色民意测验专家,形象设计师,募捐团队言论攻击到现在为止,一切进展顺利

    Mrs Clinton has assembled the best collection of pollsters, image-crafters, fund-raisers and hatchet-men in the business; and so far she has managed them successfully.


  • 民意测验不能充分说明支持度;几乎一半受调查声称他们尚未决定。

    Opinion polls underplay Mr Le Pen's support; almost half of respondents say they are undecided.


  • 一项很大盖洛普民意测验发现,不管什么方法测验随着年纪的变老,人们变得也更有幸福感,研究并不确定原因何在

    A large Gallup poll has found that by almost any measure, people get happier as they get older, and researchers are not sure why.


  • 假定段时间打算对新斯科舍省啤酒消费进行另一次Web民意测验

    Imagine that you were to do another Web poll of Nova Scotia beer drinkers after a period had elapsed.


  • 这场辩论之前组织Ipsos网站上委托进行了一次23个国家的民意测验

    Prior to the debate, the organisers had commisioned a 23-country poll on religion by Ipsos.


  • 对于Web民意测验示例使用非参数分析过程因为Web民意测验通常使用定类尺度记录投票偏好

    In the case of Web polls, I am using a non-parametric analysis procedure because Web polls often use a nominal scale to record voter preference.


  • 或许是因为受人关注的女性米歇尔·巴克曼只是名气稍弱,媒体就习惯性地将位于8月13日赢得艾姆民意测验的女士视为佩林二代。

    PRESUMABLY because both are attractive women, and she the lesser-known, the media used to disparage Michele Bachmann, who won the Ames straw poll on August 13th, as "Palin-lite".


  • 或许是因为受人关注的女性米歇尔•巴克曼只是名气稍弱,媒体就习惯性地将位于8月13日赢得艾姆民意测验的女士视为佩林二代。

    PRESUMABLY because both are attractive women, and she the lesser-known, the media used to disparage Michele Bachmann, who won the Ames straw poll on August 13th, as “Palin-lite”.


  • 根据民意测验专家Ipsos - MORI的说法,年前移民问题就已经上了投票黑名单现在,在投票心中,移民犯罪都算是排前列的问题。

    Immigration has raced up voters' worry lists over the past two years and now vies with crime for the top position, according to Ipsos-MORI, a pollster.


  • 阿尔卑斯山环境保护游说团体发表民意测验中,有67%的参与支持通过一项禁令针对圣哥公路隧道中通行的大型卡车

    Sixty-seven percent of those surveyed support a ban on truck traffic through the St Gotthard road tunnel, according to the poll commissioned by an Alpine environmental lobby group.


  • 但是如果实验设计原则应用于Web数据收集过程更加主动(例如,在的Web民意测验过程中随机选择投票),那么可以改变这种情形。

    This can change, however, if you become more proactive in applying experimental design tenets to your Web data collection procedures (such as, randomize the selection of voters in your Web polls).


  • 我们民意测验几乎四分之一的“保险额不足”目前持有延期未付的医疗帐单将近一半使用信用卡应付医疗开支

    In our poll, nearly a quarter of the underinsured say they currently have overdue medical bills, and close to half have used credit CARDS to meet their health costs.


  • 最近民意测验显示冰岛还款计划的敌意正在弱化,反对的比例已上月的70%跌至53%。

    The latest opinion polls suggest a softening of hostility toward the repayment scheme, with 53% of Icelanders against it, down from about 70% last month.


  • 研究发现这种微博客评级密切地跟踪了更为正式民意测验

    The researchers found that this Twitter rating tracked more formal opinion polls closely.


  • 即使胜负极为接近选举当中多数民意测验人员测出胜利。胜负差距往往点票结果接近

    Even in closely contested elections, most of the pollsters have called the winners, often by margins close to vote tally.


  • 这位美国统计学家盖洛普民意测验的首创。盖洛普民意测验是为了测量民意其调查样本进行统计的科学方法

    Gallup was an American statistician who invented the Gallup Poll, a successful statistical method of survey sampling for measuring public opinion.


  • 这位美国统计学家盖洛普民意测验的首创。盖洛普民意测验是为了测量民意其调查样本进行统计的科学方法

    Gallup was an American statistician who invented the Gallup Poll, a successful statistical method of survey sampling for measuring public opinion.


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