• 栓塞死亡率静脉血栓

    The case fatality rate is higher with pulmonary embolism than it is with deep VT.


  • 许多社交界,人肤色肤色理容易接受

    In many societies, there is often greater acceptance of light skin than dark skin.


  • 平坦而飘浮物体它们穿越流体时在下方会产生的物体更大流体静力

    Flat floating objects incur greater hydrostatic forces under them when they move through a fluid than do deep and narrow objects.


  • 轻轻地划一下然后反复划,一一次划得些,直到木板完全开。

    Score lightly at first and then repeat, scoring deeper each time until the board is cut through.


  • 装载机不是有效机械因为装载机不挖土机那样轮子

    A loader is not the most efficient machine for digging as it cannot dig very deep below the level of its wheels as a backhoe can.


  • 无线电波波长可见光多,而且来自无线电波总是很弱

    Radio wavelengths are much longer than those of visible light, and the radio waves from deep space are always weak.


  • 使用唇膏的时候,最好坚持使用嘴唇自然稍微一点的颜色,因为嘴唇随着年龄的改变会逐渐变薄。

    With lipstick, it's best to stick to hues that are only a little darker than the lips' natural color, since lips tend to thin with age.


  • 这儿可能一个真正巨大大坝导致峡谷之间的,并且时间黄土沉积物久远吗?

    Could there have been a really large dam that caused a deep lake in both Zharu and the main valleys and is older than the loess deposits?


  • 尾三美元兑换日圆的汇率继续徘徊低于1100以下之际,官方正在关注最终能够多少

    And as the dollar continues to dangle below the 100-yen mark, Fukao says that officials have their eyes on just how low it will go.


  • 睡眠与否有关百灵鸟型处于波睡眠的时间夜猫子型多50%甚至更多

    Deep sleep is associated with slow brain waves, and larks spent 50% more time in such slow-wave sleep than owls did.


  • 清楚以前还是现在染了头发但是现在他的头发是棕色的,以前很多。

    It's unclear whether he dyed his hair then or now, but these days it is dark brown and he is much heavier.


  • 片真空由于没有可以穿透,便呈现出完全黑色——并不是黑色黑色浅,不是那种我们宽泛地将之归类于这个东西而是完全的、彻底无限黑暗。

    The empty region, since no light ever penetrates it, is absolutely black-not more or less black, like the things to which we loosely ascribe this word, but utterly, completely and infinitely black.


  • 南部学生普遍得分北部东北部各州的学生得分

    And students in the Deep South generally scored lower than their counterparts in northern and northeastern states.


  • 英国皇家学会生物研究期刊上报告中写道,蓝鲸皮肤颜色大多数鲸鱼都浅,因而晒伤也皮肤颜色长须鲸厉害。

    Blue whales, who have fairer skin than most whales, suffered more than the darker fin whales, she reports in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.


  • 离婚也有价格一点迈克尔·乔丹可能任何一位名人的体会都要

    Divorce has its price - and no celeb, it appears, knows that better than Michael Jordan.


  • 如果欧洲领导人同意一体化程度选民所希望的要,那么选民的激烈反应可能会使欧盟分崩离析,而恰恰他们努力避免的情况。

    If Europe's leaders sign up for a level of integration deeper than voters want, the backlash could split the EU apart-exactly the outcome they are trying to avoid.


  • 海洋还是那么也许还是相对便宜以前很多而且远远不是很丰富的了。

    THE sea is still deep, and fish may still be relatively cheap, but it costs much more than it used to. And it is far from plentiful.


  • 有人经济已经停止衰退经济预计的还有沦陷可能再度衰退。

    The recession is said by some to be over, but it has been deeper than was once anticipated, and the economy may yet dip again.


  • 就如过去年中大部分光阴岁月今天塞特医生仍然被卡斯的“桃花”的地牢里。

    Today, like most days for the better part of the past eight years, he is locked away in a dungeon on Fidel Castro's island paradise.


  • 这种开后门路的方式迫使银行抛售资产紧缩借贷信贷危机的程度很可能当年雷曼兄弟倒闭时出现的欧洲危机还要

    This backdoor run is forcing banks to sell assets and squeeze lending; the credit crunch could be deeper than the one Europe suffered after Lehman Brothers collapsed.


  • 第二,造成2010年智利地震断层2004年苏门答腊地震冲入地球角度那么一点点

    Second, the fault responsible for the 2010 Chiliean earthquake dips into earth at a slightly steeper Angle than does the fault responsible for the 2004 Sumatran earthquake.


  • 任何人地向法官鞠躬法庭上永远一尘不染的整洁装束。

    He bows to the judges pretty much as low as everybody else. Always a natty dresser, his standards in court never slip.


  • 激光加工产生标准制造技术更高直径

    The resulting laser-machined holes have a much higher aspect ratio (diameter to depth ratio) than holes achieved with standard fabrication techniques.


  • 这个想象的

    The hole was simply deeper than it appeared.


  • 当前G.D . P.八十年代时期跌幅但所不同这次失业率情形

    Compared to the nineteen-eighties, the current recession is slightly deeper in terms of G.D.P. What is very different this time is the pattern of unemployment.


  • 179使用管井家庭发生儿童腹泻风险364户使用管井的家庭46%(P=0.032)。

    The risk of childhood diarrhoea was 46% lower in the 179 households that used a deep tube well than in the 364 that used a shallow tube well (P = 0.032).


  • 佩拉说新发现证明一岁孩子前臂室外在室内的肤色一些说明孩子们实际上受到我们知道更多日光暴晒

    Paller says the fact that new research shows that 1-year-olds have darker skin on the outside of their forearms, compared with the inside, shows that even babies get more sun exposure than we realize.


  • 而且一般来说,流感症状包括发烧怕冷嗓子疼酸痛突然发生的,症状也感冒

    And in general, flu symptoms including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come, it suddenly and are more severe than cold symptoms. CET-4, 2005.1.


  • 而且一般来说,流感症状包括发烧怕冷嗓子疼酸痛突然发生的,症状也感冒

    And in general, flu symptoms including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come, it suddenly and are more severe than cold symptoms. CET-4, 2005.1.


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