• 有人一切哲学都不过柏拉图哲学的一个脚注而已。

    It have is say that all philosophy is a footnote to Plato.


  • 不是柏拉图认为的那样我们可以简单诉求专门哲学告诉我们应该怎样生活

    This is not to say that, as Plato thought, we can simply appeal to expert philosophical opinion to tells us how we ought to live.


  • 如果你们当中有谁更多的了解推荐去柏拉图对话集或者选修古代哲学课程

    Those of you who would like to know more about it, I recommend reading more Platonic dialogues or taking a class in ancient philosophy.


  • 如果古希腊哲学柏拉图在对人类境遇的探讨中包含那么真知灼见的话,名字可能几个世纪遗忘了。

    If the writing of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato had not contained so much truth about the human condition, his name would have been forgotten centuries ago.


  • 柏拉图(427- 347)很多认为伟大的西方哲学

    Plato (427-347) is often described as the greatest Western philosopher.


  • 柏拉图特别形式哲学王权异议实践性

    But most of the objections to Plato's particular form of the philosophic kingship on the practicality of his idea.


  • 我们发现希腊哲学家中毕达哥拉斯柏拉图以及他们追随者相信灵魂轮回转生

    Among the Greek philosophers we find that Pythagoras, Plato and their followers believed in this theory of Metempsychosis or Transmigration of souls.


  • 柏拉图时代诡辩家以哲学谋取私利;他们制造漏洞使某些可以逃避其应尽义务或者人们反而去原谅那些认为是不道德行为

    The Sophists in Plato’s time were men who used philosophy for profit, inventing moral loopholes to get people out of obligations, or to excuse what would otherwise be considered immoral behavior.


  • 伟大的哲学柏拉图一些脍炙人口爱情名言。

    The great philosopher Plato is also known for some of his quotations on love.


  • 人类知识宝库中,古希腊哲学柏拉图写下不朽的著作

    Among the great books of mankind are the immortal writings by the Greek philosopher Plato.


  • 苏格拉底学生柏拉图西方哲学另一个非常重要人物

    One of his students, Plato, would go on to become another major figure in the history of Western philosophy.


  • 人们总是希望哲学能够提供能够享用智慧然而如今实际情况柏拉图时代一样进行有序思考十分困难。

    People have always wanted philosophers to provide digestible wisdom, yet it is as true now as it was in Plato's time that disciplined thinking is hard.


  • 后面主张柏拉图开始就一直处于西方哲学核心不过现在已经设计出观察和实验为依据的测试了。

    The latter assertion has been at the crux of Western philosophy since Plato, but it's taken until now to devise an empirical test for it.


  • 错误不是事物一种诗化的详细阐释正如柏拉图,这种阐释某种方式削减了,哲学认同真理诚实性。

    Error is not a poetic elaboration on things which somehow, as it does in Plato's view, undermines the integrity of that truth identified by philosophers.


  • 伊提乌哲学观点主要是柏拉图的启发,发现上帝实质仅存在于美德当中”。

    Boethius, primarily motivated by Plato in his philosophical views, finds that, ‘The substance of God consisteth in nothing else but goodness’.


  • 一些专家柏拉图伟大希腊哲学连同导师苏格拉底学生亚里士多德,他们三人为现代西方文化科学了奠基

    Some experts say Plato is the greatest of all the Greek philosophers and together with Socrates, his mentor, and Aristotle, a student, founded modern Western culture and science.


  • 人们柏拉图理想世界——哲学为样板——存在联系起来

    Plato is often associated with the existence of a perfect world, which philosophers call the Forms.


  • 从希波克拉底苏格拉底柏拉图哲学以来几千认为禁食保持健康主要原因

    For thousands of years, beginning with philosophers like Hippocrates, Socrates and Plato, fasting was recommended for health reasons.


  • 柏拉图一位古希腊哲学创立有关灵魂伴侣学说

    Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, originated the theory of soul mates.


  • 多亏伟大的古希腊哲学柏拉图,今天我们已消失在海底亚特兰蒂斯古城如此高涨热情。

    We have the great Greek philosopher Plato to thank for the ongoing obsession with the lost city of Atlantis.


  • 柏拉图哲学于是存在两个不同世界,在比喻中分别洞穴外面的世界代表。

    In Plato's philosophy there are thus two distinct worlds, and it is these two worlds that are symbolized in his allegory by the cave on the one hand, and the outside world on the other.


  • 未到题外话脚注认为柏拉图时刻告诉我们什么巨大的东西一个哲学哲学没有什么重要

    But far from being a footnote to a digression, I think this moment in Plato tells us something hugely important about what a philosopher is and what philosophy does.


  • Romm认为柏拉图虚构亚特兰蒂斯这么个故事宣扬哲学理论

    Romm believes Plato created the story of Atlantis to convey some of his philosophical theories.


  • 历史学家喜欢引用A.N.怀海德的话:“欧洲哲学传统普遍公认特点,就是包含一系列引用柏拉图的注脚。”

    Historians like to quote A. N. Whitehead who said: "The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato."


  • 作家Hughes没有在书中系统地向我们介绍苏格拉底哲学研究,她也没有试图解决有关如何分辨哪个才是柏拉图笔下的苏格拉底这个著名哲学问题

    Hughes does not present a methodical study of the philosophy of Socrates, nor does she deal much with the famous Socratic problem of how to distinguish the real Socrates from Plato's portrait of him.


  • 希腊哲学柏拉图在2,600年前写到亚特兰蒂斯时候,将描述座位名字叫作赫拉克勒斯之柱海峡岛屿。”

    Greek philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis some 2, 600 years ago, describing it as' an island situated in front of the straits called the Pillars of Hercules. '.


  • 希腊哲学柏拉图在2,600年前写到亚特兰蒂斯的时候,将描述座位名字叫作赫拉克勒斯之柱海峡岛屿。”

    Greek philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis some 2,600 years ago, describing it as' an island situated in front of the straits called the Pillars of Hercules. '.


  • 希腊哲学柏拉图在2,600年前写到亚特兰蒂斯的时候,将描述座位名字叫作赫拉克勒斯之柱海峡岛屿。”

    Greek philosopher Plato wrote about Atlantis some 2,600 years ago, describing it as' an island situated in front of the straits called the Pillars of Hercules. '.


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