• 系统费用有它最小这时对应的服务率优值。

    The total system fee has least value and the corresponding service rate is the optimized value.


  • 提出一类服务率排队车辆数变化通道车辆排队模型

    This paper proposes a model of vehicle queueing system in the oneway and the changeable serving rate with queueing vehicle.


  • 运用马尔可夫最决策过程归纳方法,导出机器服务率最优控制策略

    The optimal control policy of service rate is derived from Markovian optimal decision process formulation.


  • 利用案例给出护理人员平均服务率计算他们个星期的平均劳动

    Using the average service rate for nurse practitioners given in the case, compute their utilization rate averaged over the whole week.


  • 我们运用马尔可夫最决策过程归纳方法,导出机器服务率预防维护最优控制策略

    The optimal control policy of machine service rate and preventive maintenance rate is derived from Markovian optimal decision process formulation.


  • 已经得到公式可以确定平均时延及丢包控制在所允许范围服务率服务台数。

    Based on the formula, we can determine the cell service ratio and the number of the servers which curbs the average cell delay and the cell loss ratio in the permissive range.


  • 根据已得到的公式可以确定将平均时延及丢包控制在所允许的范围内服务率的具体数值。

    From the formula, we can also come out cell service ratio which curbs the average cell delay and cell loss ratio in permissive range.


  • 由已得到公式我们可以确定平均时延及丢包控制在所允许范围内服务率的具体数值。

    Based on the formula, we can also determine the cell service ratio which curbs the average cell delay and the cell loss ratio in the permissive range.


  • 本文研究具有不同服务率服务台排队系统其中服务台1完全可靠,服务台2可能发生故障

    In this paper, we consider a queueing system with two heterogeneous servers of different service rates, in which server 1 is perfectly reliable and server 2 is subject to breakdown.


  • 讨论一类排队网络优化算法。该闭排队网络具有一般性能指标函数,依赖于网络系统状态,又依赖于每个服务者服务率

    Optimization algorithms are provided for a class of closed queueing networks with a general performance cost that depends on both the state of the network systems and the service rate of each server.


  • 孕产服务因下降出生率而削减

    Maternity services were to be reduced as a consequence of falling birth rates.


  • 传统衡量方法未能反映服务业生产率增长因为集中服务质量提高上。

    One is that traditional measures fail to reflect service-sector productivity growth because it has been concentrated in improved quality of services.


  • 甚至有人声称大大改善服务部门业绩尽管生产率的宏观经济措施没有反映出这种改善

    There were even claims that IT had improved the performance of the service sector significantly, although macroeconomic measures of productivity did not reflect the improvement.


  • 对于这种下降以及制造业服务业之间生产率增长差异,人们提出几种解释

    Several explanations have been offered for this decline and for the discrepancy in productivity growth between the manufacturing and service sectors.


  • 尽管服务业20世纪70年代末以来一直增长,但生产率增长在下降

    Although the service sector has grown since the late 1970's, its productivity growth has declined.


  • 20世纪80年代末一些经济学家谈到一个生产率悖论”:尽管有大量IT投资尤其是服务部门,生产率仍然停滞不前

    Toward the end of the 1980s, some economists spoke of a "productivity paradox": despite huge IT investments, most notably in the service sectors, productivity stagnated.


  • 然而传统制造业生产率衡量指标显示尽管质量衡量不足生产率显著提高,而服务业生产率则继续停滞不前

    Yet traditional measures of manufacturing productivity have shown significant increases despite the under measurement of quality, whereas service productivity has continued to stagnate.


  • 每个服务事务运行时间域中累加包含在服务级别

    Transaction rates and elapsed times for individual services are accumulated at the domain and within domain service level.


  • 世界卫生组织一项重要行动采用了新的绘图软件帮助各国查明一系列卫生服务满足率最差的需求,以便使可得资源用于最有需求的方面。

    A key WHO initiative employs new mapping software to help countries pinpoint the greatest unmet needs for a range of health services, in order to best target available resources.


  • 很多社会性服务网站因为人们使用该网站的时候没有利用网站寻找信息意识

    Many social services do not have high click thru rates on ads because people are not in the mind frame of looking for information when they are using a social service.


  • 其他状态数据(DataPower服务事务)应用程序划分的,并且进一步通过XML -ManagerDataPower服务划分。

    Other status data (such as transaction rates for DataPower services) are segmented by application domain and may be further segmented by XML-Manager or DataPower service.


  • EADS大部分盈利来自设备的出售,想要收益率服务操作方面扩张

    EADS, which earns most of its revenues from supplying equipment, wants to expand its high-margin services operations.


  • 教育卫生专业服务就业率却逆势上涨

    But education, health and professional services showed an increase in employment.


  • 未来相信我们看到需要生产率服务产品成本创造力混合保持经济竞争力

    In the future I believe we'll see the need for productivity, cost of services and goods, and creativity needed in some mixture to keep an economy competitive.


  • 欧洲生产率绩效令人失望主要原因,欧洲能从服务部门榨出生产率增长

    But the main reason for Europe's disappointing productivity performance was that it failed to squeeze productivity gains from its service sector.


  • 但是值得注意,该公司网站用户评论表示客户服务覆盖率不高,每5人中只有2.9人享受到了满意的客服。

    However, we do feel like noting that Overstock's customer service rating, which is based on dozens of user reviews on their own website, is just 2.9 out of 5.


  • 他们往往更多的机会利用社会卫生服务,他们的识字率更高期望寿命更长

    They tend to have greater access to social and health services, literacy rates are higher, and life expectancy is longer.


  • 这些结果表明降低新生儿死亡率必须改善医疗服务质量

    These results suggest that, to decrease neonatal mortality, improved health service quality is crucial.


  • 这些结果表明降低新生儿死亡率必须改善医疗服务质量

    These results suggest that, to decrease neonatal mortality, improved health service quality is crucial.


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