• 另一种闹鬼相关自然现象称作声的低频波。

    Another haunted and related natural phenomenon is known as frequency infrasonic sound waves.


  • 作用机理生物共振次声应用于生物医学前景将会十分广阔。

    Being inaudible and with a mechanism of bio-resonance, infrasound has a brilliant perspective when applied to biomedicine.


  • 相同频率压级水平下,声的损伤作用暴露时间并非线性关系

    Under the same frequency and same sound pressure level, the infrasound damage on the brain didn't show linear correlation with the acting time of infrasound.


  • 1972年,巴黎国际专业会议正式确定定义声的暴露标准展开讨论

    In 1972, Paris International Noise Professional Meeting gave a formal definition of infrasound, and discussed its exposure standards.


  • 因此研究发生传播生物学作用机制制订相应防护措施越来越受到人们的重视。

    So people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance in studying the mechanisms of the occurrence, spreading, biological effects and preventive measures of the infrasound.


  • 电话3听到了咔嗒响,然后录音留言

    The telephone rang three times before I heard a click and then her recorded voice.


  • 公路上挡泥板断裂油漆刮擦这种事故每天都会路上发生成千上万

    There was a crack of fenders and the sound of paintwork being scraped, the kind of minor mishap that occurs on roads thousands of times every day.


  • 呼唤小朋友突然他听到沉重脚步向他走来。

    Again and again he called to his little friend, when suddenly he heard heavy steps approaching.


  • 番茄植株的茎被切断时,一小时内记录了25波疼痛,同时记录了15烟草植物的超波疼痛

    When the tomato plants' stems were cut, 25 ultrasonic pain sounds were recorded in an hour, and at the same time, 15 ultrasonic pain sounds were recorded from the tobacco plants.


  • 眼睛,你的相机会“咔嚓”一

    Open and close your eyes twice and your camera will go "click"!


  • 能够听见外面大风呼啸,每一狗吠,每一人行道穿过街道脚步

    I could hear every gust of wind outside, every dog barking, every footstep on the sidewalk across the street.


  • 并无利爪杰克下发出嘶嘶,迫使只熊在树上躲避了15分钟然后尝试逃跑失败之后到了另外一棵树上。

    Hissing at the base of the tree, Jack the clawless cat kept the bear at bay for about 15 minutes, then ran him up another tree after an attempted escape.


  • 有了那一问候死也瞑目了,但是不想伤心,他从来都是给最好的不例外所以下心肠她之后接二连三的电话

    With that greeting, he die rest in peace, but he did not want her hurt, he always gave her best, this one is no, so he hardened his heart not to pick her up after repeated calls.


  • 、对美国而言,机会,让我们能够这个国家以及全世界最优秀公民谢谢’,”说道

    "This is a chance for me and for the United States of America to say thank you to some of the finest citizens of this country, and of all countries," he said.


  • 这时,才从梦中渐渐清醒过来,第一相同把他完全惊醒了,注意看才看出颗星原来辆车子上

    But this confusion vanished; a second sound similar to the first roused him thoroughly; he looked and recognized the fact that these two stars were the lanterns of a carriage.


  • 试图跟随轻柔滴答钟鸣的钟鸣之间出九百我总是数不清。

    I tried to follow its soft ticking and to count the nine hundred seconds between one stroke and the next, but I kept losing track.


  • ,先听到沉寂之后了六听到大象尖叫喇叭似的音。

    He said six gun shots had rung out, then silence followed by another six gunshots, and screams and trumpeting of elephants.


  • ,听见巨大的爆炸飞机地面的时候。

    He said there were two loud explosions when the aircraft hit the ground.


  • 市区附近海港可以听到爆炸响,市中心豪华旅馆科伦坡大酒店可以听到另外爆炸

    One explosion was heard near the city's port, and another near the Cinnamon Grand, a luxury hotel in the heart of the city.


  • 多少重复地听到相同笑话时挤出大笑

    Just how many times can hear the same joke and force out a laugh?


  • 这样自己生活的漫长日子里,在我的知觉中,谛听到雨水淅沥树叶婆娑

    Thus did the rain patter and the leaves quiver again and again, the live-long day in my consciousness.


  • 形式上秒钟,或者说一滴答被定义小心受控条件下微波能量喷发或是133原子吸收9 192 631 770个循环

    One second is formally defined as 9, 192, 631, 770 cycles, or "ticks and tocks," of microwave energy emitted or absorbed by cesium-133 atoms under carefully controlled conditions.


  • 就在那个男人快草地边上时候,见到那个女郎出来了,大步流星地走到邮箱跟前,猛地打开“砰”地一狠命地关上力度前两还要大。

    As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, here she came out again, marched to the mail box, opened it and then slammed it shut harder than ever.


  • 喧闹渐强,连同成像照相机咔咔闪光掩盖天启的表演,而公众几乎把他们都忘了

    The din grows, and the voices, ever louder, along with the clicks and flashes of the instant cameras, obscure the spectacle of the Apocalypse, which the public has all but forgotten.


  • 这些脑外伤病人大多是从战场回来美军老兵此之前他们最后听到爆炸他们阿富汗作战负伤时。

    The last time most of these veterans heard bomb blasts and gunshots was the day they nearly died in Afghanistan.


  • 死去麦加第又把头了过来发出刺耳喊叫,听起来就像地狱狂犬在嚎叫

    The "dead McCarty... threw back his head once more [and gave] a dreadful rasping whoop that sounded like the hounds of hell were barking."


  • 死去麦加第又把头了过来发出刺耳喊叫,听起来就像地狱狂犬在嚎叫

    The "dead McCarty... threw back his head once more [and gave] a dreadful rasping whoop that sounded like the hounds of hell were barking."


- 来自原声例句

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