• 当然莱尔姐妹俩各自具有自己独特特征需要单独另起一章加以描述。

    Of course, there are certain characters that are unique to the Schlegel sisters respectively and these aspects will be provided with a separate chapter to expound.


  • 政府原本计划拆除华盛顿艾尔莱恩大坝,但巨大拆除费用导致计划被推迟

    Government originally planned to remove the Elwha and Glines Dams in Washington, the enormous expense of removal has resulted in a postponement of this effort.


  • 阿德莱合唱团周日晚上排练充满了幽默,这是一个位于威尔士西北部安尔西混合合唱团。

    Good humor reigns at a Sunday night rehearsal of Adlais, a mixed choir based on the island of Anglesey off northwest Wales.


  • 布莱克本又莱·德尔一起发现了端粒酶

    Blackburn and Greider discovered telomerase.


  • BBC拍摄成员来到乍得尼日尔边界一个规模小游牧群体他们来说,干旱时期过后的第一个沃尔节。

    For the clans filmed by the BBC, who live in small, nomadic groups on the borders of Chad and Niger, it was their first Gerewol after six years of drought.


  • 这个不敬版本莱昂纳尔·洛结果弗兰克·卡普拉式主角澳洲变体个不惧权威的小人物,即使面对的是一个具有高贵血统君王

    This irreverent version of Lionel Logue turns out to be an Aussie variant of a Frank Capra hero, a little guy who refuses to be awed by big guys, even one with lofty lineage and a throne.


  • 不过罗利市北卡罗莱纳州大学工程学教授拉里·西尔弗伯认为如果圣诞老人已经学会时空冲浪的话,或许还是得担心这一点。

    Or perhaps he does, if he has learned to surf the waves of space-time, believes Larry Silverberg, an engineering professor at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.


  • 有趣鲍尔奇博士的实验区是布莱罗·马吉家族拥有80,000公顷地产的一部分,布莱罗·马吉是一个大豆巨头,还是马托罗索州的州长

    Intriguingly, Dr Balch's experimental area is part of an 80,000-hectare holding owned by the family of Blairo Maggi, a soyabean magnate who is the governor of Mato Grosso.


  • 莱汉姆·卡明先生已经设立目标2021年完成这个项目——扎尔斯·巴贝逝世150周年纪念仪式。

    Mr Graham-Cumming said he had set the goal of completing it by 2021 - the 150th anniversary of Charles Babbage's death.


  • “一点儿都奇怪,”瓦莱丽·马。她在克利尔·沃特附近经营一家名为金毛猎犬繁育中心

    "I'm not surprised," said Valerie Muggli, who runs Tails of gold, a golden retriever breeding operation near Clearwater.


  • 沃尔节上没有人在乎婚姻誓言的,他们不会为再婚感到耻辱不管是临时还是永久的。《人类星球导演T.S说道

    No stigma is attached to setting aside one's marriage vows at Gerewol whether temporarily or permanently, says Human Planet director Tuppence Stone.


  • 这个非比寻常的盛会,叫做莱·沃尔节”,是为了庆祝雨水冲走撒哈拉炎热后带来短暂肥沃而举办的。

    These unusual beauty contests, known as Gerewol, celebrate the fertility the rains bring to the parched edge of the Sahara.


  • 上周,爱斯特·米洛娃的同事奥莱·奥尔洛夫表示,已经确切无疑地知道了杀害的凶手。

    Last week, Estemirova's colleague Oleg Orlov certainly felt in no doubt as to who killed her.


  • 影片中科林·费斯饰演严重口吃困扰国王乔治六世杰弗里·拉什则扮演一位正统澳大利亚言语治疗师莱昂纳尔·洛。正是两位杰出的表演开启了我们愉悦的观影体验。

    The pleasure starts with two magnificent performances: Colin Firth as King George VI, afflicted by a terrible stutter, and Geoffrey Rush as an unorthodox Australian speech therapist, Lionel Logue.


