• 搭档维多利亚索恩里一起摘得银牌格兰格是英国队出色的奥运会选手

    With a silver alongside partner Victoria Thornley, Grainger has become Team GB's most decorated female Olympian.


  • 此外似乎记得我们驱车格兰格以北6英里的地方看望过母系的一位曾祖母

    Also I seem to remember our driving six miles north of Grangerburg to call on Grandma Beckley in Hinkley. She was my maternal great-grandmother, ninety-odd years old.


  • 32岁凯特·格兰医生却身患无法治愈的恶性肿瘤,自己剩下时间巨大的野心。

    Kate Granger, a 32-year-old doctor suffering from an incurable form of sarcoma, has "very strong ambitions" for her last hours.


  • 其中一名叫卡尔·大卫·格兰贝克,就是照片(格兰·贝克的相机拍的)中面对这个三叉落口的

    One was Carl-David Granback, whom he photographed (using Granback's camera) at this crossroads.


  • 伦敦成为类似“泰晤士河上的格兰瑟姆”城市(格兰瑟姆为撒切尔夫人的故乡这里形成了节约自足信念)。

    London will be a sort of Grantham-on-Thames (Grantham being the home town where Margaret Thatcher acquired her faith in thrifty self-sufficiency).


  • 图为1960年拍摄穿越黑暗玻璃》的一张档案图片右面的人是伯曼,他瑞典东南波罗的海的哥特兰附近的法罗岛休息

    Bergman, right, relaxes on location on the islet of Faro off Gotland Island in the Baltic Sea, southeastern Sweden, during filming of "Through a Glass, Darkly" in this 1960 file photo.


  • 也许此言对先生批评者无益,他们中一些可以自我安慰相信政客们最后一个繁衍

    Mr Rangel's critics will have none of this. But some comfort themselves with the belief that he is the last of a dying breed of machine politician.


  • 以前不知道还有一家格兰诺拉麦片”,格兰诺拉麦片主人亚历克斯,注视着姜味糖蜜腰果混合的产品与别家的竞赛

    I didn’t know there would be another granola, ” said Alex Crosier of Granola Lab, eyeballing the competition for her ginger-molasses and cranberry-cashew mixtures.


  • 以前知道还有一家格兰诺拉麦片”,格兰诺拉麦片主人亚历克斯,注视着姜味糖蜜腰果混合的产品与别家的竞赛

    I didn't know there would be another granola,” said Alex Crosier of Granola Lab, eyeballing the competition for her ginger-molasses and cranberry-cashew mixtures.


  • 希望格兰芬多效力

    McGonagall requires he play for Gryffindor.


  • 这里仅仅列举其中的位:威利斯·兰姆、朱利安·施温、尤因·纳、理查德·费曼、朝永振一郎、C.D.安德森E .塞O .张伯伦以及其他一些人。

    To cite just a few examples: Willis Lamb, Julian Schwinger, Eugene Wigner, Richard Feynman, s. Tomonaga, C. D. Anderson, E. Segre, O. Chamberlain and many others.


  • 一种风险就是这些考验可能格兰·森先生注意力勤勉的微观管理中转移出来,而这些正是支持嘉能可取得成功的因素。

    There is a risk that such trials may distract Mr Glasenberg from the assiduous micromanaging that has underpinned Glencore's success.


  • 格兰赫南特斯(TigranHonents戈里教堂St. Gregory )残缺的壁画我们诉说着关于被遗忘中世纪古城阿尼(Ani)的故事,阿尼古城是现在土耳其一部分

    Damaged frescoes in the Church of St. Gregory of Tigran Honents tell a story of neglect in the medieval city of Ani, now part of Turkey.


  • 格兰公园共有200雕塑可以欣赏全都古斯塔夫·维格兰设计塑造,而这座公园就是以他为名。

    Here at Vigeland park, there are more than 200 sculptures to admire, all designed and modeled by Gustav Vigeland, after whom the park is named.


  • 为了填补空白马里兰大学库尔特·以及哈佛大学的安妮·尼克丹·纳做了一个实验。

    To fill that gap Kurt Gray of the University of Maryland, and Annie Knickman and Dan Wegner of Harvard University.


  • 图为1960年拍摄穿越黑暗玻璃一张档案图片右面的人是伯曼,他在瑞典东南波罗的海的哥特兰附近法罗岛休息

    Bergman right relaxes on location on the islet of faro off gotland island in the Baltic sea southeastern Sweden during filming of "through a glass darkly" in this1960file photo.


  • 格兰运动名称来源于组织下属的俱乐部这种俱乐部叫作格兰其。

    The name Granger Movement came from the member clubs of the organization, which were called Granges.


  • 1857年古拉·王公驾崩由于蒙特哥摩利中尉具有王公继承人马哈拉加·兰吉特?辛一样影响力得以继续勘察工作

    After Gulab Singh's death in 1857, Montgomerie continued his survey work as he carried the same influence with Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the successor of Gulab Singh.


  • 格兰人视觉敏锐,比起大多数种族,他们分辨更多颜色格兰食草的有蹄动物进化而来,因此他们有多个

    The Gran have excellent vision, able to resolve more colors than most species. Gran have multiple stomachs, having evolved from herbivorous ungulates.


  • 收件箱清零派对创意来自兰迪·扎克(马克·扎克伯姐姐),并且很可能有史以来糟糕社交聚会创意。

    The concept of the "inbox zero party" comes from Randi Zuckerberg (sister of Mark) and is possibly the grimmest idea for a social gathering ever invented.


  • 收件箱清零派对创意来自兰迪-扎克马克-扎克伯姐姐),并且很可能有史以来糟糕社交聚会创意

    Thee concept of the "inbox zero party" comes from Randi Zuckerberg (sister of Mark) and is possibly the grimmest idea for a social gathering ever invented.


  • 1991哈利·波特这个一百年来最年轻的找球手加入格兰芬多普遍地认为·沃茨的最佳球队

    With the addition of Harry Potter as Seeker in 1991, at the time the youngest House player in over a hundred years, the Gryffindor team was widely believed to be the best team at Hogwarts.


  • 现在就是深呼吸几下,眯着眼睛看看前面大红横幅安慰自己正在世界上最大格兰芬多格兰芬多是小哈利所在的魔法学院的名字)聚会上。

    Now all I have to do is take deep breaths, squint at the red banners and convince myself that I am at the world's largest Gryffindors' reunion.


  • 使节团团长?”格兰中年人一眼

    "Are you the chief of second space mulberry road diplomatic corps?" space orchid hero Piao the middle age is one eye.


  • 凯尔希·格兰莫最喜爱的本书是《印度之旅》,作者是E.M。福斯特:主演过《欢乐一家亲《饮胜》的格兰极力推荐这本书,翻开此书,返回印度帝国时代

    Kelsey Grammar, A Passage to India by E. M. Forster: This book recommended by Frasier and Cheers star, Grammar, will take you back to imperial India.


  • ·惠勒:(格兰迪)怎么会朋友所做的一切都他所不齿。

    Gray Wheeler: How could he have been friends with you? Youre everything he hated.


  • 格兰北美西部南美多种格兰马草草本植物中的任何一种,其形成浓密草丛草垫常用

    Any of various grasses of the genus Bouteloua of western North America and South America, forming dense tufts or MATS and often used as pasturage.


  • 格兰北美西部南美多种格兰马草草本植物中的任何一种,其形成浓密草丛草垫常用

    Any of various grasses of the genus Bouteloua of western North America and South America, forming dense tufts or MATS and often used as pasturage.


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