• 衡平法普通法律规则瑕疵部分矫正

    Equity is a correction of common legal rules in their defective parts.


  • 一些律师把一些不合理东西普通法律

    And as some lawyers have introduced unreasonable things into common law, so likewise many teachers have introduced absurd things into common good manners.


  • 法国警察组织,由一支武装力量组成负责普通法律实施

    A member of the French national police organization constituting a branch of the armed forces with responsibility for general law enforcement.


  • “布默大西洋水泥公司案,涉及的是一个经典性的普通法律妨害

    Boomer v. Atlantic Cement co., involved a classic common law nuisance.


  • 的翻译是:并且国会也许普通法律规定这样行动方式纪录,并且行动证实因此作用

    And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.


  • 法律援助 辅助计划对象,是财务资源超过普通法律援助计划的经济上限又不超出471,600元人士。

    This scheme provides legal assistance to applicants whose financial resources exceed the ceiling stipulated in the Ordinary Legal Aid Scheme but do not exceed $471,600.


  • 法律援助 辅助计划的对象,是那些财务资源超过普通法律援助经济上限而又超出471,600元人士。

    This scheme provides legal assistance to applicants whose financial resources exceed the ceiling stipulated in the Standard Legal Aid Scheme but do not exceed $471,600.


  • 尽管明显受到成文法权威的影响,但大多数法律特别是关于财产合同侵权仍旧普通法系传统部分

    Although typically affected by statutory authority, broad areas of the law, most notably relating to property, contracts, and torts are traditionally part of the common law.


  • 法律系统上也完成了大陆法系普通法系的转换

    It completed the convertion from continental law to common law systematically.


  • 然而英国法律基本部分普通

    However, the most fundamental part of English law is common law.


  • 法律英语普通国家经过长期司法实践逐步形成自己特有表达模式规范,它具有很强的专业特色

    Legal English is a special mode of expression and norm developed by a long practice of judicature in common law countries and has its own special features.


  • 加拿大进一步优势世界两个主要法律传统——民事法律制度普通制度大成。

    Canada has the further advantage of being at the crossroads of the world's two main legal traditions, the civil law system, and the common-law system.


  • 普通确定什么法律的时候遇到了巨大的困难

    The common law presents great difficulties in determining what is law.


  • 惩罚性赔偿英美法系普通法上特有法律救济制度,是我国民事立法民法学的一项课题

    Penal compensation is a particular legal relief system of common law in England and the U. s. A. It is also a new topic for study on China's civil law and civil legislations.


  • 判例成文法分别普通法系和大陆法系主要法律渊源。

    Case law and statute law are individually the main source of law in the common-law system and civil-law system.


  • 这些领域大多管辖因此法律普通法系基本渊源

    These areas of the law are mostly within the jurisdiction of the states, and thus state courts are the primary source of common law.


  • 美国属于判例主要法律渊源普通法系。

    American law belongs to the Common law legal system which mainly origins from case law.


  • 普通司法管辖区三个关键要素建立一个合同必要的要约承诺审议打算建立法律关系

    In common law jurisdictions, three key elements to the creation of a contract are necessary: offer and acceptance, consideration and the intention to create legal relations.


  • 摘要大陆法系强调事实认定的真伪不明状态及其法律适用过程普通法系则相反。

    Abstract : While the continental system admits the nonliquet status in fact-finding and emphasizes its process of legal application, its Anglo-American counterpart takes the other way.


  • 或评价: -熟悉中国商事法律了解英美普通法系大陆法系商事法律基本程序原则

    Self Descriotion: -familiar with Chinese business law, understand the basic principle of commercial law in Common Law and Civil Law countries;


  • 研究英美法系国家法律离不开司法运作了解剖析普通法的本质生命在于法官法律创造

    Study of Common law System can't do without analysis and understanding of its judicial operation. The essence and life of the Common law lie in judge's creation to the law.


  • 普通领域,则没有大陆法系那样过多关于法律解释权的争议法院享有当然的解释权,争议法院如何解释法律

    Unlike common law countries, there are no disputes on this in Civil law countries, which rests on courts. The core of their disputes is how the courts should explain the laws.


  • 接着文章又介绍普通传统的制度,包括令状制度、陪审制度、遵循先例制度和法律至上原则

    Then some institutions in common law are discussed, which are the writs, jury, stare decisis, supremacy of law.


  • 总体而言普通法系投资者法律保护强于大陆法系,证券市场发达

    Generally speaking, the common law system has a better protection for investors than the civil law system, and the former has a more advanced securities market.


  • 新加坡承继英美法系法律传统,有关国际民事诉讼管辖制度十分健全并具有典型普通特色,新加坡冲突具有极为重要的地位意义。

    Singapore accepted the common law tradition and its legal system on international civil procedure jurisdiction is very advanced, which play an important part in the conflict of laws in Singapore.


  • 预见规则作为违约损害赔偿范围限制一种规则各国法律均有体现,英美普通法对预见规则的适用不考虑违约人的心理状态,即未区分违约人的故意和过失。

    As a rule of limitation of compensation for damage in breach, the doctrine of foresight is provided in every country, but it is quite different from each other.


  • 预见规则作为违约损害赔偿范围限制一种规则各国法律均有体现,英美普通法对预见规则的适用不考虑违约人的心理状态,即未区分违约人的故意和过失。

    As a rule of limitation of compensation for damage in breach, the doctrine of foresight is provided in every country, but it is quite different from each other.


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