  • 大学人类学家莱昂内尔·泰所说人类新陈代谢没有优质牛肉进化但是推测也没有成堆白米饭面条进化。”

    As Rutgers University anthropologist LionelTiger puts it, human metabolism "did not evolve for prime beef, but, one would surmise, neither did it evolve to eat heaping plates of whiterice and pasta."


  • 2007年选举挑战萨科齐社会党候选人塞莱纳.罗亚尔接受欧洲第一广播电台采访时说,这个新闻令人震惊。

    Interviewed on Europe 1 radio, Segolene Royal, the Socialist contender against Sarkozy in the 2007 race, said the news came as a shock.


  • 记得爸爸那天我们那个故事吗?”尽量压低声音,但显得急躁起来,“那个德国童话里面的塞尔莱·特尔,记得吗?”

    "Remember that story your Dad told us the other day," his whispering was becoming 13 frantic now, "the German one about Hansel and Gretel?"


  • 从1986开始,科尔曼、雷瑟尔森、莱维斯特本书上花了4年时间,这本书1990年麻省理工学院出版社劳—希尔(McGraw - Hill)出版社联合出版

    Beginning in 1986, Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest spent almost four years working on the book, which was jointly published by the MIT Press and McGraw-Hill in 1990.


  • 有趣,巴尔什博士实验区是玛托罗索州长大豆富商布莱洛·玛吉的80000公顷家族林地中的一部分

    Intriguingly, Dr Balch's experimental area is part of an 80, 000-hectare holding owned by the family of Blairo Maggi, a soyabean magnate who is the governor of Mato Grosso.


  • 评价法律无围墙项目专家马克.哈里斯(Mark Harris),事实上律师律师繁重工作搞得筋疲力竭,2000年他一名业务主管阿莱克.特尔(AlecGuettel)共同创建了Axiom

    One expert judging the LawWithoutWalls projects, in fact, was Mark Harris, an attorney who, burned out by Big Law's treadmill, co-founded Axiom in 2000 with business executive Alec Guettel.


  • 包括亨利贝克特,查理一世与奥利弗·克伦威尔,查理二世与威廉三世纳尔逊威灵顿莱斯通迪斯雷利在内的超过24位历史人物辉映其中。

    More than two dozen individuals are mentioned, including Henry II and Becket, Charles I and Oliver Cromwell, Charles II and William III, Nelson and Wellington, Gladstone and Disraeli.


  • 现在莱·谢尔医生正尝试一项比较两种方案随机性实验筹集资金。

    Gleicher is now trying to get funding for a randomized trial to compare the two approaches.


  • 茱丽姨妈所有施莱尔家族的人都例外当然他们英国人,但是他们的父辈德国人也是他们关注文学艺术的原因。

    Aunt Juley: All the Schlegels are exceptional. They are British to the backbone, of course, but their father was German, which is why they care for literature and art.


  • 茱丽姨妈所有施莱尔家族人都例外然,他们英国人但是他们德国人也是他们怿注文艺术原因

    Aunt Juley: All the Schlegels are exceptional. They are British to the backbone, of course, but their father was German, which is why they care for literature and art.


  • 可能已经衣柜进行选择但是不是合作在与西装,埃尔维·礼服道路

    You may already have a selection in your wardrobe, but when you are not teaming up hot pants with a blazer, Herve Leger dresses are the way to go.


  • 斯塔夫成员kjzz的劳雷尔·莫拉莱斯将带来报道

    From member station KJZZ in Flagstaff, Laurel Morales reports.


  • ·莱尔罗斯昔时比拟甚至更好需要进修比赛磨炼

    Pegler even better than Ross for this point in his career, but needs to learn and get match practise.


  • 丹麦年轻后卫阿可能海皮亚搭档中卫,而沃尔·诺克莱·里奥竞争左后卫位置。

    Danish youngster Daniel Agger is likely to start alongside Sami Hyypia while Steven Warnock will battle with Fabio Aurelio for the left-back role.


  • 丹麦年轻后卫阿可能海皮亚搭档中卫,而沃尔·诺克莱·里奥竞争左后卫位置。

    Danish youngster Daniel Agger is likely to start alongside Sami Hyypia while Steven Warnock will battle with Fabio Aurelio for the left-back role.


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