• 就是为什么欧盟一体化不会会员国主权威胁

    That's why for us EU integration is not a threat to the sovereignty of the member states.


  • 感谢中国支持欧盟一体化建设,波兰提升关系发挥作用

    He thanked China for its support of EU's integration, saying Poland is willing to play a greater role in improving the EU-China relations.


  • 我们支持欧盟一体化建设,欢迎欧盟国际事务中发挥更加积极作用

    We support the EU integration process and welcome it playing a more positive role in international affairs.


  • 所有这些至关重要的原因法国一直欧盟一体化积极筹划。

    The reason that all this does matter is that France is supplying so many of the new ideas for the European Union.


  • 塞尔维亚-欧盟一体化办公室负责人—迪里维奇有些兴奋未来却很坦然。

    Milica Delevic, who is in charge of the Serbian government's EU integration office is elated but realistic about the future.


  • 长期以来中国坚定支持欧盟一体化建设一政策不会发生任何改变。

    China has always been rendering its support to the EU integration and this policy will remain unchanged.


  • 欧盟一体化欧元区出现,伴随来的是,欧元区于非欧元区之间差距拉大

    European integration will now take place within the euro zone, widening the gap between ins and outs.


  • 中国支持欧盟一体化进程希望欧盟国际事务中发挥积极建设性的作用

    China supports the EU's integration process and hopes the EU will play a positive and constructive role in international affairs.


  • 随着欧盟一体化加深以及国际形势变化美欧关系更加平等更具竞争性。

    As the deepening of EU integration and the changing of international situation, the US-EU relation will be more equal and more competitive.


  • 欧盟认识到中国目前未来世界上重要作用感谢中国支持欧盟一体化经济恢复

    EU recognizes China's important role in the world at present and in the future and appreciates China's support for EU's integration and economic recovery.


  • 现在,德国不得不本国社会契约中的两个根本性原则中作出抉择:经济稳定性欧盟一体化

    That leaves Germany forced to choose between two bedrock principles in its own social contract: economic stability and EU integration.


  • 中国支持欧盟一体化建设,愿意看到欧盟今后欧洲和国际事务发挥积极作用

    He said China supports the integration of the EU and would like to see the EU play a more active role in European and international affairs.


  • 海峡两岸的情况都如此多数热情欧盟一体化支持者们实际上寻找着在自家修复缺陷的方法。

    The same is true across the Channel, where the most ardent pro-Europeans are actually seeking to fix a defect at home.


  • 中国欧盟一体化坚定支持者,坚信欧洲是维护世界和平稳定重要力量,是世界重要

    China is a firm supporter of EU integration. We see in Europe a major force for world peace and stability and an important pole in the world.


  • 阿尔巴尼亚外长迪丝•哈克希叹气说,不幸的是、意味着阿尔巴尼亚的欧盟一体化进程将再一次停滞不前。

    Unfortunately, sighs Edith Harxhi, Albania’s deputy foreign minister, this means that the EU integration process has also stalled.


  • 智囊机构populari的管理人AlidaVracic认为关键表明,波黑民众可欧盟一体化中获取实实在在的利益

    Alida Vracic, who runs Populari, a think-tank, believes that the key is to show Bosnians that there are real benefits from EU integration.


  • 这个大背景下,世界各地正在如火如荼开展区域经济一体化不论是欧盟一体化还是亚太一体化探索着稳步前进

    Under this background, regional economic integration develops in full swing, and both EU integration and Asia-Pacific integration are in steady progress.


  • 其二欧盟一体化实践经验东盟一体化道路调整后取得的积极成果表明了东盟一体化道路的调整一种合理的选择。

    Practically, the experience of the EU and the earlier success appeared right after ASEAN shifted its focus to develop economical integration have both indicated it as a right change.


  • 马克在书中介绍了欧盟起源特别是引用了马克思·康斯坦的一些话语名言。马克思·康斯坦是荷兰人,欧盟一体化的设计者让·内(法国人)有着密切工作关系。

    Mr Mak does indeed tell of the origins of the EU, notably by drawing on the words and wisdom of Max Kohnstamm, a Dutchman who worked closely with Jean Monnet, the project's French founding father.


  • 这项协议听上去很有技术性但是预示严重问题:进一步一体化欧元区可能威胁整个欧盟

    The pact sounds technical, but it foreshadows something much bigger: a closer integration of the euro zone that could hold threats for the entire eu.


  • 我们目前面临的挑战如何深化欧元区内一体化而又把欧元区欧盟其它国家割裂开来。

    The challenge is how to further deepen euro area integration without creating divisions with those member states that are not yet part of it.


  • 欧盟能够达成一致财政一体化迈出一步几率为几何?

    What are the chances that the EU can agree on an even bigger leap towards fiscal integration?


  • 胆子内阁大臣约翰·瑞德伍德提出了一项交易,用英国欧洲一体化否决权换取欧盟政策领域选择权

    For boldness, the palm goes to John Redwood, a former cabinet minister. He proposes a grand bargain: swap Britain's veto over European integration for the right to opt out of any EU policy area.


  • 欧洲下一步一体化要获得普遍认可必须欧盟危机解决方案机制实施为前提。

    That is why the need for the next step in European integration must be clearly acknowledged alongside implementation of the EU's crisis-resolution mechanism.


  • 如果欧洲领导人同意一体化程度选民所希望的要,那么选民的激烈反应可能会使欧盟分崩离析,而恰恰他们努力避免的情况。

    If Europe's leaders sign up for a level of integration deeper than voters want, the backlash could split the EU apart-exactly the outcome they are trying to avoid.


  • 但是西班牙人依然欧盟狂热者,工人社会党希望其因欧元区经济一体化迈出的一步获得好评

    But Spaniards remain Eurofanatics, and the socialists hope they will get credit for this step towards euro-zone economic integration.


  • 但是西班牙人依然欧盟狂热者,工人社会党希望其因欧元区经济一体化迈出的一步获得好评

    But Spaniards remain Eurofanatics, and the socialists hope they will get credit for this step towards euro-zone economic integration.


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