• 他们许诺将特免不用服兵役

    They were promised dispensation from military service.


  • 弄虚作假逃避了服兵役

    He dodged his military service.


  • 他因视力不好而免服兵役

    His bad eyesight exempted him from military service.


  • 在校大学生服兵役

    Men in college were exempt from military service.


  • 必须服兵役

    She has to do her military service.


  • 心脏病使不符合服兵役条件

    A heart condition disqualified him for military service.


  • 所有成年男子义务服兵役

    All adult males will be liable for conscription.


  • 多数男生直接去服兵役了。

    Most of the boys went straight into the services.


  • 北非服兵役

    He saw service in North Africa.


  • 1820男性必须留下押金作为回来服兵役担保

    Males between 18 and 20 had to leave a deposit as a guarantee of returning to do their military service.


  • 他们服兵役了。

    They have already passed two years with the colours.


  • 服兵役使以色列电脑专家强大

    Military service makes Israeli techies tougher


  • 似乎没有什么比要服兵役使青年人担心了。

    Few things seem to stir up more fear among today's young people than the prospect of a military draft.


  • 退伍军人的谈话为什么服兵役

    Veterans talk: Why I joined the service


  • 公民是否该有为自己国家服兵役义务

    Is there a civic duty to serve one's country?


  • 18岁的时候,每个奥地利男人必须服兵役6个月

    Upon turning 18, all Austrian males have to take part of a 6 month military service.


  • 这项法令规定了,根据生日决定服兵役顺序

    The order in which your birthday came up determined the order in which you could be drafted.


  • 国家需要这样的不止服兵役这个方面。

    His country needs men like him more than they know.


  • 现在十八岁不用服兵役了,虽然得接受月的训练课程

    Now, when you turn eighteen, you don't have to do military service,although you still take a four-month training course. She was diagnosed with leukemia when she turned two.


  • 袭击之后美国人前往服兵役决定直面我们敌人

    In the wake of the attacks, a generation of Americans stepped forward to serve in uniform, determined to confront our enemies.


  • 并且他们也不能犹太人墓地中,即使服兵役死亡也不行。

    And they cannot generally be buried in Jewish cemeteries, even if they die in army service.


  • 参军第二逃离服兵役一位军官交谈费舍尔改变了想法。

    Though he later had a change of heart after speaking with a commander, he saw a possibility to escape his enlistment only two days in.


  • 格兰本人悉尼贫民区长大父母塞尔维亚家乡服兵役然后碰上内战

    Goran, himself, had grown up on the wrong side of the tracks in Sydney, had come to his parents' homeland of Serbia to do his military service and then been caught up in the Civil War.


  • 格兰本人悉尼贫民区长大父母塞尔维亚家乡服兵役然后碰上内战

    Goran, himself, had grown up on the wrong side of the tracks in Sydney, had come to his parents' homeland of Serbia to do his military service and then been caught up in the Civil War.


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