• 2007年选举挑战萨科齐社会党候选人塞格莱纳.罗亚尔接受欧洲第一广播电台采访时说,这个新闻令人震惊。

    Interviewed on Europe 1 radio, Segolene Royal, the Socialist contender against Sarkozy in the 2007 race, said the news came as a shock.


  • 需要合情理的”、真实改编(肯尼思·布莱纳的《亨利五世》),符合当下潮流的形式(《件事》),更多实验性的表演。

    There are ‘sensible’, true adaptations (Kenneth Branagh’s Henry V), funky updated versions (10 Things I Hate About You), and more experimental interpretations.


  • 这个不敬版本尔·洛结果弗兰克·卡普拉式主角澳洲变体个不惧权威的小人物,即使面对的是一个具有高贵血统君王

    This irreverent version of Lionel Logue turns out to be an Aussie variant of a Frank Capra hero, a little guy who refuses to be awed by big guys, even one with lofty lineage and a throne.


  • 不过罗利市北卡罗莱纳大学工程学教授拉里·西尔弗伯认为如果圣诞老人已经学会时空冲浪的话,或许还是得担心这一点。

    Or perhaps he does, if he has learned to surf the waves of space-time, believes Larry Silverberg, an engineering professor at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.


  • 不到几天功夫,格莱先生上门回拜特先生,书房里盘桓分钟左右

    In a few days Mr. Bingley returned Mr. Bennet's visit, and sat about ten minutes with him in his library.


  • 第二天彬准时赴约,依照事先约定,跟班先生在一起消磨了整个上午。

    Bingley was punctual to his appointment; and he and Mr. Bennet spent the morning together, as had been agreed on.


  • 看起来,北卡罗莱纳布拉这个羊棚世界各地都

    At first glance, the goat shed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina could be anywhere in the world.


  • 母亲说:“格莱先生,等你把自己庄园里的鸟儿打完以后,请先生的庄园里多少就打多少。”

    "When you have killed all your own birds, Mr. Bingley," said her mother, "I beg you will come here, and shoot as many as you please on Mr." Bennet's manor.


  • 妮弗·洛佩兹全国性演员选拔中脱颖而出,平生头被推到了聚光灯下。导演雷戈里·瓦的电影《塞娜》挑选演员,是部关于一位被害的泰迦诺歌唱家传记片

    Jennifer Lopez was first thrust into the spotlight when she won out in a nationwide search for an actress to play the lead role in Selena, director Gregory Nava's biopic about the slain Tejano singer.


  • 她们一会儿告辞了,而且娘儿们出于她们兄弟格莱先生意料之外,一骨碌座位上站了起来,拔腿就走,好象急于避开特太太那些纠缠不清的繁文缛节似的。

    They were soon gone again, rising from their seats with an activity which took their brother by surprise, and hurrying off as if eager to escape from Mrs. Bennet's civilities.


  • 影片中科林·费斯饰演严重口吃困扰国王乔治六世杰弗里·拉什则扮演一位正统澳大利亚言语治疗师尔·洛。正是两位杰出的表演开启了我们愉悦的观影体验。

    The pleasure starts with two magnificent performances: Colin Firth as King George VI, afflicted by a terrible stutter, and Geoffrey Rush as an unorthodox Australian speech therapist, Lionel Logue.


  • 包括亨利贝克特,查理一世与奥利弗·克伦威尔,查理二世与威廉三世尔逊威灵顿格莱斯通迪斯雷利在内的超过24位历史人物辉映其中。

    More than two dozen individuals are mentioned, including Henry II and Becket, Charles I and Oliver Cromwell, Charles II and William III, Nelson and Wellington, Gladstone and Disraeli.


  • 太太一看见卢卡斯小姐,便客客气气,从容不迫地说:“那天晚上全靠开场开得好,你做了彬格莱先生第一个意中人。”

    "You began the evening well, Charlotte, " said Mrs. Bennet with civil self-command to Miss Lucas. "You were Mr. Bingley's first choice."


