• 大山人我国明末清初书画双绝的艺术大师

    Zhu Da Ming is Qing Painting and Calligraphy in China Shuangjue artist.


  • 论文研究明末清初词风嬗变特点产生原因

    This paper is the study on evolution and causation of ci-poetry style in late Ming and early Qing.


  • 明末清初李渔(笠翁)一个比较复杂戏曲家

    Li Yu who lived in the late of Ming Dynasty was a something of complicated dramatist.


  • 在古代,人们台风飓风,到了明末清初才叫台风。

    Typhoon had been called hurricane until the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty.


  • 明末清初翻译活动中西文化交流史具有重要意义

    The translation activities in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty is of great sense for the history of cultural intercommunion between China and Western world.


  • 明末清初时,椰雕工艺品就达到了相当艺术水平

    When will it be clear the beginning end of Ming Dynasty, coconut carving handicraft it reaches to be quite high artistic level.


  • 丁耀亢明末清初成就文学家,是一位著名戏剧大师

    Ding Yaokang is a considerable achievements writer in the late Ming and early Qing, he is a well-known master of drama.


  • 明末清初思想家批判君主专权危害,形成了他们民权思想

    The advance thinkers in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty had fonned their thoughts of democratic rights through criticizing the autocratic monarchy .


  • 明末清初粤东地方社会经历了一个“治”的过程

    The local society experienced a process from turmoil to stability in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties in the east of Guangdong.


  • 明末清初中国画坛上项圣谟一个非常值得注意的人物。

    Xiang Shengmo is a noticeable artist in the field of painting during the period of the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty.


  • 拱干明末清初著名诗人,其生平事迹有若干清晰之处。

    FANG Gongqian is a famous poet between late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, but the story of his life is still not very clear.


  • 明末清初起讫分段关系历史学社会学文学方面研究的深入。

    The division of Ming and Qing concerns many respects such as history, sociology, literature.


  • 本文主要明末清初启蒙思想家黄宗羲法律思想进行了梳理论述

    This article mainly states and discusses the legal thoughts of Huang Zongxi, who was a enlightening thinker at the end of Ming Dynasty and at the beginning of Qing Dynasty.


  • 明末清初西学进一步传入中国引起中西方文化第一大碰撞

    During the period between the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty Western learning was further introduced to China, which led to the first collision between Chinese and Western cultures.


  • 元朝开端逐步信封释教,明末清初甚,简直家家人人念佛

    From the Yuan dynasty began gradually envelopes Buddhism, to the late Ming and early Qing dynasty is very, almost every family worship Buddha, and everyone chanted Buddhist scripts.


  • 明末清初以降,该书主要得益于传统学术转型,而日益受到学界的推崇

    Since late Ming dynasty and early Qing dynasty, LUOYANGQIELANJI was more and more hold in esteem due to the academic transformation.


  • 明末清初,张遂辰、张志聪、张锡驹等创立钱塘学派,张志聪为集大成者。

    At the turn of Ming-Qing dynasties, a Qiantang school was set up by Zhang …


  • 明末清初第一次西学东渐王宏翰第一接受西方医学思想中医医家。

    When the first Western Culture Propagation to the East from the end of Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty, Wang Honghan is the first Chinese doctor who accepted the western medicine knowledge.


  • 山西市镇的勃兴约明末清初形成盛衰的原因各异、类型特点不同

    Shanxi's towns flourished in late Ming dynasty and early Qing dynasty. The towns' shaping, rise and fall resulted from different reasons and these towns had different types and characteristics.


  • 徐灿明末清初著名词人,清人对其评价甚,认为可李清照并峙千古。

    Xu Can was well-known as a woman writer during the late Ming and early Qing period, who was spoken highly by people living in the Qing Dynasty and looked up to as li Qingzhao.


  • 才子佳人小说产生明末清初一个重要小说流派学界概念的界定尚未统一。

    The romantic novels about the talented scholars and the beautiful ladies is an important school of fiction, which occurs in the last period of Ming and the early period of Qing Dynasties.


  • 明末清初画家群体本文析出四个特点其一,提倡“自我尊重”,追求个性解放

    This paper concludes four characteristics for the artists in the later Ming and early Qing dynasties: first, advocating self-respect and seeking for the liberation of personality;


  • 口头传承产生久远,形成明末清初文本则反映了当时壮族社会文化变迁种种事象。

    The oral imparting has a very long history but the text formed in the end of Ming and the beginning of Qing Dynasties reflected the social cultural change of that time.


  • 明末清初人物画巨匠陈洪绶清末人物画巨擘任伯年,是中国人物画史上颗璀璨明星。

    Chen Hongshou and Ren Bonian, who respectively lived in late Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, are both the brilliant jewel in the history of Chinese figure painting.


  • 明末清初人物画巨匠陈洪绶清末人物画巨擘任伯年,是中国人物画史上颗璀璨明星。

    Chen Hongshou and Ren Bonian, who respectively lived in late Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, are both the brilliant jewel in the history of Chinese figure painting.


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