• 实现我们目标至关重要

    Money will be crucial to the accomplishment of our objectives.


  • 王国防御至关重要

    Defence of the realm is crucial.


  • 正确地咀嚼至关重要

    Chewing properly is crucially important.


  • 参议员们找到抵消通货膨胀机制至关重要的

    Senators say it is crucial that a mechanism is found to compensate for inflation.


  • 儿童大脑在整个幼儿时期会不断成熟部分大脑对于记忆特定事件至关重要以后可以再回忆起这些事件。

    Maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain continues throughout early childhood, and this part of the brain may be critical for remembering particular episodes in ways that can be retrieved later.


  • 教育国家未来至关重要

    Education is vitally important for the country's future.


  • 他们认为古希腊古罗马至关重要知识来源

    They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.


  • 这项协议对于促进世界经济增长至关重要

    The agreement is essential to spurring economic growth around the world.


  • 一位独立教育心理学家做评估至关重要的

    An assessment by an independent educational psychologist was essential.


  • 由于他们必须疾速短跑,因此速度至关重要

    As they must also sprint over short distances, speed is essential.


  • 警方艺术界之间联络对于打击艺术犯罪至关重要

    Liaison between police forces and the art world is vital to combat art crime.


  • 这些选举也许会证明哥伦比亚政治史至关重要

    The elections may prove to be pivotal in Colombia's political history.


  • 紧急情况下保持冷静至关重要

    It is of great importance to keep calm in an emergency.


  • 头脑,而用心表达至关重要

    Not by brain, by heart; the expression is vital.


  • 补丁开发人员期间反应灵敏至关重要

    It is vitally important that the patch developer is responsive during this period.


  • 因为航空交通管制(ATC整个空间的控制至关重要的

    This is because ATC control of the entire space is essential.


  • 众所周知如果我们学好英语的话,一个好的学习环境至关重要

    As we all know, a good learning environment is vital if we want to study English well.


  • 他们知道做事至关重要他们也知道思考、理解反思阐释也同样重要

    They know it's vitally important to do, but they also know that thinking, understanding, reflection and interpretation are equally important.


  • 我们女儿成为那段经历一部分至关重要不仅,对琳达如此。

    It was crucial that our daughter was part of that experience, not just for her, but for Linda and me as well.


  • 这种帮助至关重要因为照顾受害动物成本防止人们卷入虐待案件一个主要因素

    This help is critically important because the high cost of caring for animal victims is a major factor that prevents people from getting involved in cruelty cases in the first place.


  • 假设集中管理对于处理人口激增引起问题——比如有限粮食供应造成的压力——至关重要

    It assumes that centralized management was critical to dealing with issues caused by sudden population surges, like a strain on limited food supplies.


  • 受益总面积一小部分,共50万英亩所以优先考虑火灾干旱风险最大地区至关重要

    That's only a small share of the total acreage that could benefit, about half a million acres in all, so it will be vital to prioritize areas at greatest risk of fire or drought.


  • 大多数专家认为为了教职工他们学生了解他们学科最新发展这些研究活动至关重要

    But most experts agree that some research activity is essential to keep the staff and their students in touch with the latest developments in their subjects.


  • 为了理解埃及艺术尽可能了解埃及精英世界观以及他们所创造艺术的功能背景至关重要

    In order to understand ancient Egyptian art, it is vital to know as much as possible of the elite Egyptians' view of the world and the functions and contexts of the art produced for them.


  • 水平游离至关重要因为这个过程提供了基因来源一种机制通过这种机制,如果该地鱼群消失可以重新繁殖种群。

    Low levels of straying are crucial, since the process provides a source of novel genes and a mechanism by which a location can be repopulated should the fish there disappear.


  • 认为食品标注转基因成分至关重要不会反对——整个食品行业跟着贴标签的做法明智的,这一种消除这项技术的恐惧方法

    I don't think it's vital to label GM ingredients in food, but I also wouldn't be against it—and industry would be smart to go along with labeling, just as a way of removing fears about the technology.


  • 媒体合作至关重要的

    Working with the media is still crucial.


  • 个人诚信至关重要

    Personal integrity is crucial.


  • 使管道正常工作,这些模板至关重要

    These templates are crucial for the pipeline to function properly.


  • 结果显示皮肤健康保养至关重要

    As an obvious result, skin health and maintenance is crucial.


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