• 然而火星陨石速度月球陨石坑快很多。

    However, Martian craters get filled in considerably faster than their lunar counterparts.


  • 围绕在月球陨石周围的喷出物,正是人们预料到一次爆炸中能得到的物质,爆炸喷发出大量灰尘土壤岩石

    The ejecta surrounding the lunar crater is just what one would expect from an explosion ejecting a large volume of dust, soil, and boulders.


  • 炼狱爱达荷州月球陨石

    Inferno Cone at Craters of the Moon in Idaho.


  • 阿波罗月球陨石所引出的疑团可能最终解开

    A mystery thrown up by the Apollo moon rocks may finally have been solved.


  • 月球陨石威风特点之一就是熔岩系列

    One of the most awe-inspiring features of Craters of the Moon is the series of lava tubes.


  • 美丽的气泡岩石熔岩月球陨石爱达荷州出现

    Beautiful air bubbles that appear on the outside of a piece of lava rock at Craters of the Moon in Idaho.


  • 分别带来了表面顶部部分中断月球陨石的帕霍霍露出铁锈如下

    A segment of pahoehoe at Craters of the Moon that has had the top of its surface broken off, revealing a rust color below.


  • 结果使得研究员们能够计算结果与阿波罗号带回月岩非洲月球陨石分析比较

    For this new study, the researchers were able to compare their calculations to analyses of samples of Apollo moon rocks and a lunar meteorite from Africa.


  • 虽然月球陨石禁止景观很多生活那里东西包括动物植物生活许多不同形式

    While Craters of the Moon is a forbidding landscape, there are many things living there, including several kinds of animals and many different forms of plant life.


  • 现在开创阿波罗任务最新分析月球陨石国家地理频道揭示证据线索破获风暴存在

    Now, from the ground-breaking Apollo missions to the latest analysis of lunar meteorites, the National Geographic Channel reveals the chain of evidence which uncovered clues to the storms existence.


  • 因此阿波罗月球陨石揭示了42亿年前月球那些威力强大混合熔岩凝固后,可能仍然存在磁场的时候,这的确令人费解。

    So it was a puzzle when Apollo moon rocks suggested the moon still had a magnetic field 4.2 billion years ago, millions of years after the powerful mixing is thought to have ended.


  • 月球陨石观察卫星」太空总署月球陨石观察与感测卫星」(LCROSS),上个月月球南极附近一个永久阴暗陨石坑,探测下面是否埋藏

    NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, or LCROSS, last month slammed into one of moon's permanently shadowed craters near the south pole to study whether ice was buried underneath.


  • 这次撞击释放大量能量出了一个大约有月球上的第谷陨石陨石坑。

    This impact released an enormous amount of energy, excavating a crater about twice as large as the lunar crater Tycho.


  • 只要找到了通向月球两极附近陨石底部这些分子永远冻结因为这些陨石底部总是阴暗处

    Any water molecules that found their way to the floors of craters near the moon's poles, that water would be perpetually frozen, because the floors of those craters are always in shadow.


  • 月球一样,大型撞击陨石范围之广可以显示出火星表面年龄

    As on the Moon, the extent of large impact cratering serves as an age indicator for the Martian surface.


  • 月球上相同,那些巨大陨石范围例如,那些巨大形成尚未被尘埃满的陨石标志火星表面年龄

    As on the Moon, the extent of large impact cratering (i.e. craters too big to have been filled in by erosion since they were formed) serves as an age indicator for the Martian surface.


  • 科学家已经气球岩石陨石做过类似分析所以他们决定月球样品重复这个实验

    The scientists had performed similar analyses on Earth rocks and on meteorites, so they decided to duplicate the research on the lunar samples.


  • 研究人员非常重要,因为陨石数量可以帮助他们确定月球表面年龄深度数据

    The researchers say that's important because it can help them determine the age and depth of the lunar surface.


  • 屏幕上出现一些我们通常月球其它行星上看见东西- - -一个148英尺陨石

    What appeared on his screen was something typically seen only on our own moon and other planetsa meteorite impact crater 148 feet across.


  • 大多数科学家认为月球两极最有可能存在地方,因为那里是常年处于阴暗之中的陨石

    Most scientists believe the likeliest places for water are at the poles of the moon, where there are craters in permanent shadow.


  • 近年研究人员最大发现就是月球,这些水岩石中,分布于巨大陨石广阔月球平原上

    The biggest revelation uncovered by researchers in recent years is the discovery of water on the moon, in ice and rocks, across huge craters and vast lunar plains.


  • 如果有人说他可以地球上看到月球陨石肯定不同意因为那么清楚到足以看的出来陨石坑。

    But if someone said, you can see the craters on the moon from earth, would you disagree, because it is not clearly visible as such?


  • 由于撒哈拉大沙漠生存环境月球以及其它星球相似陨石留下痕迹完好无损的。

    Since the Sahara is about as life-sustaining as the moon and other planets, the forensic evidence left by the crater was pristine.


  • 困难第二个级别要求飞行180接着在遍布岩石陨石模拟月球地形降落

    The more difficult second level requires a flight of 180 seconds followed by a landing on simulated lunar terrain, complete with rocks and craters.


  • 早期数据显示可能冰层存在于被永久遮挡的月球两极附近陨石中,月球漫长的历史过程中,彗星撞击带来的可能埋藏这些陨石坑中。

    Earlier data indicated possible ice deposits in permanently Shadowed craters near the moon's poles, where water from comet impacts could have been trapped over the moon's long history.


  • 尽管月球上水其他物质浓度分布进一步分析可以放心,凯布斯陨石坑中存在

    The concentration and distribution of water and other substances requires further analysis, but it is safe to say Cabeus holds water.


  • 研究人员现在可以看清陨石各个岩石细节某些测量可以精确到月球表面英尺

    Researchers can now see detailed craters and individual boulders, some measuring only a few feet on the lunar surface.


  • 夜幕降临时候参观了这个陨石坑,我深深地明白太阳系碎片随时可能侵入我们舒适的地球月球构成的环境。

    I visited the crater as night fell, and I felt keenly aware that fragments of the solar system can invade our cozy realm of Earth and Moon.


  • 月球南极几个永久性阴暗陨石,也赫米特陨石类似极度寒冷地区冬季深夜测得了相似的温度。

    Extremely cold regions similar to the one in Hermite crater were found at the bottoms of several permanently shaded craters at the lunar South Pole and were measured in the depths of winter night.


  • 月球南极几个永久性阴暗陨石,也赫米特陨石类似极度寒冷地区冬季深夜测得了相似的温度。

    Extremely cold regions similar to the one in Hermite crater were found at the bottoms of several permanently shaded craters at the lunar South Pole and were measured in the depths of winter night.


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