  • “伊丽莎白·特小姐!”格莱小姐重复了一遍

    "Miss Elizabeth Bennet!" repeated Miss Bingley.


  • 默特萨克欧冠赛后接受采访时承认如果不是不阻止,2010年夏天已经准备好加盟阿森名高大的中后卫本来已经放弃了转会到英超的愿望,直到上个月温重新提出报价。

    Per Mertesacker has revealed that he would have joined Arsenal in the summer of 2010 had his move not been blocked by Werder Bremen.


  • 卡洛斯·莱纳计划这颗植物注入她原始的——卢旺达温泉

    Carlos Magdalena now plans to repopulate the plant in its native home in the hot springs of Rwanda.


  • 承认后悔离开阿森加盟巴萨罗并且感觉到失望了

    The Barcelona star – on loan at St Andrew's for the season – admitted he regrets leaving the Emirates and feels he let down the Frenchman.


  • 梅利顿举行舞会上,班特家的女儿们结识了彬格莱先生

    The Bennet daughters meet Mr. Bingley at the Meryton Ball. Also in attendance is Mr.


  • 出席舞会还有彬格莱贵族朋友费茨威廉·达西太太粗俗嗤之以鼻,还怠慢女儿们

    Bingley's aristocratic friend Fitzwilliam Darcy, who turns up his nose at the vulgarity of Mrs. Bennet and snubs her daughters.


  • 值得怀疑是,马官方计票很慢,最后选举委员会宣布,只有 70%的有效票,阿加罗以 51.3%对 46.5%了蒙特亚

    The official count in Managua was suspiciously slow, but with 70% of the votes tallied the electoral council claimed that Mr Argüello had won 51.3% and Mr Montealegre 46.5%.


  • 同时表现·对于生育奇观化展示,观众带来强烈的视觉冲击

    This also shows that Kenneth Branagh USES the spectacle of the birth to give audience a strong visual impact.


  • 欢迎光临网上组合。我的名字莱纳达德拉一个分辨率数字艺术家角色建模专业雕刻纹理

    Welcome to my online portfolio. My name is Magdalena Dadela and I am a digital artist specializing in high resolution character modeling, sculpting and texturing.


  • 虽然因霍尔德·开始设计建设之前离开美国1989年德国放大器事业真正起飞不久抵达洛杉矶

    Though Reinhold Bogner began designing and building amplifiers long before leaving Germany for the U. s. in 1989, his career really took off soon after arriving in Los Angeles.


  • 尽管已经离开球场很久,不过相信训练中所表现出的专业精神依然能够帮助年轻的阿森球员球队争取联赛冠军的道路上将会是一道助力。

    Much has been made of Lehmann's off-field presence but Wenger believes his professionalism on the training pitch will also help Arsenal in their hunt for the title.


  • 相信只有阿森退休怦然心动

    Wenger - only we could have tempted Jens arsene Wenger believes that only Arsenal could have lured Jens Lehmann out of retirement.


  • 西唯一代表莱纳海岸大学首发的四分,该校橄榄球队2003年才开始组建。

    Thigpen is the only quarterback to start a game for Coastal Carolina, which built its football program from scratch in 2003.


  • 尽管正式加入塞罗已经不再属于阿森,阿森主教练仍然专门腾出时间感谢阿森效力期间作出贡献

    Hleb was officially unveiled as a Barcelona player but Gunners boss Wenger has taken time out to thank the Belarusian for the contribution he has made during his time at the North London club.


  • 尽管正式加入塞罗已经不再属于阿森,阿森主教练仍然专门腾出时间感谢阿森效力期间作出贡献

    Hleb was officially unveiled as a Barcelona player but Gunners boss Wenger has taken time out to thank the Belarusian for the contribution he has made during his time at the North London club.


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