• 根据最新欧盟法规许多欧盟成员国关闭某些燃煤发电站

    Certain coal fire power stations are due to shut down in various member states due to new regulation.


  • 城市大人物们担心很多欧盟法规用来损害伦敦扶持欧洲其它金融中心

    City bigwigs worry that much EU regulation is designed to undermine London and favour other financial centres in Europe.


  • 欧盟法规规定只要个人使用,对带入境数量并不限制。

    Under European Union regulations, people may import an unlimited quantity of alcohol and tobacco, so long as it is for their own personal use.


  • 饱受诟病大量欧盟法规由国内法取代可能也是一样地不胜其烦

    Lots of much-reviled EU regulations would simply be replaced by domestic ones, quite possibly equally burdensome.


  • 一个版本用于支持应用程序调用最大容许输出功率允许欧盟法规

    A version is available to support applications which call for the maximum permissible output power allowed by EU regulations.


  • 一月份新的欧盟法规颁布实施,新的法规货币兑换条件要求得更加严格。

    In January, new European Union rules took effect placing tighter restrictions on the redemption of COINS.


  • 同样欧盟法院继续遵守目前有效欧盟法规将继续尊重法律选择条款

    Similarly, the European Courts will be continue to be bound by the same EU rules currently in force and will continue to respect choice of law clauses as well.


  • 欧盟法规提案如果被采用,将导致监管者加大对冲基金监管力度并且给对冲基金的杠杆率设限。

    Proposals for new EU regulations would, if adopted, lead to increased oversight of hedge funds by regulators and put limits on funds' leverage.


  • 去年4月生效的几项欧盟法规规定2011年,所有中药材销售必须得到官方安全认证

    Under EU rules that came into force last April, by 2011 all medicinal herbs must be officially certified as safe before being sold.


  • 但是最终反对这条欧盟法规人士取得胜利,这意味着约100规定果蔬尺寸外形质地的相关法规得以废除。

    But in a victory for opponents of European regulation, 100 pages of legislation determining the size, shape and texture of fruit and vegetables have been torn up.


  • 如果英国准备加入挪威俱乐部得接受欧盟法规的实际监管,其中包括工时指令布鲁塞尔将来可能想到所有法规

    If Britain were to join the Norwegian club, though, it would remain bound by virtually all EU regulations, including the working-time directive and almost everything dreamed up in Brussels in future.


  • 欧盟已经提出了新的法规控制雇员工作时间

    The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees.


  • 特别欢迎欧盟委员会能够工业界没用引入法规的情况下达成共识

    It is particularly welcome that the commission was able to reach agreement with the industry without introducing new regulation.


  • 受到最大影响可能前往欧盟国家的非欧洲访客,因为欧委会提出法规并不涵盖他们

    The biggest effect may well be on non-Europeans visiting the European Union, since they will not be covered by the Commission's proposed regulation.


  • 但是这个办法意大利欧盟法规都有抵触(欧洲委员会已经威胁要那不勒斯垃圾问题上意大利提起诉讼)。

    But this is at odds with both Italian and European Union legislation (the European Commission is already threatening legal proceedings against Italy over Naples's garbage).


  • 达玛纳吉欧洲欧盟已经通过了新的法规,要求进入市场的渔业产品需要出示凭证,证明渔产品遵守所有法规捕捞的。

    In Europe, Damanaki said, the EU has adopted new regulations that every fish product coming into markets needs to bear certification that the fish were caught in compliance with all regulations.


  • 现在欧盟设立新的法规来规范这样基金对透明度基金破产投资者保护等问题作出规定。

    The EU now wants to impose new regulations on such funds, involving things like transparency and protection for investors if a fund goes bust.


  • 对不守规矩会员欧盟通常通过公开曝光非常规的法律诉讼使它遵守成员国法规

    Wayward members can usually be brought into line by public exposure and the odd lawsuit.


  • 这两个地方法令——在美国称为国家市场系统管理规则RegNMS),欧盟则被称为金融工具市场法规(MiFID)——都在推动交易所更加透明度、更具竞争力

    New laws in both regions—a rule known as Reg NMS in America, and MiFID in the European Union—are pushing them toward greater transparency and competition.


  • 如果英国加入欧洲经济区欧洲自由贸易联盟我们还是签署绝大多数欧盟环境法因为这些法规同样影响统一市场的运行

    And if the UK joined the EEA or EFTA, we would still have to sign up to most of the EU's environmental laws, because those laws also affect the functioning of the single market.


  • 报告1990年以来,美国环境法规欧盟委员会行动减少颗粒污染方面取得了重大进展

    Environmental regulations in the United States and actions by the European Commission have led to substantial progress in reducing fine particulate pollution since 1990, the report said.


  • 一旦脱离欧盟,伦敦金融城或许可以停止执行自己不喜欢部分欧盟监管法规例如银行家奖金限制

    Once out of the EU, the City could potentially backtrack on some of the bloc's regulations that it most dislikes, such as curbs on bankers bonuses.


  • 法规要求英国汽油公司必须达到欧盟汽油的规格要求

    Legislation will require U. K. petrol companies to meet an E. U. specification for petrol.


  • 我们坚信共同履行新的欧盟化学品法规义务中,我们公司合作取得丰硕的成果。

    We are sure that we will have a fruitful cooperation with your company to fulfill all obligations of the new European Chemicals regulation.


  • 美国几个对此表示支持,并且仿效欧盟法规

    Several American states were so impressed that they have copied the EU's rules.


  • 介绍了欧盟纺织品服装标准法规特点

    The characteristics of EU textile and clothing standard regulations are introduced.


  • 一旦脱离欧盟英国继续约束工业法律法规几乎没有任何发言权

    Once out of the EU, the country would have little say in the regulations and laws that would continue to bind its industry.


  • 瑞士通过双边协议欧盟各国进行商业往来,并且还定期修改布鲁塞尔制定法规相吻合。

    Switzerland does business with EU countries through bilateral deals, and by routinely aligning its regulations with those made in Brussels.


  • 瑞士通过双边协议欧盟各国进行商业往来,并且还定期修改布鲁塞尔制定法规相吻合。

    Switzerland does business with EU countries through bilateral deals, and by routinely aligning its regulations with those made in Brussels.


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