• 目的比较列美脲二甲双代谢综合征(MS)患者治疗效果

    Objective To compare the effect of glimepiride and metformin in the treatment of metabolic syndrom (MS).


  • 使用光纤药物出仪应用标准曲线方程时,比较列喹酮溶出度差异

    Comparing the difference of the dissolution of gliquidone tablets by fiber-optic dissolution test system which use two different standard curve equations.


  • 但是回应道这种批评作为有机常规种植粮食进行个别研究比较没有根据的。

    But Dangour responds that criticism is off base, as the comparisons of organic versus conventionally grown food were done within individual studies.


  • 有些德国评论员甚至将踢球齐达内相比较不过相比于齐祖这种进攻组织者更多偏好于运球和盘带。

    Some German commentators have compared his playing style to Zinedine Zidane, but gotze is more of a dribbler than a playmaker.


  • 罗森说,有一点我们要注意的是,我研究结果毕竟基于一个相对比较范围,这个结果怎么能比得上吸烟诱发肺癌2000%的增长率这么让人吃惊。

    For one thing, Rosenberg explains that the association she found is relatively small. Compare the 65 percent increase in risk with the 2,000 percent increase in risk of lung cancer linked to smoking.


  • 填充每个单元需要时间是恒定的—只需有限数量相加比较必须填充mn个单元

    Filling in each cell takes constant time - just a bounded number of additions and comparisons - and you must fill in mn cells.


  • 如果历史性中选择多种定义条目,那么您可以一个新的属性比较比较属性

    If you select multiple definition entries in the history grid, you can compare the properties in a new property comparison pane.


  • 要是一个分辨率比较宽屏显示器显示右边效果最好

    Showing the new panes on the right works best when you have a wide-screen monitor with a relatively high resolution.


  • 他们风险仍然很小尽管如此同胞兄妹没有精神分裂症比较,他们的风险仍比一般人群更大,”鲁姆

    "Their risk is still very small but, nonetheless, when you compare them with people with siblings who don't have schizophrenia, their risk is still greater than in the general population," said Groom.


  • 尔斯伯先生:一方面肯定会进行比较:那就是影响力——《五角大楼文件》泄露以来最大次。

    Mr Ellsberg: the comparison is inevitable in one major respect: in terms of volume, there's been nothing like it since the Pentagon Papers.


  • 其他学者比如奥托·兰克兰勋爵早就在做英雄神话比较研究

    Such scholars as Otto Rank and Lord Raglan had earlier written comparative studies of hero-myths.


  • 比较困难部分式化单元

    The harder part is formatting the cells.


  • 所以家里孩子比较擅长学习,那么一个孩子有意识或者无意识将会专攻另一方面,比如社交。”施皮说道

    "So if one child in a family seems to excel at academics," Spiegel says, "the other child - consciously or unconsciously - will specialize in a different area, like socializing."


  • 所以家里孩子比较擅长学习,那么一个孩子有意识或者无意识的将会专攻另一方面,比如社交。” 施皮说道

    So if one child in a family seems to excel at academics,” Spiegel says, “the other child — consciously or unconsciously — will specialize in a different area, like socializing.


  • 《新闻周刊援引美国印第安纳大学传播文化学院助理教授兰娜·尔森作品,后者自己学生怎样分手比较糟糕”。

    Newsweek cited the work of Ilana Gershon, an assistant professor of communication and culture at Indiana University in the US, who once asked her students what makes a bad breakup.


  • 不过索恩从事资讯科技,IT领域比较适合孤独症类似亚斯·综合症相关疾病患者。

    But Sonne worked in it, a field more suited to people with autism and related conditions like Asperger's syndrome.


  • 这些增加城市人口大多安家城郊不是市中心,补充道,繁华都市地区教育程度比较居民区,人口增加特别迅速

    Most of this growth occurred in the suburbs rather than the inner cities, Mr Glaeser adds, with the more prosperous metropolitan areas and those with better educated residents growing especially fast.


  • 现在高中,人们也许认为阿斯伯或者觉得她只是比较古怪而已。

    Now that she's in high school, she would probably be considered Asperger's or maybe just a quirky kid, he says.


  • 殖民地居民万帕诺亚印第安食物结构比较类似饮食习惯不相同

    The foods that the colonists and Wampanoag Indians ate were very similar, but their eating patterns were different.


  • 商业部落对于某些公司价值,但是许多部落干脆他们花的时间资源别处还比较

    Business blogs are valuable for some companies, but for many blogging takes up time and resources better spent elsewhere.


  • 掩饰现在形,背心对胸能起到保护作用,衬衣纽扣设计使得比较方便进行身体检查

    The plaid camouflaged my new chest, the camisole protected it and the buttons on the shirt made for easy medical access.


  • 诊断为雅斯·综合症,这是自闭症一种比较表现症状。因此他们认为他或许学校遇到一些问题。

    He was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism, so they thought he might have problems in school.


  • 比较合并进程右边左边显示了 ModelFragment_1.efx及其先类的当前版本

    The left and right panes in the compare merge session show the current version of ModelFragment_1.efx and its predecessor.


  • 作为一个CD - ROMiso 9660不是(只读)ext2式化(考虑到iso标准比较成熟)。

    As a CD-ROM, it's formatted in iso9660 rather than (read-only) ext2, for the maturity of the iso standard.


  • 伯说,预计微软报告用于PC笔记本电脑Windows软件销售年前比较下降3%,使这个季度成为8年来艰难的季度。

    Egbert says she expects Microsoft to report sales of its Windows software for PCs and laptops to drop 3 percent from a year earlier, making it the toughest quarter in eight years.


  • 施蒂·拉尔森(Stieg Larsson)虽然三部黑暗暴力犯罪小说作者,他的家庭那时候还比较美满,不会酝酿仇恨家人也不会暗地里相互仇视。

    As the author of three dark and violent crime novels, Stieg Larsson was at home in a dysfunctional landscape of simmering resentments and rancourous family secrets.


  • 施蒂·拉尔森(Stieg Larsson)虽然三部黑暗暴力犯罪小说作者,他的家庭那时候还比较美满,不会酝酿仇恨家人也不会暗地里相互仇视。

    As the author of three dark and violent crime novels, Stieg Larsson was at home in a dysfunctional landscape of simmering resentments and rancourous family secrets.


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