• 然而第二旋转时发现了自己没有注意到帘子,帘子前面后面有一扇小门

    However, on the second time round, she came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before and behind it was a little door.


  • 指出许多年轻人尤其不愿意学校冒险担心考试分数成绩他们失去进入名牌大学的机会。

    She noted, many young people are especially risk averse at schoolafraid that one low test score or mediocre grade could cost them a spot at a selective university.


  • 20世纪80年代供过于求的价格一度50美分如今一些品种母羊可以到每只200美元。

    Sheep once sold for as little as 50 cents each during a glut in the 1980s, but today some breeds of ewe can sell for as much as $200 a pop.


  • 对于流量web应用程序来说,可能导致缓慢性能(第一请求等待时间超过5秒钟)。

    For low-traffic web applications, this could lead to slow performance (more than 5 seconds waiting time for a first request).


  • 我说,“冷冻酸奶卡路里含量也不起作用啊

    Frozen yogurt may be low in calories but not if you eat five tubs of it.


  • 形容日本地震几率影响大”的事件

    He described the Japanese quake as a "low probability, high consequence" event.


  • 如果弄错了,机改正。时间看作商品,那么当筹码低的时候你就有机会充分利用它了。

    Treat your time as a commodity and you’ll have a better chance of taking advantage of it when the chips are down.


  • BIS估计债务负担下跌房产价值再一组合gdp增长

    The BIS reckons debt burdens and falling home values will again combine to push down GDP growth.


  • 浓缩铀虽然得上一实验,但移动也未浓缩武器级别

    The low-enriched uranium at Natanz, enough for one test, has neither been moved nor enriched to weapons grade.


  • 根据区域边界植物数量,北极地区可以划分三个植物区系(分别是北极,北极北极)。

    The Arctic region is broken into three floristic zones (High, Low and Sub Arctic), referring to the amount of plant life that exists within the regions' boundaries.


  • 那个手帕设计大赛获胜者就会称为“帕客”,为了支持生活放弃使用一纸巾选择使用手帕绿色消费者

    The winner will be called a "handkerchief advocator," as it refers to green consumers who prefer to use handkerchiefs instead of throw-away paper tissues in support of low-carbon life.


  • 2004年,这家公司第一亏损归咎于越来越多人开始使用水化合物的阿特金斯饮食法其实不止这些

    In 2004, the company's first loss was blamed on the rise of the low-carbohydrate Atkins diet, but it was much more than this.


  • 如果通货膨胀率上升银行再一加息一些其他中央银行包括美国联邦储备会有授权来坚持汇率利息增长通货膨胀。

    If inflation rises, the bank will hike rates again, he says. Some other central Banks, including America's Federal Reserve, have a mandate to pursue both growth and low inflation.


  • 上一美国提前预算完成如此一项铁路工程是在什么时候来着?

    When's the last time a rail project of this size was completed ahead of time and under budget in America?


  • 九月份沃尔玛售价为95.75美元的商品,克罗格,为101.93美元。

    The Walmart basket cost $95.75 in September; Kroger, at second lowest, came in at $101.93.


  • ABL之前的采用功率激光器打击探空火箭最新测试目标导弹收集激光性能参数

    The ABL previously engaged two sounding rockets with the low-power lasers - this latest test was the first time laser performance data was collected at the target missile.


  • 上一这么增率1950年,当时死亡率现在高多了。

    The last time it was so low was in 1950, when the death rate was much higher.


  • 妇女一周以上冰淇淋一周吃不到冰淇淋的妇女患上不孕症的几率38%。

    A woman who ate ice cream two or more times a week had a 38% lower risk than one who treated herself less than once a week.


  • 试探它的可能灾难性的。

    Trying to time a bottom can be disastrous.


  • 奥运火炬奥运会普遍象征火炬确实表达了伦敦承诺的一真正意义上的绿色比赛

    The Olympic torch is a universal symbol of the Games, and a low-carbon torch would have been an unequivocal demonstration of London’s commitment to a truly sustainable Games.


  • 我们做了最后一还价,仍然另外那位买家价钱几千.

    We made our final offer, which still was thousands of dollars less than the other buyer's bid.


  • 据说技术平均检出率高达96%并且虚报根据ISO测试,每一百万仅仅出现五虚报

    The technology is said to have an average detection rate of 96% and a low rate of false alarms: a mere five per million, according to tests by the ISO.


  • 年俩报告打算集中力量制定央行的双重任务提高就业率同时保持稳定通胀率。

    The twice-a-year report is intended to draw focus to the central bank’s dual mandate: promoting maximum employment while keeping the inflation rate low and steady.


  • 最近试验中马洛尼考虑到接受强度激光疗法的19位患者胆固醇甘油三脂浓度。

    In one recent small trial, Maloney looked at the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in 19patients undergoing LLLT.


  • 那个手帕设计大赛获胜者就会称为“帕客”,为了支持生活放弃使用一纸巾选择使用手帕绿色消费者

    The winner will be called a "handkerchief advocator," as it refers to green consumers who prefer to use handkerchiefs instead of throw-away paper tissues in support of low-carbon life


  • 202最近的调查中,那些每周至少大豆调查对象胆固醇值比不吃大豆制品很多

    In a recent study, subjects who ate soybeans at least five times per week had significantly lower cholesterol levels than subjects who ate no soy products.


  • 报表每一屏幕上显示都会使用96dpi像素图片打印导出报表时就会使用分辨率图片。

    Each time the report is rendered on screen, 96 dpi images are used while when the report in printed or exported the high resolution images are used.


  • 报表每一屏幕上显示都会使用96dpi像素图片打印导出报表时就会使用分辨率图片。

    Each time the report is rendered on screen, 96 dpi images are used while when the report in printed or exported the high resolution images are used.


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