• 外科医生腹部开了条口

    The surgeon made a slice in her abdomen.


  • 本文以阿是曲池外关条口透承山阳陵泉基本治疗凝症。

    Ashi point, Quchi point, Waiguan point, Tiaokou point through Chengshan point and Yanglingquan point are basic for frozen shoulder treatment.


  • 他因没有比特套而被判有罪。

    He was convicted of failing to muzzle a pit bull.


  • 叹了,在小路交叉旁蹲了下来

    She sighed and squatted down next to the crossing of the two trails.


  • 位66佛罗里达邮递员正在送信,往一个邮箱塞的时候,一有毒的

    A 66-year-old Florida mailman doing his rounds was bitten by a poisonous snake when he put mail inside a mailbox.


  • 非常之大鲨鱼水下跃出咬住那个男人。

    It was a very big shark... It came from below and grabbed the man.


  • 每一廊道中心都有通风外面围着一道矮矮的栏杆

    In the center of each gallery is a ventilation shaft, bounded by a low railing.


  • 不要试图东西出来而是狗狗固定住。

    Do not attempt to pull out the object, rather immobilize the dogs muzzle using a strip of cloth or a muzzle.


  • 目的他们雇佣了,因被认为了解现存小道,也希望开辟穿越坎伯兰岬通道。

    To that end, they hired Boone, the white man considered to have the most knowledge of the existing trails, to blaze a new trail through the Cumberland Gap.


  • 穿着件双排扣的大衣,一件散衬衫,和一领带没有戴帽子,“很早以前离开了

    He wore an old double-breasted suit, frayed gray shirt, wide tie, no hat "I left her so long ago I don't remember.


  • 想到那些痛苦、耻辱时刻我本该、本该没有说、没有的一切,那时为了向别人讨一面包就要自己变得不如虫子

    I thought of all the things I might have said and done, which I hadn't said or done, in the bitter, humiliating moments when just to ask for a crust of bread is to make yourself less than a worm.


  • 法律初次,狗的主人不必受害人支付赔偿金因为不能证明就是恶狗

    The law said that the first time a dog bit somebody, its owner did not have to pay compensation to the victim because one bite did not prove that the dog was vicious.


  • 打开,不禁深吸看到里面是一项链,上面带钻石坠儿

    I gasped as I opened it and saw a gold necklace with a diamond pendant.


  • 吴江上海著名小吃街,人们在那里可以一边品尝鱿鱼串,一边吃两倍受喜爱的上海小馄饨。 这被拆除重新开发。

    Wujiang Lu, the city's famous snack streetwhere octopus could be had on a stick alongside Shanghai's beloved soup dumplings – is to be sanitised and redeveloped.


  • 乘坐飞往成都的航班,等着它首都机场起飞的时候,眼睛突然间杂志广告上吸引住了。

    As I sat awaiting takeoff from Beijing airport to Chengdu, my eye was suddenly drawn to this slogan in a magazine advertisement.


  • 西部在穿越伊利诺斯河堤旅途中未能幸存下来

    A western cottonmouth didn't survive the trip across a levee road in Illinois.


  • 嘴角上,嘴里一个窟窿

    A reddish saliva soiled the corners of her lips, and she had a black hole in her mouth.


  • 毛巾布代替锅盖复住,放10分钟

    Cover the pan with a clean dishtowel, replace the lid and allow to sit for 10 minutes.


  • 吃了突然菜叶里蹿出一寸长的蜒,吓尖叫起来。

    I ordered a vegetable salad. I had just swallowed a few bites, when suddenly an inch-long centipede lunged from the lettuce and scurried to the edge of the plate.


  • 12神经5神经都会周围采集信息数据。

    Out of 12 cranial nerves, five of them are picking up the data from around the mouth.


  • 奥斯汀休斯顿主要线路上,交通速度在吉丁斯镇(6000人尘土满面的古董星罗棋布)不得不放缓。

    On one main route between Austin and Houston traffic slows to pass through downtown Giddings (pop. 6, 000), which is dotted with dusty antique stores.


  • 奥斯汀休斯顿主要线路上,交通速度在吉丁斯镇(6000人尘土满面的古董星罗棋布)不得不放缓。

    On one main route between Austin and Houston traffic slows to pass through downtown Giddings (pop. 6,000), which is dotted with dusty antique stores.


  • 1月4日,黄河济南浮桥名捕鱼者打捞上一32厘米长的"透明"()。

    A transparent fish (see photo) measuring 32cm long was caught Sunday at Luokou floating bridge section of the Yellow River in Jinan.


  • 追赶太阳降落地方时由于受不了干渴只好掉转头,回到黄河渭河所在的地方,一便河里的水喝得精光。

    When he arrived at the place where the sun set, he had to turned around, as he could not bear the thirst, and came to the Yellow River and the Wei River.


  • 饥饿知更鸟看见了虫,碧绿绿的,像是一小块祖母绿宝石,树枝上,正要吞掉它。

    One day a hungry robin saw an inchworm, green as an emerald, sitting on a twig. He was about to gobble him up.


  • 当街友可.史考周一一早高地沃德路交叉向路人时,名女子车子停到身边,然后给了他一些钱。

    Homeless man Michael Secaur was standing at Highland and Woodward Monday morning asking for spare change when a woman pulled up in a vehicle and handed him some money.


  • 当街友可.史考周一一早高地沃德路交叉向路人时,名女子车子停到身边,然后给了他一些钱。

    Homeless man Michael Secaur was standing at Highland and Woodward Monday morning asking for spare change when a woman pulled up in a vehicle and handed him some money.


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