• 颈部肩部的被形成具有保护性的

    The coat on neck and shoulders forms a protective mane.


  • 夏威夷纳。乌庐(MaunaUlu .)活火山喷发形成熔岩喷泉采集样品地质学家剪影

    After collecting a sample of fresh spatter, a geologist is silhouetted against a fountain of molten lava spouting from Hawaii's Mauna Ulu.


  • 脸部耳部短,形成漂亮纹路。

    The hair on the face and ears is shorter and of finer texture.


  • 这些细胞发出非常微细的随着声波运动形成冲动传入内。

    These cells sprout extremely fine hairs that move in response to sound waves and set up the electrical impulse that goes into the brain.


  • 之上细胞形成产生分化表皮细胞构成的同心环状形成根鞘。

    The hair is formed from cells just above the bulb, which also give rise to concentric zones of differentiated epithelial cells destined to form the inner and outer root sheaths.


  • 一侧形成两个胚芽上部胚芽生长进入皮脂腺下部胚芽形成附着处。

    Along one side of the follicle, two buds are formed: an upper, which develops into the sebaceous gland, and a lower, which becomes the attachment for the arrector pili muscle.


  • 尾巴量丰厚形成状。

    The tail is profusely coated and forms a plume.


  • 组织提花圈机上形成的,具体方法是纱线沉降片片鼻上形成线圈,垫在片颚形成小线圈。

    This fabric is knitted on jacquard terry knitting machine, in which a long loop is formed by feeding the yarn on sinker nose and a short one on sinker jaw.


  • (状体):是植物表皮细胞突起形成结构,其形状多种多样,通常具有明显的种属特征。

    Hair (trichome) an outgrowth from a plant epidermal cell. Plant hairs may take a wide variety lf forms, often characteristic of particular species or genera.


  • 颈部背部外层硬,雄性肩胛发也非常丰富形成脖圈的外观

    The outer coat is stiffer and longer on the neck and back, and in males considerably more profuse at the shoulder, giving them a more ruffed appearance.


  • 田菁茎瘤形成于茎上蛰伏不定根发生。 当合适的根瘤菌不定根发生点裂口入侵后,刺激不定根原基周围的皮层细胞分裂形成含菌组织而发育成茎瘤。

    Rhizobium sesbania infected through the apical rupture of the growing site of adventitious root, multiplied in the fissure around the root primordium and stimulated the division of cortex cells.


  • 基础上阐述了提花形成组织变化,意匠设计工艺应用

    On the basis of discussing knitting action and guide movement, the technical practice is explained including jacquard plush forming, ground stitch variation and pattern grid design.


  • 所有区域都整洁清晰有足够长度平滑脸部喉咙尾巴后腿以下部位形成鲜明的对比

    All curled areas should be clearly defined by curls of sufficient length to form a sharp contrast with the smooth coat on face, throat, tail, and rear legs below the hocks.


  • 美国爱斯基摩拥有竖立双层浓厚的底长的外层组成,外层披穿过,在外层形成保护。

    The American Eskimo Dog has a stand-off, double coat consisting of a dense undercoat and a longer coat of guard hair growing through it to form the outer coat.


  • 穿一套黑色衣服,高高个子的,凌驾于近旁那些军官之上,肩膀很宽,下便渐渐瘦削,形成个细细的腰身一双得出奇的,脚是铮亮的皮靴

    He was dressed in black broadcloth, a tall man, towering over the officers who stood near him, bulky in the shoulders but tapering to a small waist and absurdly small feet in varnished boots.


  • 柔软身躯,而颈部周围的底浓厚形成直立的脖圈。

    The softer undercoat is dense and short on the body and is very dense around the neck, making the ruff stand out.


  • 耳朵长满配合脑袋形成圆形轮廓

    The ears are well feathered and fit into the rounded contour of the head.


  • 例如是否可以形成麦,又问,马尾去一是否可以形成一秃马尾?

    It was asked, for example, whether a single grain makes a heap of wheat, or whether it makes a bald-tail to tear out a single hair from the horse's tail.


  • 湿20包括由亲水性纤维41形成湿纸幅接触层(21以及不含亲水性纤维(41)的基体层 (22)。

    The wet paper side layer (20) comprises a wet paper contact side vat layer (21) formed of a hydrophilic fiber (41) and a substrate side vat layer (22) free from a hydrophilic fiber (41).


  • 此种剥取机构剥取出来均匀连续平整,解决网上形成波浪痕迹现象

    The webs taken out through the stripping mechanism are even, continuous and flat, and thereby the phenomenon of the wavy rails on the webs is avoided.


  • 其中一徐州纺厂1。2万锭精纺纱锭前后配套形成1。5万锭生产能力扩大生产规模3万枚精纺纱锭。

    One phase of the Xuzhou wool mill spindle spinning around 1 2,000 to 1 5,000 matching a production capacity, second to expand the scale of production to 3 million gross spinning spindle.


  • 徐州经济开发区建设厂区,占地200形成3万精纺纱锭的生产规模

    Xuzhou new factory district in the construction of an economic development zone, covering 200 acres and 30,000 pieces of wool spinning spindle formation production scale.


  • 颈部肩部的被更浓密,形成样外观

    Neck and shoulders heavily coated, especially in dogs, giving mane-like appearance.


  • 为了冰点海拔环境中生存这种山羊一种特有的令人难以置信羊绒形成人头发还细6内层

    To survive in the freezing altitude environment, the goats grow a unique, incredible soft pashm, inner coat , six times finer than human hair.


  • 为了冰点海拔环境中生存这种山羊一种特有的令人难以置信羊绒形成人头发还细6内层

    To survive in the freezing altitude environment, the goats grow a unique, incredible soft pashm, inner coat , six times finer than human hair.


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