• 有限元强度折减法可以作为极限平衡分析方法一种过程

    Contact FEM strength reduction method is an inverse process in limiting equilibrium analysis of slope stability.


  • 有限元强度折减法近年来岩土工程界广关注一种边坡稳定性分析方法

    Nonlinear FEM strength reduction is a slop stability analysis method which is widely cared in the geotechnical field.


  • 运用有限元强度减法对设置抗后,是否越过顶进行了验证

    The Strength Reduction Finite Element Method is applied to test whether the sliding face cross over the pile with the short anti-side piles.


  • 应用有限元强度折减法分析膨胀滑坡规律以及柔性支挡处治效果

    The shear strength reduction method with FEM is applied to analyze the rule of Nanyou Road dilative soil landslide and the treating effect of flexible shoring.


  • 分析了应用有限元强度减法计算土质边坡稳定安全时,屈服准则计算结果影响

    In computing safety degree of the soil slope stability by nonlinear FEM strength reduction method, the influence of yield criterion on the calculation results is analyzed.


  • 有限元强度折减法作为一种新的方法已经广泛用于岩土工程问题稳定性分析边坡分析。

    The shear strength reduction finite element method as a recent development has been widely adopted for geotechnical stability analysis such as the slope analysis.


  • 边坡稳定性主要结构控制,采用有限元强度折减法对岩质边坡破坏机制进行了数值模拟分析。

    The stability of rock slope is mainly determined by its discontinuity and rock bridge. However, the failure mechanism of discontinuity and rock bridge has not been studied comprehensively.


  • 有限元强度减法分析边坡稳定性一个关键问题根据有限元计算结果判别边坡是否处于整体破坏状态

    How to judge the slopes state with FEM based on shear strength reduction methods, stability or instability based on the results of FEM is a key problem.


  • 有限元强度减法应用于边坡稳定分析,探讨了方法基本原理安全系数定义屈服准则失稳判据等。

    The strength reduction FEM is applied to the stability analysis of slope. The basic principle of this method and the definition of safety factor, yield rule and instability criterion are discussed.


  • 论文针对有限元强度减法隧洞近接桩基稳定性分析设计中的应用以及隧洞位移释放系数进行详细的研究

    The application of strength reduction FEM in the stability analysis of tunnel under pile loads and design and displacement release factor of tunnel were studied in detail in this thesis.


  • 最后对含有复杂地质条件特殊路段进行分析有限元强度减法分析边坡稳定性并验证处理方案是否满足要求

    Finally, analysis special road with complicated geology condition and stability of slope by strength reduction FEM, testify whether this process method meet need.


  • 采用有限元强度减法进行边坡稳定分析,建立边坡内最大水平方向位移系数突变模型,并以此作为边坡是否失稳的判断标准。

    A cusp catastrophe model of key points horizontal displacement and reduction coefficient is built by using the strength reduction finite element method to evaluate the slope stability.


  • 利用刚体极限平衡法、有限元强度减法加固边坡进行稳定性分析,计算发现,加固后,边坡安全系数较大程度提高,边坡处于稳定状态。

    The stability of slope was calculated using SlopeCAD and strength reduction FEM after reinforced, the safety factor is large than 1 and slope is stable.


  • 基于面上应力分析法强度折减法边坡稳定有限元分析方法类主要方法

    Stability method based on slip surface FE stress and shear strength reduction method are two principal methods for FEM slope stability analysis.


  • 采用塑性有限元强度减法,对九甸水电站厂房岩体边坡进行稳定性计算分析和评价

    Based on the elastic-plastic finite element method and strength reduction method, the stability of the rock slope behind the powerhouse of Jiudianxia hydroelectric station was studied and evaluated.


  • 基于强度折减法,将空间问题简化平面轴对称问题,利用有限元方法圆形基坑稳定性问题进行了分析。

    Based on strength reduction method, simplified the space problem as plane axisymmetric problem, the finite element method is used to evaluate the base stability of circular foundation pit.


  • 利用ABAQUS有限元程序,结合强度减法对某水电工程陡边坡开挖过程进行数值模拟稳定分析。

    Using FEM software ABAQUS and strength reduction method, we numerically simulated the excavation process of a high rock slope of a hydropower project and analyzed its stability.


  • 利用ABAQUS有限元程序,结合强度减法对某水电工程陡边坡开挖过程进行数值模拟稳定分析。

    Using FEM software ABAQUS and strength reduction method, we numerically simulated the excavation process of a high rock slope of a hydropower project and analyzed its stability.


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