• 补偿正常动物随机检验费用

    Random tests on normal animals are not cost recovered.


  • 促进正常动物高血糖动物胰岛素释放

    OjF promoted the release of insulin both in normal and in diabetic mice.


  • 前言:目的:研究降糖安正常动物耐量血糖影响

    Objective: to study the effect of JTA on the glucose tolerance and serum glucose level in normal animals.


  • 生长激素大型分子量蛋白质控制正常动物生长成熟

    Somatotropins are large molecular weight proteins which regulate growth and maturation in normal animals.


  • 另设正常动物注射内毒素氨酸抗内毒素组加以对照

    The normal rats injected with LPS or injected with LPS combined with glycine (LPS antagonist) were designed as controls.


  • 正常动物时,这种激素大脑发出信号降低食欲调节阀

    When a normal animal gains too much weight, the hormone signals the brain to turn down the appetite rheostat.


  • 结果正常动物与模型动物用药后血糖显著降低血清胰岛素均显著增加

    Results:Higher dosage of Huaqijiangtang Capsule could significantly decrease the blood sugar of the mice and rabbits, and increase the blood insulin of the animals.


  • 必要对该指南涉及正常动物”要求进行特殊考虑妊娠哺乳期间动物

    The recommendations in this guide refer to the 'normal' animal, and special consideration is needed, for instance, during pregnancy and lactation.


  • 基因修改过不能合成神经酰胺的动物吃药的情况下也正常动物一样,不会产生胰岛素抵抗

    Animals genetically altered in a way that limited their synthesis of ceramide didn't become insulin resistant when taking the drug as normal animals did.


  • 方法分别利用标准正常动物肿瘤模型钛合金支架置入前后的吸收剂量变化进行测量。

    Methods: Standard water tank, normal animal and animal tumor model were used to assess the dosage change before and after a NiTi stent placement.


  • 科学家注意到,使用一定剂量抗癌白细胞注射后,正常动物可以获得癌症免疫力并且可以持续一生

    The scientists noted that with one dose of cancer-resistant white blood cells, normal animals acquired cancer immunity that typically lasted for the rest of their lives.


  • 实验测定表明正常动物关节内关节软骨之间摩擦力非常的,摩擦系数大约为0.002~0.02的范围

    The experimental tests show that the friction between cartilages in normal animal joints is very low and its coefficient of friction is in the range 0.002 to 0.02.


  • 混合核苷酸免疫调节作用研究结果显示,混合核苷酸对正常动物免疫系统作用不明显增强免疫低下动物的免疫功能,使之恢复至正常水平。

    The result of MN on immunoregulation showed that MN couldn′t have significant action on normal mice, but it could enhance the immunization of immunosuppressive mice to normal level.


  • 给予正常进食动物2DG,大量葡萄糖到达细胞药物阻止了大部分葡萄糖的处理从而减少了ATP合成

    When 2DG is administered to animals that eat normally, glucose reaches cells in abundance but the drug prevents most of it from being processed and thus reduces ATP synthesis.


  • 一个世纪生物学家发现如果他们无脊椎动物胚胎生命早期阶段分成部分存活下来并发育成两个正常胚胎

    Nearly a century ago, biologists found that if they separated an invertebrate animal embryo into two parts at an early stage of its life, it would survive and develop as two normal embryos.


  • 这个表演全年开放的,包括正常动物门票

    This show is open year-round and included with regular Zoo admission.


  • 二氧化碳的浓度高于正常标准实验方法包括对人和动物恐慌症的研究。

    Carbon dioxide at higher than normal concentration is one way of experimentally inducing panic in animals as well as in humans.


  • 正常情况下所有动物实验都利用了有节奏动作功能呼吸相互喂食动作

    Under normal conditions, all of her experimental animals performed rhythmic motor functions such as breathing or feeding movements comparably to one another.


  • 相反,在抑制CRF活跃度后,小白鼠的行为变得正常。CRF认为跟人和动物抑郁情绪有关

    In contrast, inhibiting the activity of CRF, which is known to be associated with depression in humans and animals, caused the treated rats to behave more normally in the tests.


  • 然而看到其它消极画面时,比如死去动物生病孩子他们反应则比较正常

    However, when the same group were shown other disturbing images such as dead animals or ill children they had a much more natural response.


  • 现今,37%饮食限制动物仍然活着消耗正常的卡路里的猴子只有13%。

    Today, 37 per cent of the animals on the restricted diet are still alive, compared to just 13 per cent of monkeys who ate a normal amount of food.


  • 人们就算有,也吃的很少,而且一般特殊场合。他们吃的动物也真正是健康的、营养正常的,并且得到悉心照料。

    People who ate meat ate it in extremely small quantities (usually just for special occasions) that came from healthy, well-fed, well-cared-for animals.


  • 国家猪肉生产协会DanWarner养猪户已经习惯于他们动物患流感——只有最少损失然后很快恢复正常

    Hog farmers also are accustomed to their animals getting the fluand then getting over it fairly quickly with minimal damage, said Dan Warner of the National Pork Producers Council.


  • 据英国国民托管组织的自然保育专家马修·奥茨解释说,“春天来得太早很多物种其实是个灾难,因为它们繁殖的太早,后代就容易受到突如其来寒潮降雨影响。 寒冷的冬天动物能够正常冬眠,而温暖的春天和早早到来的夏天为昆虫创造了理想的环境来大量繁殖,并进而保证了秋天果园、树林和灌木丛里各种浆果的大丰收。”

    He said that very early springs can prove disastrous for species who breed too early making their offspring susceptible to unexpected cold or wet snaps later in the season.


  • 他们根本行为正常野生动物所以像那样动物教育不了任何人

    They don't have things to do, and an animal like that can't educate anyone, because it's not behaving normally at all.


  • 动物这个正是进化进程正常方式

    In animals, at least, this is the way evolution normally proceeds.


  • 认为人们应该明白野生动物死亡事件正常的。就是真实生命

    I think people should be aware that mortality events in wildlife are normal. They are a fact of life.


  • 保持一庞大水系统洁净由泥土植物动物组成网络接触它们时,这个系统不能保持正常了。

    What keeps this vast system clean is a web of earth, plants and animals; when water cannot be in touch with these it is no longer a sustainable and healthy system.


  • 保持一庞大水系统洁净由泥土植物动物组成网络接触它们时,这个系统不能保持正常了。

    What keeps this vast system clean is a web of earth, plants and animals; when water cannot be in touch with these it is no longer a sustainable and healthy system.


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