• 克罗雷(音译)埃(音译)表示他们目前正着重于构造基础扩大用户开发地点数据库

    Mr. Crowley and Mr. Selvadurai say they are focusing on trying to build up the infrastructure, expand the user base and develop a database of locations.


  • 第六轮比赛,对阵保加利亚特级大师*拉洛夫,如下图所奈杰尔已经胜利在望。

    In round six he had outplayed the Bulgarian grandmaster Ivan Radulov with white, reaching the position shown below.


  • 成千突尼斯难民涌入了靠近北非兰佩,该小岛属于意大利

    Several thousand Tunisian migrants arrived on Lampedusa, a small Italian island off north Africa.


  • 这个实验极有可能改善千千肌肉萎缩症患儿的生活

    With the efficacy of biglycan apparent in the mouse model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Fallon is eager to see if it can improve the lives of thousands of children.


  • 第一确认的大型鸟则是卡岗鸟,生活7000年前法国南部地区,这种可能不会飞行而且长得像鸵鸟。

    The first to be identified was Gargantuavis philoinos, which lived in southern France around 70 million years ago. It too may have been flightless and ostrich-like.


  • 内森·辛纳莱今年63岁,是一位IT业的咨询师。估计自己31年里飞了960公里相当于地球240

    Self-employed IT consultant Nesan Sinnadurai, 63, reckons he's traveled 9.6m km, equivalent to circling the equator 240 times, in the past 31 years.


  • 陵县农学家长林:“最高产量的土地,今年小麦产量可能达到公顷820。”

    Du Changlin, agronomist of Lingxian County, said, "in our highest-yielding field, wheat production this year could reach nearly 8."2 million ears for each hectare.


  • 多特蒙德西格纳尔-伊公园球场的8观众刚刚目睹了里贝里为拜仁踢进第三一个灵巧任意球打进了球门上

    The 80, 000 people in the Signal Iduna Park had just watched Ribéry score Bayern Munich's third goal with a deft free-kick into the top corner.


  • 低调德恒2009年公司重新盈利而获得了1,790美元的薪酬

    The low-key Dougan is being paid $17.9 million for his work in 2009, a reward for returning the company to profitability.


  • 22日吉达举行国际石油会议上,沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜宣布沙特原油日产量增加20,增至970桶。

    Saudi Arabia is ready to pump 9.7m barrels per day of oil for the rest of this year, 200000 more barrels than before, King Abdullah said at the opening ceremony of the Jeddah oil meeting Sunday.


  • 相较之下,2006(Turin)冬奥光是奥运17天就制造了16二氧化碳

    By comparison, the 2006 Winter Games in Turin produced about 160, 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide over the course of the 17-days of the Olympiad alone.


  • 相较之下,2006(Turin)冬奥光是奥运17天就制造了16二氧化碳

    By comparison, the 2006 Winter Games in Turin produced about 160,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide over the course of the 17-days of the Olympiad alone.


  • 阿纳金·天行者第一位驾驶这种机型的人,很快就其他绝地紧随其后,包括欧比·克斯·

    Anakin Skywalker was the first to pilot this new model, though other Jedi soon followed in his path, including Tiin, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu.


  • 绝地武士欧比—·克比发出情报显示分离主义势力正在积极备战时,意识到,现在已经不是谈判时候了。

    When an intelligence report from Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi revealed the Separatists gearing up for war, Windu came to realize that the time for negotiation had passed.


  • 企图逃离战场欧比-阿纳金紧追不舍

    Dooku attempted to escape the battle, but Obi-Wan and Anakin gave chase.


  • 在那儿文崔斯以酷刑折磨囚犯希望击溃欧比—精神,将名绝地败将作为战利品呈送库伯爵。

    There, she tortured the prisoners in hopes of breaking Obi-Wan's spirit and presenting the defeated Jedi as a trophy to Count Dooku.


  • 一个南瓜圣节到了。辉儿、在这儿他们唐老鸭侄子。他们想吃

    A pumpkin. It's Halloween. Here are Huey, Dewey and Louie. They're Donald's nephews. They want candy.


  • 大学细胞分子生物学系研究助理教授

    Manjong Han is an assistant research professor in the department of cell and molecular biology at Tulane University.


  • 欧比抵挡着机器人炮火从中穿行而,马上要穿过阿纳金之间危险地带

    She streaked across the space as Obi-Wan was moving to deflect the blaster fire of the droids. She would come between Dooku and Anakin, a dangerous place to be.


  • 篮球明星勒布朗•詹姆斯凯文兰特分别以7720美元和5620美元占据第三第五上榜的棒球运动员数量最多,有26位。

    Basketball stars LeBron James ($77.2m) and Kevin Durant ($56.2m) occupy third and fifth places, but baseball is the most heavily represented sport on the list, boasting 26 names.


  • 阿卜国王告诉46名叙利亚难民到来给该国带来沉重负担还预测年底人数翻倍

    King Abdullah told him that the arrival of 460,000 Syrian refugees was a heavy burden and predicted Numbers would double by the end of the year.


  • 德龙尼亚莎、保姆米哈伊尔·伊内奇跟在后面。

    Dronushka, Dunyasha, the old nurse, and Mihail Ivanitch followed her.


  • ·普贾里(Pawan Poojary)贾耶什·贝是最好朋友大学辍了学,位于孟买东北部郊区凤凰007(Phoenix 007)呼叫中心让他们印象深刻。

    Pawan Poojary and Jayesh Dubey, best friends and college dropouts, were impressed with the Phoenix 007 call center in Thane, a suburb northeast of Mumbai. The interviewer carried an iPhone;


  • 提炼三种天然浓缩素,包括海藻棕榈寿菊微丝血管密集部位眼球细胞起重要保护作用。

    Contains extracts from three natural sources - dunaliella salina algae, palm fruit oil and marigold flowers? That are beneficial to body parts with dense blood capillaries, such as eye cells.


  • 提炼三种天然浓缩素,包括海藻棕榈寿菊微丝血管密集部位眼球细胞起重要保护作用。

    Contains extracts from three natural sources - dunaliella salina algae, palm fruit oil and marigold flowers? That are beneficial to body parts with dense blood capillaries, such as eye cells.


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