• 我们需要松一绳子

    We need more play in the rope.


  • 购买松一折扣吗?

    Have you ever bought Zone Card?


  • Byun Young-Jin 出任房地产协会主席,2005年工程启动,他开始在这里出售房产

    Byun Young-Jin chairs the Songdo real estate association and started selling property here when the first phase of the city opened in 2005.


  • 是的可以完成马拉——不要放弃这个目标,这极其有益 跑完场马拉是我上高中以来的个梦想……是件非常想做,却在能力之外的事。

    Yes, you can do a marathon. Don’t put this goal off — it’s extremely rewarding.


  • 尼克曾让高级助理存份基辛格精神健康状况的资料,而基辛格当面对尼克溜须拍马,转身与记者说尼克是“疯子”、“燥狂”、“笨蛋”。

    Nixon told a top aide to keep a file on Mr Kissinger's mental health.


  • 如果参加长距离比赛,比如20公里,半程马拉或者马拉,那么你需要将中速调整慢速……这是为了锻炼耐力

    If you ever want to do a longer race, such as a 20K, half marathon or marathon, you need to switch from medium speed to slowin order to work on your endurance.


  • 个人参与常常犯人采集)最大出口商,日本,人参与秋季美味企业在海味金属行业获利。

    It is the biggest exporter of ginseng and the pine mushrooms (often picked by prisoners) that are an autumn delicacy in Japan, and it has interests in seafood and metals.


  • 应该马拉全程的跑起,还是直接跑马拉全程进行训练

    Should I do a half marathon first, or jump right into the marathon training?


  • 约翰逊尼克不过最后项测试,就尼克例子说有这么句话,"我,尼某不会待在这里你们糟蹋了",这透露,他并不能处理好自己的挫败情绪。

    Johnson and Nixon would never have passed the last two tests, and in Nixon's case, the line about not having "Nixon to kick around any more" was a sign he couldn't handle setbacks well.


  • 马拉情况发生很多变化,这些影响到次马拉进行训练动力

    Many situations may have transpired during your last marathon that can affect your motivation to train for another one. Maybe you did not have a great race.


  • 过去25年中,自1896雅典奥运会的现代马拉以后,马拉的全程摇摆不定,2426英里不等

    For the previous 25 years, after the first modern marathon of the 1896 Olympics in Athens, the distance had been flexible, varying between 24 and 26 miles.


  • 尼克:哈,啊,(尼克声)仍旧(名律师)。

    Nixon: Oh yes, [Nixon chuckling] he still is [a lawyer].


  • 因此应该强调需要从跑短途开始,这是逐步建立每天跑步目标的好办法。开始跑马拉,逐渐能跑全程马拉甚至更远距离。

    So, addressing the need for focus on shorter distances is a great way to build up to your one day goal of a half marathon, marathon, or further.


  • 我们原来打算跑完马拉距离但是在过30英里我们了路,错了个弯,反正个马拉的距离不算很远。

    We were (only) supposed to run a marathon, but a detour and a wrong turn took us over 30 miles. Well, a marathon is a silly distance anyway.


  • 如果马拉或者马拉训练确保这三次训练长跑

    If you're training for a half marathon or marathon, make sure at least one of those runs is your long run.


  • 闪耀》在拍摄上胜人刻画出了银河悬于古老的狐尾之上。

    His winning shot, Blazing bristlecone, depicts the Milky Way arching over an ancient bristlecone pine tree.


  • 吉鲁2008年北京奥运夺得男子马拉金牌成为赢得奥运马拉赛金牌肯尼亚人,成绩是2小时632,刷新奥运纪录。

    In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Wanjiru became the first Kenyan to win a gold medal in the marathon, finishing with an Olympic-record time of 2hr, 6min 32sec.


  • 那些全程马拉半程马拉日子里,相对于个人的奋斗,能够成为更好的事情部分令人振奋的。

    In the days when I ran marathons and half-marathons, being part of something greater than my singular effort was exhilarating.


  • 其中就是白另外火炬

    One kind of tree is the white pine. Another is the loblolly pine.


  • 其中最大亮点在于能够数次使自己具备参加马拉比赛的资格,完成跑步选手的梦想,参加波士顿马拉

    One of his finest highlights is qualifying multiple times for the runner’s dream: a bib number in the Boston Marathon.


  • 如果准备参加观看这个秋季里将举行诸多马拉比赛中的任何场的话,那么请关注以下马拉比赛观众小贴士吧,它们在比赛过程中起到不可估量的作用的。

    If you're planning on watching one of the many upcoming marathons this fall, follow these marathon spectator tips to be an asset on the race course.


  • 捷克斯洛伐克名选手马拉比赛就轻赢得了1952年的奥运会马拉冠军。

    An athlete of Czechoslovakia easily won the 1952 marathon, the first he'd ever run.


  • 现在她训练半程马拉并且希望年内能够冲击全程马拉

    She's training for a half marathon and hoping to do a full marathon by the end of the year. And she attributes much of her newfound fitness to the power of data.


  • 53岁的Pierce仍然3小时10分马拉,这个成绩只20年前开始跑马拉的成绩点。

    Pierce, 53, still runs marathons in about 3:10, not much slower than when he first stepped to the starting line more than 2 decades ago.


  • 不过似乎已经不错跑步基础,也足够时间跑马拉全程如果觉得你能力达到了的话,你不妨可以试(但是不要因为朋友压力去跑马拉)。

    But it sounds like you have a good running base and have plenty of time to prepare for a fall marathon, if it's something you feel ready to do right now. (Don't let friends pressure you into it!)


  • 如果足够幸运秋季季节前后来到意大利,那么定要尝尝加了“uovacontartufi”。

    If you're lucky enough to be around during the autumn truffle season, try uova con tartufi - Fried eggs with truffle oil.


  • 平均有15马拉比赛,6年后完成了百场马拉比赛,年,他62

    Averaging 15 marathons per year, he completes his 100th marathon six years later at the age of 62.


  • 对于绝大多数跑步者而言,Golaszewski防守战略——在跑马拉前就计划第二个马拉——的确有些过分

    For many runners, Golaszewski's defense strategyplanning a second marathon before crossing the finish line of the first — is a bit overwhelming.


  • 比方说,朋友纽约马拉赛中用时低于合格时间 标准分钟赛事在 2011年波士顿马拉报名截止正常进行

    For example, I have a friend who BQ'd by one minute in the 2010 New York City marathon, which was run well after the 2011 Boston Marathon registration had closed.


  • 例子马拉中跑进4小时;在马拉后半程半程;超过竞争者出马拉个人最好成绩。

    Examples include: Breaking 4 hours in the marathon; Running the second half of the marathon faster than the first 13.1 miles; Defeating a rival; Running a personal best in the marathon.


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