• 死缓不是刑罚种类意义上死刑替代措施

    Death penalty reprieve, in the sense of penology cannot be deemed a sort of alternative.


  • 水资源尚无有效的替代措施南水北调势在必行

    Since water resources can not be substituted, the South-to-North water transfer is getting imperatived.


  • 保释目前世界范围内占主导地位的羁押替代措施

    Bail has been adopted as a main alternative to detainment in the world.


  • 如果一位不安苹果投资者准备采取什么样替代措施

    But if you're a nervous Apple investor, what are your alternatives?


  • 如果颁布新的替代措施强制这些人去奉献将会一句空话

    If no new replacement measure is enacted, the companies' mandatory contributions will balloon.


  • 审判羁押例外的措施采取替代措施应为一般性原则。

    Custody before trial should be exceptional, and generally alternative measures should be taken.


  • 我国提倡教育而且非常重视少年刑罚替代措施的探索和适用。

    China has long advocated education sentence, and has paid attention to the alternative measures to the juvenile penalties.


  • 如果一位不安苹果投资者,你准备采取什么样替代措施

    But if you're a nervous Apple investor, what are your alternatives? Sure you could sell some stock and take your profits.


  • 但是雇主提供保险当前健康保障系统主流眼前没有足够的替代措施

    But employer-supplied insurance is a mainstay of the current health care system, and there is no adequate replacement immediately in sight.


  • 社区矫正是指社区中执行监禁或者监禁刑替代措施的一刑事执法活动

    Community Correction refers to a kind of criminal justice activity in which a non-custodial penalty or an alternative way of sentence services is executed in the community.


  • 死刑替代措施就是在不适用死刑情况下应该采取的、用来代替死刑刑罚方法。

    Alternatives of capital punishment refer to the punitive devices adopted to replace death penalty.


  • 要求供货商如果冲突矿产用于提供长电科技的产品时,请立即告知采取替代措施

    Requesting that our suppliers report to JCET and take alternative measures immediately if there is conflict minerals used in items supplied to JCET.


  • 伴随着各国探寻监禁替代措施历程,社区服务国外异军突起,并有扩大适用的趋势。

    The appearance of community service punishment in some foreign countries plays a positive role on reducing the imprisonment.


  • 笔者采取三元,即死刑缓期执行、无期徒刑长期有期徒刑三者作为死刑的替代措施

    Among these, the author takes ternary, that is to say, using the death penalty in two-year reprieve, life imprisonment and long-term imprisonment to replace the death penalty.


  • 因此我们需要思考的是真正的替代措施牵涉到成千上万背井离乡以及其他形式伤害解决方式

    Thus, we need to think about real alternatives, local solutions to the needs that do not involve thousands of people displaced, among other harms.


  • 条件起诉作为轻罪犯罪化处理的一种起诉替代措施,具有有效化解刑事纠纷实现程序分流功能

    As a substitutive system of prosecution, non - prosecution of additional conditions can dissolve the criminal dispute effectively, and realize the function which shunt the procedure before try.


  • 美国禁用甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)趋势全球MT BE需求动向进行了分析,介绍了禁用MTBE替代措施阐述中国现状前景

    The American phase out MTBE and global MTBE demand trend are introduced. The alternative routes of phase out MTBE are reviewed. Our country status and prospect are also prepared.


  • 对于所有那些有限财政措施替代婚礼精品店/专卖店一个设计师婚纱礼服销售

    An alternate measure for all those with limited finances are to go to wedding boutiques/stores that are putting up a sale for his or her designer wedding dresses.


  • 替代能源推入歧途措施比如生物燃料农场生产补贴,它们wws能源人的吸引力小,而且拖延清洁系统部署因此应该终止

    Misguided promotion of alternatives that are less desirable than WWS power, such as farm and production subsidies for biofuels, should also be ended, because it delays deployment of cleaner systems.


  • 该组织认为,即使世界各国同意采取措施控制二氧化碳排放,也必须有如加拿大沥青原油这样替代产品来填补未来供应缺口

    Even if countries around the world agree on measures to control carbon-dioxide emissions, says the agency, bituminous crudes like Canada's must fill a coming supply gap.


  • 如果Web服务器作为DMZ中的安全措施代理无法替代——可以安全区内帮助进行路由负载平衡

    If the Web server was used as a security measure in the DMZ, then the proxy cannot replace itbut it can sit in the secure zone to help with the routing and load balancing.


  • 如果大多数管理员愿意时间使用OpenBSD缺省安全措施替代任何其他分发版,那么他们很可能改变思维方式

    If most administrators spent the time to put OpenBSD's default security measures in place on any other distribution, they would likely change their line of thinking.


  • 2月2日,延迟采取紧急措施后,英国教育部门最终承认扼杀了11plus考试无法出台更好替代考试。

    On February 2nd, after much delay and brinkmanship, the education department finally admitted that it had killed off the state 11-plus exam but was unable to come up with a replacement.


  • 尽管男性包皮环切术不能替代已知有效预防艾滋病毒感染措施考虑作为综合干预策略组成部分

    While male circumcision is not a replacement for other known methods of HIV prevention, it should be considered as part of a comprehensive prevention strategy.


  • 降温可能会缓解地球发热峰值或者减排措施发挥人期待的效果争取时间但是酸雾只是一种辅助药物不能替代其他方法

    Cooling might take the edge off the peak of a planetary fever, or perhaps buy time as emissions cuts begin to have the desired effects. But hazing is a complementary medicine, not an alternative one.


  • 措施可一石多鸟缩减财政赤字、鼓励节约能源、降低石油进口、增加替代能源竞争力降低排放

    At a stroke, that would narrow the budget deficit, encourage conservation, reduce oil imports, make renewable energy more competitive and reduce carbon emissions.


  • 此外这种措施乐坏了其他稀土出产国家包括美国),加大全球对稀土替代开发研究

    Furthermore, this kind of action is just going to lead to massive subsidies to produce rare earths elsewherein the world (including the United States) and/or develop rare earth substitutes.


  • 比较好的替代方案就是授予监管机构实施严厉措施权利,而不只是监管银行资产负债表的一小部分这样一来恐慌就能达到一种可控的状态。

    A better alternative is to give regulators draconian power but over a smaller part of Banks' balance-sheets, so that the panic is contained.


  • 美联储监管者要优先于消费者保护法律又没有适当重要安全措施作为替代

    Federal regulators preempted state consumer protections laws without adequately replacing these important safeguards.


  • 美联储监管者要优先于消费者保护法律又没有适当重要安全措施作为替代

    Federal regulators preempted state consumer protections laws without adequately replacing these important safeguards.


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