• 事件近两年来斯利那加发生严重一起武装袭击

    It was the first big militant attack in Srinagar in two years.


  • 阿富汗全境武装袭击事件直线上升,美军在阿境内死亡人数也超过了伊拉克

    The number of attacks across Afghanistan has skyrocketed, and more U. S. troops are dying there than in Iraq.


  • 脆弱停火将继续加沙地带举行一天之后哈马斯表示停止武装袭击星期时间使以色列撤出

    The fragile ceasefire in Gaza is continuing to hold, a day after Hamas said militants would stop attacks for a week to give Israel time to withdraw.


  • 尼日利亚由于石油设施不断受到武装袭击目前产量已跌至25年低点日产量正常水平下降了100万桶。

    Nigeria says that because of continuing militant attacks against its oil facilities, production is now at a 25-year low, down nearly one million barrels a day from its normal output.


  • 自从1949年以来,北大西洋组织成员一直受制于北大西洋条约第五条的庄严承诺任一盟国武装袭击视为所有成员国的袭击

    SINCE 1949, Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty has bound NATO members to a solemn vow: an armed attack on one of the alliance shall be treated as an attack against all.


  • 内政部长罗纳尔多·普诺(Ronaldo Puno)警告安帕图恩家族除非他们中午交出安帕图恩,否则可能遭到武装袭击

    The interior secretary, Ronaldo Puno, said he had warned the family they risked a military attack unless they handed over Ampatuan by midday.


  • 西非武装力量发起进攻回应袭击

    The West African forces went on the offensive in response to attacks on them.


  • 武装强盗袭击旅游者

    Armed thieves descended on the travellers.


  • 这次军事演习引发邻国黎巴嫩叙利亚担忧,他们担心以色列可能计划发动袭击这些国家已经自己武装部队进入戒备状态

    The drill has raised fears in neighboring Lebanon and Syria that Israel might be planning an attack, and those countries have raised the level of alert in their armed forces.


  • 被美军及其盟军杀害平民数量有所降低武装分子发动袭击数量显著提高这意味着平民的死亡数量有所上升

    The number of civilians killed by the United States and its Allies was lower, but insurgent attacks are significantly higher, meaning the overall number of civilian deaths is up.


  • 霍姆斯联合国安理会说,战争地区平民以及试图帮助他们援助工作者正在越来越多地成为战斗人员武装组织袭击目标

    John Holmes told the U.N. Security Council that civilians as well as the aid workers who are trying to help them are increasingly targeted by combatants and armed groups in conflict zones.


  • 上周末武装人员在黎明发动袭击试图火箭筒汽车炸弹炸条通往阿富汗东部地区一个美国基地最终失败了

    Over the weekend, militants tried but failed to blast their way into an American base in eastern Afghanistan, striking before dawn with rocket-propelled grenades and a car bomb.


  • 空中骑手们猎鹰袭击胖胖的火鸡一样猛地撞武装直升机.空战开始了.

    The rayriders slam into the gunships and Samsons like falcons hitting fat turkeys. The air battle is joined.


  • 电视台报道武装分子利用民众实施袭击大约80名安保人员试图控制形势受伤

    It said armed men took advantage of the crowds to carry out attacks and that about 80 security forces personnel were wounded, trying to bring the situation under control.


  • 上个星期,大约1015名全副武装枪手袭击印度商业枢纽不同目标,导致数百伤亡

    About 10 to 15 heavily armed gunmen attacked different targets across India's business hub last week, killing and wounding hundreds of people.


  • 九月份武装分子袭击位于苏门答腊省棉兰市警察局杀死位警官明显恐怖嫌犯被捕报复

    In September armed men attacked a police station in Medan, North Sumatra province, killing three officers, in an apparent retaliation for the capture or killing of terrorist suspects.


  • 奥迪耶诺将军一些袭击武装分子邻国伊朗帮助下发起

    General Odierno said some of the attacks are being carried out by militants with the help of neighboring Iran.


  • 全副武装警察袭击地点周围设置路障当地民众互相叫喊,对这个城市再次遭受恐怖袭击愤慨不已。

    Armed police set up barricades around the sites of the attacks, and local people were seen Shouting at each other, angry that another terror attack had hit the city.


  • 蓄意袭击武装人员当然不是什么新鲜事

    Deliberate attacks on the unarmed are of course nothing new.


  • 本周,一些不明武装分子袭击了沙鲁姆检查站,迫使以色列该检查站关闭几日。

    Unknown militants attacked the Kerem Shalom crossing this week, forcing Israel to close it for a couple of days.


  • 对于美方的挑战毛拉·奥马尔下令巴基斯坦瓦齐·斯坦武装力量停止巴基斯坦的袭击

    In an apparent response to the augmented US challenge, Mullah Omar has directed Pakistani militants in Waziristan to halt attacks on Pakistani forces.


  • 尽管这个军事基地武装薄弱的平民担任,但是袭击事件还是出人意料,毕竟这个袭击目标太过容易了。

    The assault on the army base was not foreseen, even though, guarded by poorly armed civilians, it was a soft target.


  • 世界银行工作人员调查时他们不得不记住问题答案因为村民带着笔记本的陌生人说话可能会被武装分子袭击

    When World Bank workers attempt to take surveys, they have to memorise the questions and answers, since villagers speaking to strange folk with clipboards are at risk from insurgents.


  • 他们袭击还有武装分子受伤

    Other militants were also wounded in the two strikes, they said.


  • 他们袭击还有武装分子受伤

    Other militants were also wounded in the two strikes, they said.


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