• 民事义务存在构成民事责任前提

    The existence of someones legally recognized duty is a premise to his civil liability in a civil case.


  • 民事责任违反民事义务应承担法律后果

    Civil liability for violation of civil obligations should bear the legal consequences.


  • 这里一个链接可以上面查找国家法律相关民事义务

    Here's a link where you can look up the civil commitment laws in your state.


  • 公民出生死亡具有民事权利能力依法享有民事权利,承担民事义务

    A citizen shall have the capacity for civil rights form birth to death and shall enjoy civil rights and assume civil obligations in accordance with the law.


  • 民事责任民事义务关系而言民法学界说认为民事责任是违反民事义务结果

    In terms of the relationship between civil liability and civil obligations, academic circles of civil law regard civil liability as a result of breaking civil obligations.


  • 第九公民出生时起到死亡时止,具有民事权利能力依法享有民事权利,承担民事义务

    A citizen shall have the capacity for civil rights from Birth to death and shall enjoy civil rights and assume civil obligations in accordance with the law.


  • 第九公民出生时起到死亡时止,具有民事权利能力依法享有民事权利,承担民事义务

    Article 9 a citizen shall have the capacity for civil rights from birth to death and shall enjoy civil rights and assume civil obligations in accordance with the law.


  • 民事权利民事义务民事责任三者是对立统一地存在于同一民事法律关系之中,民事法律关系因此而分为权利义务型法律关系权利责任型法律关系。

    Civil rights, civil duty, civil liability co-exist adversely and uniformly in the same civil legal relationship. So there are two types of legal relationships: rights-obligation and rights-liability.


  • 违约责任侵权责任竞合由于某种违反民事义务行为既符合违约责任构成要件又符合侵权责任构成要件,从而法律导致多种民事责任并存冲突所产生的现象。

    Concurrence between liabilities for breach of contract and liabilities for tort is an activity to break civil obligation and results in coexistence and confliction of various civil liabilities in law.


  • 未成年子女国家集体他人造成损害时,父母承担民事责任义务

    If children who are minors cause damage to the state, the collective, or individuals, their parents shall have the duty to bear civil liability.


  • 关于平等社会运动人士对此报以嘘声。他们认为允许进行同性民事关系登记这样的事情不会成为一种义务

    Equality campaigners pooh-pooh the idea that permission to hold civil-partnership registrations could ever become an obligation to do so.


  • 无论如何,在明确规定未婚居者的权利义务前提下又拒绝给予他们(四分之一年龄为25到34岁)民事伴侣关系的认可,这样做似乎目光短浅

    In any case, denying unmarried cohabiters (over a quarter of people aged 25-34) a shot at civil partnership, with its defined rights and responsibilities, seems myopic.


  • 民事生活建筑物区分所有权人之间绝大部分纠纷几乎都是共有部分的权利义务划分不而起。

    In civil life, most disputes among the condominium owners are produced by the illegible right and obligation of co-ownership part.


  • 德国主审法官可以随时根据案件情况提起调解德国民事诉讼法中明确规定了法官调解义务

    Germany, the trial judge may initiate mediation at any time under circumstances of the case, the German Code of Civil Procedure also specifies the obligations of the judge's conditions.


  • 医患法律关系医疗机构患者因患者接受医疗机构的医疗服务而形成民事权利义务关系。

    Legal relationship between doctors and patients is the civil legal relationship which occurred in the course when medical organization offer medical services to patients.


  • 民事责任民事行为人违反法定义务或约定义务后,依什么根据来使行为人承担强制性不利后果。

    The imputation of civil liability refers to criterion decision by which the party must undertake responsibility for all the serious consequences arising from the violation of legal obligation.


  • 截止1944年9月,该院共收集869条具有权利义务内容的民事习惯收集者进行初步甄别

    By September of 1944, the High Court successfully collected 69 civil customs containing rights and obligations from 8 counties, and made a preliminary differentiation of them by their collectors.


  • 真实义务民事诉讼中的确立适应诉讼变化诉讼日趋复杂化需要

    Forming the Obligation of truthfulness in the civil procedure is in order to meet the need of complexity and change of lawsuit.


  • 民事法律关系构成要素权利义务责任,债三者结合成。

    The debt is a kind of civil legal relation, it forms key element as right, obligation and responsibility, the debt was combined for the three.


  • 民事权利能力民事主体享有权利承担义务资格,是之所以成为根本原因。

    Capacity for civil right is a qualification with which a civil subject has his or her right and performs his or her duty, and also is the fundamental element for a man to be a man.


  • 民事注意义务违反应当如下两个特殊角度予以考虑。

    The breach of duty of care should also be considered from these two special angles.


  • 对于成文法民事注意义务违反判断可以依法直接认定过失

    The breach of the duty of care in statutory can directly identify the existence of negligence.


  • 诉权当事人民事实体权利义务关系发生争议或者处于正常状态,从而请求法院予以裁判解决的权利。

    Right of action is a right a party has to request a trial court resolve a substantive civil right that is in dispute or under irregular conditions.


  • 瑕疵出资及其民事责任深层基础在于出资制度出资义务

    The investment defect and its civil liability are deeply based on the funding system and investment obligations.


  • 瑕疵出资及其民事责任深层基础在于出资制度出资义务

    The investment defect and its civil liability are deeply based on the funding system and investment obligations.


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