• 在对通车条件分析同时某些技术标准提出质疑

    The article raises doubts and questions concerning some technical standards while analyzing conditions for train passing through.


  • 结合坝基地质条件分析右岸软弱不会导致坝肩变形

    There is no obvious influence of the weak fractured zones on deformation and stability of a right dam-abutment.


  • 介绍任务死线大于周期任务调度条件分析算法实现

    Scheduling condition and algorithm analysis of task sets which task deadline is not less than its period was introduced.


  • 利用矿物、轻矿物、微量元素等资料进行物分析介质条件分析

    Analysing heavy mineral, etheral mineral, micro mineral to know the source of supply and water medium.


  • 根据导体电场中的边界条件分析有效地压电表面布置检测电极

    The measuring electrodes are effectively disposed on the surfaces of the piezoelectric body based on the analysis of the boundary condition of conductors in the electric field.


  • 本文通过封闭型扩散模型使用条件分析提出正确使用模型的方法

    Through the analysis of use conditions for the closed dispersion model, the paper puts forward a method of using correctly the model.


  • 条件分析基础建立了本区的铜金属成矿模式指出方向

    Metallogenic model of copper-molybdenum polymetallic deposit is established on the basis of ore controlling conditions analysis, and the authors point out the prospecting direction.


  • 水库围堤龙口水力计算水力条件分析龙口施工设计研究关键技术之一。

    The hydraulic computation and analysis at the closure of the reservoir dike is important to the construction of the project in the Yangtze estuary.


  • 条件分析表明处于盆地边缘王庄地区发育多种地层圈闭输导体系

    The analysis of reservoir forming conditions shows that, many types of stratigraphic traps and two types of transport systems had developed in this basin edge area.


  • 通过离子膜烧碱生产线工况条件分析,提出了在浮子流量计结构增加阻尼装置等措施。

    This paper advanced how to add damping equipment among the structures of metal tube rotary flow meter according to analyses the working condition of production line of ion exchange soda.


  • 本文报道了边坡立地条件分析、播材料选择、配置播方式施工程序措施研究结果。

    This article reports the result of analyze the site condition, choose plant material and planting method, construction process and measure.


  • 成矿地质条件分析武夷火山成矿中的主要铀矿床共同点具有花岗岩基底岩石。

    The analysis of ore forming conditions suggests a common point in the main uranium deposits of Wuyi volcanic uranium mineralization belt that they all have granite as the basement rokes.


  • 炮弹用药筒失效分析功能分析环境条件分析、失效分析失效类型药筒的影响分析组成。

    The invalidation analysis of certain bomb is composed of function analysis, environment condition analysis, invalidation analysis, and the analysis of the invalidation type influence on cartridge.


  • 互操作性支持条件分析出发,给出了IED模型通用设计方法讨论了间隔ied模型实现

    Based on an analysis of interoperability support, a universal design method of IED model is given, and problems in realization of bay level IED model are discussed.


  • 根据同德气象局牧草物候观测资料,进行了早熟牧草生长期生长高度产草量气候条件分析

    Based on the grass data observed by Tongde county meteorology office, analyses the premature grass's growth period, growth height and yield.


  • 松辽盆地南部岩性油气藏形成条件分析基础上,对发现的岩性圈闭类型分布特征进行了总结

    On the basis of analyzing the forming conditions of lithologic oil reservoirs in the south of Songliao Basin, the types and distributing features of lithologic oil reservoirs have been summarized.


  • 本文立足于佛教旅游开发资源条件区位条件分析探索我国佛教文化资源旅游开发产品设计

    Based on the resources conditions, location conditions of Buddhist cultural scenic spots in China, the paper explores the development and design of tourism products of Buddhist scenic spots.


  • 本文通过铁矿矿坑条件分析采用模糊数学理论综合评判方法矿坑涌水量进行了预测。

    In this paper, through the conditions analysis of inrush of water to Heiwang Iron mine, the inflow of mine water is predicted by using the method of synthesis judgement in fuzzy theory.


  • 接下来PID控制结构形式实际控制工程需求实现条件分析PID控制的独特优点理论依据

    Next, based on PID control's structure, the need of practical control engineering and the realizable conditions, it is analyzed that PID control's special advantages and the theoretical argument.


  • 基础上通过长沙饮食文化分析评价及其开发条件分析从而得出饮食旅游资源开发价值总体评价

    On this foundation, we obtain the overall analysis of the diet tourism resources development value through the analysis of Changsha diet culture and the condition of its development value.


  • 第二部分我国企业年金制度现状建立企业年金制度的条件分析以及影响我国企业年金制度的因素进行了分析

    The second part analyzes the present condition analysis of our country annuity system, the condition of founding annuity system, and the factors of influencing our country annuity system.


  • 通过已知均聚物条件分析验证,找到了ACR各个热裂解产物来由,从而确定组成ACR共聚物的单体

    By comparing with the known homopolymers analysis at the same condition, the origin of every pyrolysis product was concluded. Consequently, the monomers composed ACR were identified.


  • 调度约束条件分析一些基本假设基础,本文建立了多卫星初始调度约束模型,并给出了模型求解贪婪算法

    A constraint satisfaction scheduling model for the initial scheduling problem and a greedy algorithm for it are given based on the constraints analysis and some basic hypothesis.


  • 本文实际工程应用课题重点在于研究桅杆振动固有频率边界条件分析在风激励下涡激振动响应计算研究。

    This research subject is done for engineering application, mainly about boundary condition analysis of mode calculation and analysis of vortex-excited response for barrel-shaped mast.


  • 笔者根据污染物排放情况以及当地气候水文等条件分析井喷事故地区大气环境环境土壤环境所造成的影响。

    The impact of this accident on atmosphere, water and soil environment of this area was analyzed according to emission of pollutant and local climate and hydrological conditions.


  • 此之前唯一分析因果关系研究传统观点表示支持,其基于墨西哥一个设立条件现金转移支付(CCT)政策的地区

    The only previous study analyzing causality, based on an area in Mexico that had instituted CCTs, supported the traditional view.


  • 根据湿地保护区自然条件分析保护管理现状,从而提出了切实有效的管理对策

    According to the natural condition of wetland protection area, the effective management countermeasure is raised through conservation and management of the status quo.


  • 研究了两种材料粘结界面连续条件分析结果合理性

    The continuity condition across the interface between two materials is studied. Rationality of the results is analysed.


  • 介绍CD si干法脱硫系统原理工艺基本运行条件分析投产运行存在的问题对策

    It introduces the principle, process and basic running condition of CDSI, and analyzes the question and counter measure after putting into production.


  • 针对轿车轮毂轴承典型应用工况条件分析工况参数压力分布油膜形状影响

    Effect of parameters on lubrication film shape and pressure distribution was analyzed for the typical working conditions of automotive wheel bearings.


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