• 尤利乌·凯撒以人所共知马库··布鲁为首脑的一伙谋反者谋杀了

    Julius Caesar was murdered by a group of conspirators famously headed by Marcus Junius Brutus.


  • 他们四个孩子包括双胞胎哈姆尼

    They had four children, including the twins, Hamnet and Judith.


  • 埃弗雷·思·威颇曼艾伦发现依恋孩子们他们时候他们同事极有同情心。

    Everett Waters, Judith Wippman and Alan Sroufe found securely attached children had sympathy toward their peers by the time they were three and a half years old.


  • 辩护结束前,请出了·希亚·蒂尔后者证明塔尔的做法也是如出一辙,在两次拒绝陪审团前作伪证之后,塔尔就对她进行了指控。

    To close her defense, she called Julie Hiatt Steele, who testified that Starr had done exactly that to her, indicting her after she twice refused to lie for him in a grand jury proceeding.


  • 莎士比亚雅芳河畔斯特福出生长大18岁时与安妮·哈瑟维结婚,两共生育三个孩子苏珊娜双胞胎哈姆迪思

    Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith.


  • 利安·布雷,一名领事服务负责人:“如果游客在出发没有研究他们的目的地,可能会使他们假期扫兴。”

    Julian Braithwaite, director of consular services, said: "If people don't research their destinations before they go, it could do more than spoil their holiday."


  • 白水事件的调查没完,五月,还进行得“不错”。尽管肯尼·塔尔苏珊·麦克道戈尔的审判中落败仍然继续起诉莉·希亚·蒂尔

    Whitewater World was still alive and well in May, as Kenneth Starr, despite his defeat in the Susan McDougal trial, pursued his case against Julie Hiatt Steele.


  • 回忆录出色埃德蒙··瓦尔路克·詹宁、托尼·迪娅·迈克威廉写了回忆录,超过今年大部分小说

    It has been a particularly good year for memoir: Edmund DE Waal, Luke Jennings, Tony Judt and Candia McWilliam have all written books that are better than most of the year's offerings in fiction.


  • 托雷女士正在亲昵。 这只吼马戏团里被解救出来,在马戏团中它遭受营养不良的折磨。

    Ms. Torres is embraced by Jupiter, a roaring lion recovered from a circus where he had suffered from malnutrition.


  • 劳伦·鲍威尔——安妮·贝宁、瑞茜·威瑟莉·波文娜奥米沃茨

    Laurene Powell — Annette Bening, Reese Witherspoon, Julie Bowen and Naomi Watts.


  • 扎克伯格受到校长-佛斯特DrewFaust其他大学教职工洛叶布楼(LoebHouse)前举行的简短的欢迎,佛斯特哈佛大学发现下一代技术型企业家地方

    President Drew Faust and other University officials, who met with him briefly at Loeb House. Faust said that Harvard was a good place to look for the next generation of technology entrepreneurs.


  • 最初冠军金杯由雷米名字命名,19世纪30年代举行了二战之前,此赛事停办了12年。

    The original gold trophy bore Jules Rimet's name and was contested three times in the 1930s, before the Second World War put a 12-year stop to the competition.


  • 傍晚时分,生物学家弗朗西•阿尔瓦雷(Francisco Álvares)走进葡萄牙北部村庄-达斯-尼奥(Pitõesdas Júnias),与老朋友们打着招呼

    At nightfall, biologist Francisco álvares walks through the village of Pit?es das Júnias, in northern Portugal, greeting old friends.


  • 研究免疫系统美国科学家布鲁·博伊勒,法国科学家科学家·霍夫曼物理学公布(2011年9月30日)去世加拿大科学家拉尔夫·分享了诺贝尔生理学和医学奖。

    Immune system researchers Bruce Beutler of the U.S. and Frenchman Jules Hoffmann shared the medicine prize Monday with Canadian-born Ralph Steinman, who died three days before the announcement.


  • 莉娅到了1996年,马来西亚吉隆坡建造了·隆纳·塔,当时号称世界上最高的建筑。

    JULIA: and then by 1996, the Petronas Towers were constructed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and was claimed to be the tallest.


  • 名为可可利叶只鸽子收集数据用来即时回复市民消息,告知市民所在地污染水平

    Data from three of the pigeons, called Coco, Julius and Norbert, will then be used to instantly reply, telling them about the level of pollution in their area.


  • 1981年起,约翰·一直导师亨利•密切合作组织比勒陀利亚举行的南非大学各大国际音乐比赛

    From 1981 John Roos has closely collaborated with his mentor, Hennie Joubert, organising and presenting the international music competitions at Unisa in Pretoria.


  • 格·丽实际上喜欢但是喜欢音乐剧而且我认为安德鲁最好的

    Margaret: Oh, I enjoyed it actually. But I do like musicals and I think Julie Andrews is wonderful.


  • 结合最近20人们议论最多的名人丑闻之一。 皮认识莉时,已经与美国女演员詹妮弗·安妮结了婚。

    The Jolie- Pitt union resulted in one of the most talked-about celebrity scandals of the last 20 years, as Pitt was married to actress Jennifer Aniston when he met Jolie.


  • 老太太一贯显得对利叶·博福非常赞赏他们专横无理对待传统删繁就简方面有某种相似之处。

    Mingott had always professed a great admiration for Julius Beaufort, and there was a kind of kinship in their cool domineering way and their short-cuts through the conventions.


  • 并非是一座巴农神宙不是奥林匹殿堂

    This was neither a Parthenon, nor a temple of the Olympian Jupiter.


  • 见到情人受苦,很是伤心打发墨丘利除掉阿尔

    Jupiter, grieved by the sufferings of his mistress, sent Mercury to dispatch ARGUS.


  • 中文阅读来自伊米托山的蜂王奥林山上,将蜂巢产出的新鲜蜂蜜当做礼物送给了很喜欢这份礼物,便答应满足任何请求

    A Queen Bee from Hymettus flew up to Olympus with some fresh honey from the hive as a present to Jupiter, who was so pleased with the gift that he promised to give her anything she liked to ask for.


  • 老太太一贯显得对利叶·博福非常赞赏,他们俩在专横无理对待传统删繁就简方面某种相似之处。

    OldMrs. Mingott had always professed a great admirationfor Julius Beaufort, and there was a kind of kinship intheir cool domineering way and their short-cuts throughthe conventions.


  • 老太太一贯显得对利叶·博福非常赞赏,他们俩在专横无理对待传统删繁就简方面某种相似之处。

    OldMrs. Mingott had always professed a great admirationfor Julius Beaufort, and there was a kind of kinship intheir cool domineering way and their short-cuts throughthe conventions.


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