• 这个话题中,干净高度进化生物可能是体内寄生虫以及蜜蜂黄蜂蚂蚁幼虫

    It's possible that the cleanest and most highly evolved creatures where this topic is concerned are internal parasites, along with bee, wasp and ant larvae.


  • 赞比亚撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲高度城市化国家

    Zambia is black Africa's most urbanized country.


  • 一个真正才能工作过程感到高度快乐

    A true great man of talent is in the process of work feel most happy.


  • 良好动画师高度炙手可热艺术家世界3d

    Good 3d animators are the most highly sought-after artist in the world of 3d.


  • 我们主要品牌组合高度市场我们每一个认可

    Our portfolio of premier brands is among the most highly recognized in each of the markets we serve.


  • 许多其他功能补充使这个游戏经典一个高度期待新闻稿本世纪

    This and many other features and additions make this gaming classic one of the most highly anticipated releases of this century!


  • 如果仁慈感情几乎成为罪过之前付诸行动,那似乎应该得到高度赞扬

    The benevolent affections seem to deserve most praise, when they do not wait till it becomes almost a crime for them not to exert themselves.


  • 最高数奖乙名(100度以上)可获奖金港币$3,000奖盃乙个。

    Highest Break (100 or above): HK$3,000 and a trophy for each event.


  • IT公司使用数据产业采用大数据达到高度的过程中,科技企业带路前行。

    With 60 percent of it organizations using big data, technology enterprises are leading the way as the industry with the highest big data uptake.


  • 更好实地正在方式高度可用标准力求寻找成功人格关键因素之一

    Striving for the better and searching for the most highly available standards in the field you are working your way at is one of the key factors of a successful personality.


  • 向上一个重要部份来自星期二结束0.47正直10年以来高度结束上个月组合

    That was up a substantial 0.47 cent from Tuesday's close and just short of a 10-year high close set last month.


  • 高度和谐社会里,个体生命状况好的,而只有全人类每个个体生命都受到真正关怀社会可能达到最高度和谐

    In the uppermost harmonious society, individuals enjoy the best of life. It will not reach the uppermost harmoniousness until every member of the human community could take the real solicitude.


  • 已经关闭77美国上面1993年十一月5日,多伦多完成的时候77.42。涌流10年以来高度接近地十月22日76.69组合

    The last time the dollar has closed above 77 cents US was on Nov. 5, 1993, when it finished the day in Toronto at 77.42. The current 10-year high close is 76.69 cent set on Oct. 22.


  • 根据规划法栅栏树篱高度6英尺

    Under planning law the maximum height for a fence or hedge is 6 feet.


  • 达到高度时,确实会喜欢活动不是太多

    When you reach your top height, do like activities rather than sleep too much.


  • 互联网使用一切可用资源查找验证每一个国家建筑准确高度

    I have used all available resources on the internet to find and verify the exact height of the tallest building in every country.


  • 墓葬实际上形成了一种模式土堆发现骨架随着墓葬距离土堆越高度低。

    The burials actually formed a pattern, the tallest skeletons being found in the mounds, and the heights declining as burials became more distant from the mounds.


  • 想象这样世界建造摩天大厦不再是一场高度竞赛而是个关于储存太阳能更多的竞赛。

    Imagine a world where building the tallest skyscraper wasn't a race of height, but rather one to collect the most solar energy.


  • 同时巴西拥有世界富裕收入群体,正如图表巴西的顶层尔所达到高度与世界高水平不相上下。

    Meanwhile, Brazil also has some of the world’s richest, as you can see by how high up on the chart Brazil’s top ventile reaches.


  • 世界很多地方第六当地消防车能够得着高度

    And in many parts of the world, the sixth floor is as high as the local fire-engines can reach.


  • 高度(paddingedge)取那个line - box的高度

    Its height (top padding edge) is the height of the tallest line-box.


  • 以及到达那个方向上的高点,知道那时的高度具体多少

    It comes to a highest point and I want to know how high that is.


  • 已经互联网使用一切可用资源发现验证一个国家建筑准确高度

    I've used every resource available on the Internet to find and verify the tallest building in every country, with the most accurate height available.


  • 或者说大约英格兰山峰斯科费尔峰高度五分之二。

    Or again: about two-fifths the height of Scafell Pike, the highest peak in England.


  • 这个节奏忍者攀爬游戏中目标上升上升的高度同时要避免杀手松鼠愤怒小鸟敌人忍者投掷星星爆炸的炸弹等等的攻击。

    In this fast paced ninja climbing game, your goal is to rise as high as you can while avoiding killer squirrels, angry birds, enemy ninjas, throwing stars and exploding bombs.


  • 这个节奏忍者攀爬游戏中目标上升上升的高度同时要避免杀手松鼠愤怒小鸟敌人忍者投掷星星爆炸的炸弹等等的攻击。

    In this fast paced ninja climbing game, your goal is to rise as high as you can while avoiding killer squirrels, angry birds, enemy ninjas, throwing stars and exploding bombs.


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