• SpaceX称,土星5月球火箭以来,首个能力火箭

    It is the first rocket since the Saturn 5 moon rocket to have this capability, according to SpaceX.


  • 新型运载火箭飞船助推火箭燃料箱发动机以及月球火箭发动机组成。

    They would be built from shuttle booster rockets, fuel tanks and main engines, as well as moon rocket engines.


  • 强大的“新星号月球火箭如果得以制成,其起飞推力达6,000,000之多。

    Mighty nova, if it ever is brought to completion, may have a take-off thrust of 6, 000, 000 pounds .


  • 液氢液氧燃料的火箭宇航员登陆月球提供尤其重要有利条件

    Using liquid hydrogen and oxygen in rockets will provide major advantages for landing astronauts on the moon.


  • 与此同时还命令太空总署2020年早些时候,研发新的火箭太空舱宇航员送返月球着陆舱。

    At the same time, he directed NASA to begin development of new rockets, capsules and landers to carry astronauts back to the moon by the early 2020s.


  • 事实上战神i - X历史上第三火箭排在被建造发射航天员宇航员月球一对巨型推进器之后

    In fact, the Ares I-X is the third tallest rocket in history behind a pair of giant boosters built to launch astronauts and cosmonauts to the moon.


  • 科学家火箭发射月球;它的电影好莱坞文化传播全世界;它运动健儿打破了世界纪录;它出产的美酒法国的顶级佳酿并驾齐驱。

    Its scientists shoot, with their rockets, for the moon; its films spread Hollywood's culture around the globe; its athletes break world records; even its wines now rank with the best of France's.


  • 美国宇航局正在研制到达月球一代火箭载人太空舱,计划年内搭载航天飞机进行发射,目前的航天飞机将于明年退役

    The space agency is developing a new generation of rockets and crew capsules capable of reaching the moon which are due to fly within five years of the space shuttle fleet being retired next year.


  • 战神一号X型乘坐“战车”就是那时的履带之一,当年它运送土星v火箭宇航员送上了月球

    In this case, the Ares I-X took a ride on one of two crawlers built to carry around the Saturn V rockets that sent astronauts to the moon.


  • 公司创建人玛斯克相信强大的火箭足以太空舱送到月球甚至可能到火星

    Founder Elon Musk believes the rocket will be powerful enough to carry the Dragon capsule to the moon and possibly even Mars.


  • 去年美国航空航天局利用服役到期的半人马座火箭撞击阴影区的月球陨坑,轰第一明确迹象-月球内部充满

    Last year, NASA smacked a spent Centaur rocket into a Shadowed lunar crater and blew out the first definite signs that the moon is chock-full of water.


  • 重返月球的“星座项目”在奥巴马预算取消被取消的还有“战神火箭”(如图)。

    The back-to-the-moon programme, Constellation, with its Ares rocket (pictured), was cancelled as part of Barack Obama’s budget.


  • 重返月球的“星座项目”在奥巴马预算取消被取消的还有“战神火箭”(如图)。

    The back-to-the-moon programme, Constellation, with its Ares rocket (pictured), was cancelled as part of Barack Obama's budget.


  • 但是最近月球火星水源确认可能暗示ALICE类似火箭燃料未来,具相当高的可实践性

    But the recent confirmation of water sources on the moon and Mars may hint at a future where ALICE and similar rocket propellants become highly practical.


  • 我会看到一些今天无法想像事物祖父16无法想像火箭发射月球父亲16岁时无法想像互联网那样。

    I will see things as inconceivable to me today as a moon shot was to my grandfather when he was 16, or the Internet to my father when he was 16.


  • 月球丰富可以使太空人建立基地比较容易,可提供饮用水火箭燃料成分

    Having an abundance of water on the moon would make it easier to set up a base camp for astronauts by providing drinking water and an ingredient for rocket fuel.


  • 宇航局希望政策解放资源以便将更多精力投入到开发新的飞船火箭,将人送上远于太空的距离月球小行星火星

    This policy, Nasa hopes, will free resources to invest in a new capsule and rocket capable of sending humans beyond the space station to destinations such as the Moon, asteroids and Mars.


  • 嫦娥2号计划之嫦娥1号有了几点进步,包括一个强大的火箭使航天器更快达到月球

    The Chang 'e 2 mission saw several improvements over Chang 'e 1, including a more powerful rocket that delivered the probe to the moon more quickly.


  • 月球环形山观测遥感卫星LCROSS)项目中,“半人马座火箭撞击进入月球南极一个环形山内。

    The Lunar CraterRemote Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission involved deliberately crashing a spent Centaur rocket into a crater near the Moon's south pole.


  • 如果还记得同一家公司希望用激光必胜客广告刻在月球上,后来缩减成本俄罗斯火箭侧面的广告位置

    If you recall, the same company had previously wanted to beam a laser AD up onto the moon for Pizza Hut, but had later scaled back to buying AD placement on the side of a Russian rocket.


  • 为了探测月球表面,人们一次一次地发射火箭

    To explore the moon’s surface, rockets were launched again and again.


  • 证明月球活力不是一个干旱荒凉世界给予将来建设有饮用水火箭燃料航天员站很大希望

    Proof that the moon is dynamic and not a dry, desolate world offers hope for a possible future astronaut outpost where water on site could be used for drinking or making rocket fuel.


  • 随着一级火箭月球探测器分别撞击月球表面不同的两座环形山上,美国航空航天局(NASA)的大型“双重撞月”行动在今天早晨取得了成功

    NASA's double sledgehammer shot to the moon succeeded early this morning when an empty rocket stage and a lunar probe each crashed into separate craters.


  • 然后,火箭侧面路线直飞月球

    The rocket then took a lateral course straight for the Moon.


  • 去年10月9日火箭按计划成功撞击到月球坑底产生了一个直径为70-100英尺6英尺的大洞。

    When the rocket struck the bottom of the crater on October 9 last year it blasted out a hole 70ft to 100ft indiameter and 6ft deep.


  • 没有火箭我们也就可能到达月球或者任何一个太阳系星球

    Without the rocket, it is safe to say we would not only have never gone to the moon or visited every planet in our solar system.


  • LCROSS探测器自身月球进行撞击之前,的探测仪器对半人马座火箭撞击造成月球进行检测。

    The resulting plume of lunar soil was examined by instruments on the LCROSS probe before it too crashed into the moon.


  • 巨型火箭竞赛紧跟第二苏联N - 1火箭一个美国太空竞赛期间旨在宇航员送上月球的巨大助推器

    A close second in the giant rocket race is the former Soviet Union's N-1 rocket, an enormous booster designed to launch cosmonauts to the moon during the Space race with the United States.


  • 巨型火箭竞赛紧跟第二苏联N - 1火箭一个美国太空竞赛期间旨在宇航员送上月球的巨大助推器

    A close second in the giant rocket race is the former Soviet Union's N-1 rocket, an enormous booster designed to launch cosmonauts to the moon during the Space race with the United States.


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