• 最后会议欧洲森林生态系统研究建立框架

    Finally, the conference established the framework for a European research network on forest ecosystems.


  • 第五决议重新提出有关树木生理机能欧洲研究,该研究被称为Eurosilva

    The fifth resolution relaunched the European research network on the physiology of trees, called Eurosilva.


  • 欧洲超级无线局域标准工作频率与 U-NII 相同

    The European HiperLAN standard operates in same frequency band as the U-NII.


  • 现在受伤不过一家欧洲俱乐部支俱乐部是世界冠军他们想让我加入。”接受《全市场》的采访时说

    "I am injured, but still a big European club wants me, the club world champion team wants to count on me, " Ganso is quoted as saying on Calciomercato.com.


  • 按计划明年春天他们欧洲南部新车进行体验,他们可以通过脸谱以及微博德语俄语法语任何其他语言他们的朋友分享他们的体验心得。

    They will then be taken to southern Europe next spring to test the new car and to tell their friends about it on Facebook and Twitter in German, Russian, French and any other language.


  • 欧洲委员会来说,场关于DB分离战斗迫在眉睫:委员会想要计算机系统剥离。

    A fight also looms with the European commission over the separation of DB's network and train services: the commission wants the computer systems to be separate too.


  • 我们所知道英特已经不再成长了。”RIPENCC欧洲IP地址发行组织首席科学家Daniel Karrenberg告诉CNN

    "The Internet as we know it will no longer be able to grow," Daniel Karrenberg, chief scientist at RIPE NCC, the organization that issues IP addresses in Europe, told CNN.


  • 体型很小欧洲地区一种较为常见蜘蛛,其著名之处当属能够编织出车轮般圆圆的

    The tiny, common European spider is best known for the classic wheel-like web beloved of children's drawings.


  • 挪威主办媚俗云集的欧洲电视歌唱大赛法国主办明星荟萃的戛纳电影节

    Norway hosts the kitsch-filled Eurovision Song Contest; France hosts the star-studded Cannes film festival.


  • 同时也是蒂姆伯尔尼-李所提出的万维(与互联是不同的)的精神所在。欧洲粒子物理研究所以免版税的方式发行万维保证所有可以免费使用

    It is also a spirit that informed Tim Berners-Lee's later World Wide Web (not the same as the Internet) when the Cern European particle physics laboratory released it royalty-free for anyone to use.


  • 支付公司维萨欧洲证实了上述预期。 据维萨欧洲预测,消费者圣诞节通过维萨卡进行96万笔购,消费金额高达3600万英镑

    The estimate is backed up by payments company Visa Europe, which expects 960,000 transactions worth 36 million pounds will be made on Visa cards on Christmas Day.


  • 公司客户包括很多好莱坞工作室美国欧洲电视卫星电视运营商(比如DirectTVBSkyB)以及法国电信英国电信等电信公司

    Its clients include Hollywood studios, American and European television networks, satellite broadcasters such as DirecTV and BSkyB, and telecom companies such as France telecom and BT.


  • 尚品2010年7月面世,主要面向中国消费者进行欧洲顶级奢侈品品牌(Gucci等)的限时在线销售

    Shangpin launched in July 2010, and offers top European labels, such as Gucci, to Chinese consumers during limited-time online sales.


  • 529德国莉娜·迈耶·兰德·鲁特欧洲电视亮相,英文演唱卫星》时,纯化论者将会只眼闭只眼。

    When Germany's Lena Meyer-Landrut takes to the Eurovision stage on May 29th to sing "Satellite" in English, purists will cringe.


  • com是美国以及欧洲,advertising。com, is,the, leading, online,advertising,首要上广告交易我们几千合作

    Advertising network in the United States and in Europe and we work with thousands of websites.


  • 目前对于欧洲冬季抑郁没有更好解药但是如果划算时候澳洲,那赶在澳之前吧。

    There's also no better antidote to those European winter blues, but if you want to go at the most cost-effective time, go just before the Australian Open starts.


  • 欧洲适用带肋钢筋焊接钢筋包括钢筋许可焊接方法表3.4。

    P This Eurocode applies to ribbed and weldable reinforcement, including fabric. The permitted welding methods are given in Table 3.4.


  • 今年欧洲电视举行的歌曲竞赛,法国参赛的是首英文,这件事在国外被人们传为笑谈但是法国人对此不以为然。

    When they entered a song in English at this year's Eurovision song contest, it provoked wry amusement abroad, but indifference at home.


  • 事件欧洲旅游日本高尔夫旅游,针阵列旅游,澳大利西亚阵列旅游南部非洲旅游共同批准

    Events co - sanctioned by the European tour, the Japan golf tour, the pga tour, the pga tour of australasia and the southern Africa tour.


  • 欧洲习惯中国有些不同

    Online shopping habits in Europe also are somewhat different from those in China.


  • 嫦娥卫视欧洲中华电视有限公司三大门户之一

    Chang TV Network is Europe's China Television Co., Ltd., one of the three portals.


  • 全球信息伯纳斯-李欧洲核子研究组织同僚创造出来1991年引进全世界。

    Web was created by Tim Berners-Lee and his colleagues at CERN and introduced to the world in 1991.


  • 2002年,开始负责销售事务欧洲非洲担任了多个管理职位

    In 2002, he moved to sales and held several management positions for the Europe and Africa regions in the Fixed Networks division.


  • 大家名字Irene来自欧洲现在小麦外语一名英语教师

    Hello, my name is Irene from Europe, is now an English teacher at Wheat English Online website.


  • 据新浪报道上周六国际航班(例如飞往澳大利亚欧洲北美东南亚航班)乘客数量创下历史新高。

    The number of passengers on international flights, such as those flying to Australia, Europe, North America, and Southeast Asia also witnessed a record high on Saturday, sina. com said.


  • 赛普等品牌品质卓越符合欧洲环保标准产品出口欧洲南美东南亚等地,已经固定客户深受客户好评。

    Sapp brands excellent mesh quality, in line with European environmental standards, products exported to Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, have been regular clients, well received by customers.


  • 除了欧洲内部存在这样诸多分歧欧洲美国鸿沟变得大,世界大型在线社交搜索引擎许多都落户在美国。

    Despite such differences within Europe, the gap is much greater between Europe and America, home to many of the world's largest online social networks and search engines.


  • 慧聪欧洲相比怎么评价中国涂料市场?伊立化学公司中国的下步计划是什么

    Hc360. com : how do you think of china coatings market compared with that of europe ? what ' s eliokem ' s plan in china next.


  • 养殖年内成长至 6-8公斤, 生长速度快且肉质鲜美媲美欧洲海上养殖之大西洋鲑鱼台湾箱养殖中最有前景之鱼类。

    The delicious cobia growing so fast that can gain 6-8 kg weight in one year is a good option for cage cultures like Atlantic salmon in European.


  • 本届欧洲电视歌唱大赛中,凭借童话般的民谣歌曲绝对多数得票赢得世界影响力广歌唱比赛。

    A 23-year-old Norwegian violinist, Alexander Rybak, won the Eurovision song contest with an upbeat ballad that got the most votes in the history of one of the world's most watched television shows.


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